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Moderator approval for posting?

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So, I finally joined the forum a couple of days ago to comment on a thread about Rasputina. I submitted a comment, and lo and behold, it said I needed Moderator approval for my post. It didn't show up until next morning, by which time the conversation was already over.

I shrugged at this, figured it was a one time thing to make sure I wasn't a spambot or something, then submitted a thread about my possibly having a mirror match with The Dreamer in a local Malifaux tourney, asking for advice. No problems there. Then a couple of hours later, I tried to reply to it. It tells me I need mod approval again. Meanwhile, people are replying, and my response to earlier posts hasn't even shown up yet.

When it finally did show up, eight hours later, I tried to edit it because I caught a grammar mistake, then I tried to edit it again, because I forgot that by default this forum is set to turn video links into videos in the post, and I didn't want to do that. So then it refused to edit the post, and when I tried to refresh the page, it had disappeared. Again.

So, what's going on here? Is this some sort of probationary period you guys put all the newbies through, or is it something with my computer? I'd ask if it was standard forum policy to screen all posts (which seems like a lot of work), but other people were able to make multiple replies before my one reply went through. I didn't see anything when I signed up about a probation period for new members, although maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.

I'd really like to figure out what's going on here, as it is incredibly hard to have a meaningful conversation when my replies take eight hours to show up and the conversation has already died out before my posts even show up. I swear I'm not a spambot, and I generally keep my language PG-13ish at worst. Any help or explanation would be much appreciated.

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Basically if you are a new member and your first couple posts contain several hyper links, it goes into moderation. After you get to x number of posts you are no longer scrutinized by the software.

Alright, that makes sense. I'll try making a few posts in topics I have something to say about to make sure that's all it is, as opposed to some sort of issue on my end. Thanks.

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Good to know! My first couple of replies on the Iron Painter sign-up thread posted immediately (thank goodness!) but when I tried to post an introduction in the Introduction area I got the moderator approval message. It does have one hyper link in it so that might be the issue?

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Good to know! My first couple of replies on the Iron Painter sign-up thread posted immediately (thank goodness!) but when I tried to post an introduction in the Introduction area I got the moderator approval message. It does have one hyper link in it so that might be the issue?

Yeah, I tried making a few posts with no hyperlinks and they turned out fine.

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I had a similar problem with my introductory post and trying to contribute to the miniature showcase section. Pretty off-putting for one's initial foray on the forum. Attempting to join a community and having your communication stymied until X attempts feels a bit unfriendly.

Anywho, glad I found an explanation! Thanks for that. Look forward to rising above my spambot status. ;)

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I've been a member here for years and I'm getting approval lags on my posts. for everything outside the IP subforum.

Wyrd web goblins, can you please put me in the safe category if there is one? If there isn't can you make one and put me in it. Rather discouraging after all these years.


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How long should we wait to see if our thread gets posted? Or will we be notified that we should repost?

I'd also be interested to know how long moderation usually takes and whether a poster gets told if a post's been rejected (I'm guessing not, as that would involve corresponding with spammers - generally not a good idea!)

[Edit] Hmm. That appeared immediately. Does that mean my real first post got rejected?

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I'd also be interested to know how long moderation usually takes and whether a poster gets told if a post's been rejected (I'm guessing not, as that would involve corresponding with spammers - generally not a good idea!)

[Edit] Hmm. That appeared immediately. Does that mean my real first post got rejected?

It's normally very fast, but somehow I missed your post.

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