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How many people are taking Collodi to Masters?


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I think VPs awarded should be inversely proportional to the number of players taking the Master in question.

Intriguing idea... Good for encouraging lower tier and less played masters.

It couldn't be too harsh though, maybe something like -10% penalty (for a small tournament like this - smaller penalties for bigger tournaments) for each player past the second.


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Intriguing idea... Good for encouraging lower tier and less played masters.

It couldn't be too harsh though, maybe something like -10% penalty (for a small tournament like this - smaller penalties for bigger tournaments) for each player past the second.


As a Marcus player I fully support this idea ;)

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I hadn't realized collodi had become popular recently. I was quite surprised when MP said he was expecting several collodi lists at masters. Dreamer and Hamelin seemed to be the most talked/griped about masters in my (limited) experience. Is it the release of the effigies? I wouldn't think so as they really don;t seem to synergize that well with collodi as far as I can see.

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