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Consolidated Undead Psychosis/Similar Question



Really struggling to find every ruling on how this works definitively so hoping we can get them all in one place.

With multi-target spells like Undead Psychosis, are all of the additional models considered targets (and as such, i2i models are still immune to it)?

At what point during the casting of the spell are the secondary targets chosen?

Does each one make a separate resist duel?

Does the result of the primary resit duel have any effect on the subsequent resist duels, or are they all separate and simultaneous?

Do all of the targets have to be in line of sight?


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Only real information regarding this that I've found is this:

When a spell could affect multiple models, all potentially affected models perform Resist Duels in an order of their controller's choosing. When more than one controller has models affected, use the turn's activation order (p.31) to determine which controller performs his or her models Duels first.


With multi-target spells like Undead Psychosis, are all of the additional models considered targets (and as such, i2i models are still immune to it)?

Not sure if they're Targets, but they'd all be defenders at least, so yeah, I2I should still work.

At what point during the casting of the spell are the secondary targets chosen?

After the casting duel total, I'd reckon. You can't choose them earlier anyways, since you don't know the exact amount of Crows or whatnot.

Does each one make a separate resist duel?

All potentially affected models perform Resist Duels in an order of their controller's choosing.

Does the result of the primary resit duel have any effect on the subsequent resist duels, or are they all separate and simultaneous?


Do all of the targets have to be in line of sight?

Not sure!

Edited by Soundwave
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There's some weird interactions with that, though. Say you cast Undead Psychosis at a Guild crew, and one of the extra 'targets' you pick is within 3" of Sonnia (but the main one isn't)... in theory she could use Advanced Counterspell to cancel a spell on the target, but that has to be done before the starting casting total is generated (which is impossible, since the 'target' isn't a target at that point). It's not too hard to resolve that (she just can't do it, boo hoo) but I'm sure there are other weird issues with making the additional defenders 'targets'.

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I am REALLY interested in hearing how this turns out. As far as I can tell, this was originally interpreted by most players one way and then changed...but as pointed out by Calmdown, it's tough to follow. I think there are a lot of issues to resolve regarding interactions if all the 'targets' are making resists (see post above regarding Sonnia).

The straight forward way to deal with it is just cast at one target and the "additional targets" don't get resists and are just part of the effects resolution of the spell (similar as to how blasts can happen and models don't get separate Df flips for being under blasts).

So I'm real curious how this will be resolved.

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The straight forward way to deal with it is just cast at one target and the "additional targets" don't get resists and are just part of the effects resolution of the spell (similar as to how blasts can happen and models don't get separate Df flips for being under blasts).

Soundwave quoted a rule straight from the rulebook that already answers this part of it. And I do know that I2I is in effect.....it has been ruled before, but I could see the value of having it in the FAQ.

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I think Soundwave hit it all (except his last one, obviously).

I don't see any reason why the models that take the secondary effect should be considered targets. They don't say target, and there is a very clear distinction in a lot of abilities between picking targets and just picking models. If it's not a target, it doesn't require LOS.

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I think you only need LOS to the first model. Any additional models still get a Resist Flip, but you don't need LOS to them. Any additional models chosen should be chosen at the end of the casting flip, once you know the final total number of :crows. Everybody should still make a Resist flip, even if the first model succeeds.

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