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Anger Worm's Wyrd - Resurrectionists: A New Beginning

Anger Worm

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Hey guys,

So I swore I would never ever play this game or so help me! Seemed gimmicky with its deck of cards (what is this, Doomtown?), and a range I found hit-and-miss. Besides, my queue was more than full. Between Fantasy, 40k, Warmachine, Dystopian- there was just no way. No. Damn. Way.

As time went on and I saw Wyrd's new releases I started to appreciate the style. Dystopian Wars never caught on at my club and when the groovy Nightmare Dead Justice's box came out I bit the bullet. Still, the box sat on the shelf so in an effort to self motivate I signed up for some Malifaux at Adepticon 2012 in April. There, now I'd have to paint a crew and learn to play or I'd be embarrassed. Shame is surely what drives this hobby!

So after the highs and lows of dedication and procrastination, I finally finished my initial crew this very week. I've also begun to learn to play and have been more than pleasantly surprised by the game; it is very much not a gimmick, but rather a deep and varied skirmish experience. And the models seem to be getting cooler.

First up is the madman himself. When I saw the Alternate Seamus sculpt I was well sold on him being my initial master. Army of Darkness pose with a belle at his side, about the only thing that I didn't like was his wimpy pistol. No, what Seamus needed was a proper boomstick.

When I was cleaning the model and thinking about possible color schemes I noticed his really defined maniacal smile. It reminded me of Jack Nicholson in the first Batman which I've loved (and who hasn't?) since I was a kid. This stuck with me and I decided on the Joker's classic clashy purple and turquoise-green, with accents of bright red and gold. NMM would keep things suitably cartoonish, which I think suits the range.


A clubmate set me up with a nice collection of sewer bases from Wyrd's insert range. Between these and some plasticard tubing I envisioned some subterranean alcove, or the back alleys of a pumping station where the desperate and lonely of Malifaux would be lured with the promise of corpse lovin' only to be disappointed, then eviscerated.

Seamus, The Mad Hatter



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Along with alternate Seamus I worked on several of the Dead Justice figs for my first batch. The large areas of exposed skin on Seamus, his belle and the Dead Doxy had me playing around with skin tones. I decided to minimalize the level of overt decay and go for a cold corpse feel by using some blue shading and highlighting to white. I wanted less rot and more sex appeal.

The Punk Zombie and Dead Doxy from the Nightmare box are two of my favorite resser sculpts, and why I bought the box in the first place.

Here they are:

Dead Doxy



Crooked Man



Punk Zombie



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Thanks! You're right about the breach-loader, I just couldn't find something suitable in my bits box. I used a bit of license with the pump-action as it was the coolest looking gun I had that fit.

Check back for the rest of the crew. I posted more, but apparently when you initially join the forum any posts with embedded images need mod approval. My last one hasn't gone through yet.

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My second purchase was Seamus' starter set. I painted these as a second batch, and rushed a bit towards the end to make my local gaming night for a first outing. They were pretty ace, and I'm looking forward to learning more tricks with these gals.

I kept with the initial color scheme for the belles. Thinking of Jack again I went with a Witches of Eastwick brunette, blond and redhead.





My favorite,




Then there's Sybelle. I honestly really dislike this model. She's oddly posed and I wasn't looking forward to painting her gross porcine face. I decided to go a bit more dominatrix with her and cut her head off, replacing it with a Sisters Repentia head. This gave her an appropriately dom/The Gimp look. I wanted to deviate from the default black, so I gave her chunky frame some pop with a bold red.



With that done I had my first viable crew!


My initial crew complete, now my aim is to add some more of my favorite models in the range one or two at a time. I'm going to try and keep some level of momentum going as the game is still quite fresh and fun, and I'm looking forward to my first tournament and learning just how deep this rabbit hole goes. Keep an eye out!

Edited by Anger Worm
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Thanks guys. I normally like a very muted palette and mostly paint blacks, browns and whites, but I think most of the Wyrd range lends itself to more vibrant colors. I find something very cartoony/comic book about them (as you said, Krax), so that's how I approached the minis.

As for the Sybelle conversion, I had to wrack my noggin for a way to make the model less repulsive. I'd go so far as to say I actually like it post head swap. I happened to be putting away a bag of repentia and it clicked.

I think next up will be one of my favorite models in the entire Resur range...

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Some splendid paint work to be sure. Great technical execution and an interesting palette to boot. I'll echo the Sybelle comments, one of the few Wyrd models I actually dislike, I was thinking of replacing her with Miss Pack, but you've given me some interesting ideas. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, and thanks for sharing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I finally have an update for you all. I just completed Bete Noire for my local's latest tournament. This will be my first Malifaux tournament experience so I'm glad I got her finished up in time for a groin slicing debut.

As she's one of my favorite models I wanted to give her that special touch, so like Seamus she's been patterned after the Joker for a sinister bride-like aesthetic. Nothing like bright red lipstick to emphasize that smile!

I also felt she deserved some special basing, so as I'm running out of my sewer inserts she got a custom Drawn to Death base using a GW zombie. Some green stuff provided the sewer tie-in with watery ripples.

(Click for larger images)




Hopefully I'll have some more for you soon!

Edited by Anger Worm
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Thanks for the comments! Much appreciated!

I'm a little surprised you didn't go with Classic Seamus, with his sharp suit.

The alternate Seamus is what inspired me to finally delve into Malifaux, so my hands were bound (by love). The Joker thing just came naturally -- it wasn't really specifically one incarnation or the other, just his colors and maniacal demeanor.

The gang did battle in their first Malifaux tournament this weekend past. It was a small crowd of 8, but definitely weighted with some experienced players. I went 1-2 and experienced a lot of new stuff on the table (particularly a spanking by Kirai who I had never played). My crew did manage best painted, dying stylishly.

I should have another update soon. There are a few more models I'd like to get done in time for Adepticon which is only weeks away.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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