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Guild Flakes

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Hi! So I just started playing malifaux a couple days ago (have played several 40k armies, fantasy and warmachine), I bought the rulebook, twisted fates (for fluff) and got the Lucius starter box. In my area there are a few dedicated players, but the person I'll be playing against the most will be my girlfriend who decided to take the dreamer box, and is going to be getting a teddy and some daydreams (apparently they're very cute).

I've looked at a couple other threads but they seem to focus more on having a solid crew that can take on several different enemies, while I know I'll be playing 75+ percent of my games with the same player.

What I'd like to know is what you guys would recommend to deal with these models specifically. I'm really liking the look of the guild guard but they don't look to be heavy hitters. Is there any obvious solution that will bring me to a similar point count and pack a good punch?

Thanks a bunch! So far the fluff has been great and the models are fantastic!!

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It really depends on how your GF will be playing the Dreamer honestly. If she is of a competitive type, or will use every trick at her disposal, you are going to have a very rough time using Lucius as your master against the Dreamer.

The Dreamer can be argued, and it has been argued, is one of, if not the, best Master in the game. One of his tricks is that he can use one activation chain to get Chompy into your deployment zone, kill a model, drop off his whole crew, and then have the dreamer reappear back in his own deployment zone on the first turn. Conversely, the dreamer can preload his entire crew with Terrifying, and then position on the first turn, and then do the strike, drop, and retreat thing, but now all your living models will be taking multiple Terrifying checks and possibly running for the board edges. It can be very frustrating to deal with. So if you think you might have that kind of a situation on your hand you're going to have an uphill battle, and will need to max out your list.

Now the Dreamer doesn't have to be played that way, and most likely you won't have to face it if it is only going to be you and your GF for the majority of your games, as if a tactic gets abusive you can just ask her not to do it anymore, but you do need to be aware that this is possible.

So my initial purchases after the Lucius boxed set first would definitely be an exorcist or two, for his ability to wreck non-living models, which nightmares are. Next I'd go for some Guild Austringers, as they are guardsmen that Lucius can buff up, and can ignore LoS and Cover, thus giving you some flexibility in offsetting the Dreamer's movement shenanigans a little bit. And next I'd go for Lady Justice, either alone, or in her boxed set, as she works very well with Lucius, and can be a little daunting to attack if she pulls out a mask on the Defense and is able to use her Riposte Trigger. You might want to add an executioner to the list at some point, as his slow to die and Love the Job abilities can occasionally make him hard to shift from the board if you engage him in Melee.

Other than that, welcome to the game, and always remember when you get frustrated that there is no problem that you will encounter that can't be solved by adding more undead hookers.

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Against the dreamer, you will more often than not get killed. Simple :)

But low point models is better, Austringers are good with Lucius, as they can shoot the dreamer from where ever he is hiding from you, assuming he is alone:) Only used Lucius once though, so not to sure what else is good with him, and he wasnt my master then so not to sure what else fits into his restrictions outside of his box and Austringers. And Daydreams may be cute, but they are great fun to use/i presume a pain to play against as everyone says kill them fast:P

And as i got distracted, the reason i said low points cost minions are better is that you can spread them out and it is harder for the minions to kill multiple models in one go, and you are less bothered as your minions die. Though again i dont know how Lucius plays or what he is able to take so beyond what ive said i cant help much sorry:(

Edit: As the post before mine arrived, i will add something to go alone with that also. Cheap models, Death Marshals are Awesome, take at least 2 hits from any dreamer model to kill in an action. Exorcist is great vs dreamer, but can not be taken in a Lucius only list, so you would need Lady J for that or another guild master:) Lady J i mention again because death Marshals are good due to their hard to wound ability:)

That should do for now, for real this time i hope? :P

Edited by Ozz
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I would suggest that you use Guild Guard, Guard Captains (you can have 2), and Asutringers. Lucius is really about enhancing Guild Guard (the model type) within range and then ordering them to make Strikes with their increased stats. The Guild Guard have a positive twist on their damage, which can be quite useful.

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I live in Laval, Qc but do most of my gaming in the Montreal area :D

So as I'm getting a better grasp of the rules, I'll be getting the Lady J. box as well as some guardsmen. The austringers seem to be very well loved and I didn't even know about the exorcist model in the first place!

Thanks for all the replies but more advice is always welcome! :)

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