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An open letter to wyrd

Sliver Chocobo

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As much as a fan of Malifaux as i am, there are issues with balance and wording with rules and a revision would be needed at some point. As such i would like to stat where i belive the rules could be improved and how.

More talent types

Defensive traits, this covers abilties like Harmless, Irresistible and terrifying shaould all be under defenisive traits not oly will it be clearer for any that are requared as you target that model, but will easier to make an abilty to work around them. EG, Ruthless, This model ingores Defensive traits

Action modifiers, fast, slow, melee expert aren't action and don't action and don't behave like actions and so should be placed with them

Hiring, any ability that effect what models can hired into your crew and what master/henchmen can hire this model, this is most for clearification

On the card side of things, a section of the card that stats how much AP it gets as standard (possible by the stat line or at the bottom of the card)

EG, a model with modifiers will have 02AP, fast 03:fastAP, melee expert 02AP+1:melee ranged master 02Ap+2:ranged, more that one (0) action 002AP and so on

More on cards, clearer health boxs, that look like boxes with the bottom one being a heart, also next to ten boxs with first one being a cystal of your factions colour, using an example of Lilith the cystal and the first three boxes would be purple the next for white and the last two grey. So it could work as a Soulstone meter, Lilith has chase of four(cystal and three purple boxs), maxium chase in scraps of 8 (cystal, three purple boxs and the four white boxes) and two extra grey boxes for brawls

Complete rewrite on Companion rules and various other parts

First of all there are there status types for models, Active, unactive and deactive. an inactive model is a model that has yet to activate yet or is a model that has activated and has gain reactivated. Deactive that has actived and can not activate again, unless it's given reactivate. Active, a model that is activating or in the current round of activation.

Companion (example) After this model joins the current round of activation you have any friendly model unactive model within 6'' of this model or any active model to join the current round of activation.

and for an example

(0)Brood Mother: target nephilim within 6'' of this model joins this current round of activation

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Based on the title I was expecting this to be an anti-Dreamer/Hamelin rant, but I was wrong.

None of these things are issues for me or anyone I play with. I really don't understand your qualms with AP modifiers such as Instinctual, Melee Expert, Ranged Expert, Fast, Nimble, etc. They seem to be very straight forward and have never been an issue for me.

The design of the card is a matter of aesthetic preference and I'll admit that while it would be nice to have soulstone counters on the card, the cards are plenty cluttered as is. Adding all the things you want added would either make the cards near unreadable or would require even larger cards.

Most of your complaints seem to be simply matters of preference, and hardly the sort of egregious errors that call for a grandstanding "Open Letter".

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I must say, that i agree with msgfree on this one, some better written rules or re writes in some areas are needed, but that is all coming along in time.

Though, i find your re write on companion more confusing than companion as a personal preference

---------- Post added at 03:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 AM ----------

My meaning there was to say that i think adding more rules, even to clump certain types of rules together is un necessary, and i agree that adding more to the cards is not a good idea :)

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The reasoning for Action Modifiers placement is explained in Rules Manual - they are abilities, they are placed in Actions section so that they don't get easily omitted by inexperienced players. Not sure if the approach works or not, but you can always send the new players to the Rules Manual, if they cause you trouble with this one.

As to the other suggestions, I find them not only unnecessary, but also more complicated than the current rules. It is an issue, because the rules are already tad too complex. I understand your goal is to actually streamline the rules. Let me just say you don't do that by creating more rules, types and even more arbitrary notations. They may seem clear to you, the inventor, but every other player will have to learn them on the top of all the other rules.

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For the action modifiers, it needs to be clear what actions can be copied and what can't. Under the current set up, I belive I can use the student of conflict to give pandora reactivate, then have the doubleganger copy both unhealthy relationship and reactivate, then by proxy you entire crew has reactivate. There is also action modifiers such Levitcus's one which allows him take 1Wd to make a walk action, many new players have found confusing, is it an action can I do it more than once?

---------- Post added at 01:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

The Compain rule not was final fit for purpose, just an example, it was better than just saying this rule is broken fix please

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My only problem with the game is that the models are slowly, but surely, loosing their victorian styling, and the female model are going the standard gaming route of showing as much flesh as possible.

So what you mean to say is that you never actually liked the look of Malifaux models? :-P

Looking back at book 1, barely any models were VSF in appearance, and you don't get much more fleshy than Lilith, Lady J, Perdita, and (queen of them all) the battle thong wearing sword Vik (all book 1). If anything they've actually toned down the fan service. Look at the new Perdita alt sculpt, the female Latigo, and the Witchling Handler. All three are feminine, strong, and wearing reasonable clothing. I do try to ignore Nekima, she was a step backward, and horrible cliche of a model. Avatar Zoraida is a bit scandalous, but so was regular Zoraida.


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Actually, they made the new sword Vik put on a pair of pants. My only complaint about the model, really.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Why in the world is a battle-seasoned warrior showing more skin than the actual hookers and showgirls?

That said, as long as Malifaux keeps its Victoriosteamhorrowestpunk thing going, I'm quite happy with the minis themselves. And they seem to be doing an excellent job of this. Steampunky, but not too steampunky; wild west, but not way too wild west; gothic, but not too gothic; creepy, but not too cree- what am I kidding, there's no such thing as too creepy.

As far as the rules go, I think there only really needs to be some minor tweaks to the balance of a few masters here and there and we're good.

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I don't agree/disagree with anything in particular, but I find this thread a little weird and unnecessary in light of the recent "ANNOUNCEMENT: Clarifications/FAQ Page Coming - Seeking Your Input" thread.

Other than the card format suggestions, why not just post there?

Sorry, but none of what you are talking about is even close to the top of the list of things that need to change in malifaux.

To put it shortly and politely Sliver I wasn't sure where you were going with this one. Sure the game needs some areas polishing.....can you name me a wargame that doesnt. And as for complicated, Malifaux is fine once you get to grips with it.

Some fairly big rebalancing issues remain with the game, but that aside I think the games doing fine. I also didnt really understand the format of this post- why an open letter to wyrd.....? Your ideas are...interesting....but I wouldnt say the fix all of the problems.

Calmdown has it right

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New Viks look a bit too much like galmour model poses, or Jedwood (don't google if you don't know). The original sculpts were way more threatening. Equally, Alternative Som'er has a NOSE! How the hell is he supposed to survive in the Bayou as the only Gremlin who can SMELL?

EDIT: Also the FAQ/Clarifications thread really is better used for clarifying things rather than things you want changed, but eh.

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I really struggled with this thread.

Broadly speaking tidying up is a good thing and some of your suggestions are ways the game could easily go. What and how you tidy up though is as much preference as anything else, and often creates problems as well as solving them.

I don't believe the game is that hard to grasp now. Everything runs from a handful of mechanics (AP and Duels), once you've got those down it's almost entirely 'do what it says on the card'.

Fundamentally I don't understand the 'open letter to Wyrd' title. Nothing in here is grave enough to warrant such a heading, which undermines the points you are trying to make.

While I far from expect perfect SPAG, and wouldn't normally pick someone up on it, your first post is fairly dire and does a poor job of communicating your ideas and objectives to the reader.

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