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Unlikely or Odd Kills/Deaths


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I loved this thread and finally remebered a good one to necro with.

Executioner vs McMourning

McMourning is down to 3ss he has to kill my executioner for the win (slaughter), he is at full health and so is my executioner.

He dives in with scapel sling has to burn stone to hit. Does severe. Second attack he gets it cheatable so he can throw down another severe there by killing the executioner.

Slow to die, executioner decides to swing at McMourning nothing else close by. He flips a 13 of mask and 13 of books, McMourning flips a 3 putting me at an even flip for damage. he decides not to burn stone on defense since i couldn't kill him, and he would need a 12 to make me miss, plus he has two stones to prevent autokill. Now i have half a deck left no joker left so i say to my opponent "i need to cheat a ram in and hope i flip a red joker then severe to win. Odds not likely." Well only ram i have in hand is a 2 which puts me at even. Low and behold with four cards to flip for damage out comes joker. My opponent just stares at me on the verge of rage and tears, his one game he was actually going to beat me, slipping through his fingers. Well the extra damage flip the 11 :rams:. Now he has 1 ss left, he realizes and gives a hefty laugh and says he prevent some to live, flips top card and stops laughing, BLACK JOKER. McMourning dead executioner back to full health game me.

Probably my most soul crushing win.

Yes I do cheat down for joker flips in desperate situations. I see nothing wrong with that mechanic, odds were never in my favor.

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The Executioner seems to be the subject of a lot of these!

My strangest kill (or death, since the model that died was mine) was in a game with Sonnia vs. Lilith.

The Executioner had been an unholy terror for the previous two turns, taking on two terror tots and a young nephilim (not at once though). He was at one Wd at that point, and the Young Nephilim chose to hit the Witchling Stalker that was in the mêlée as well. Well, the Stalker explodes, killing the Executioner who uses Slow to Die to kill the now severely wounded Young Nephilim, and then heals up with Love the Job.

I guess the Lilith player took offense to that somehow, because he then transpositioned the Executioner on top of a 7" tall building, without any stairs/chutes/ladders to get him down. But that wasn't enough, so a Mature Nephilim flew up to him (or the floor below, but enough to be able to reach him) and used Wing Buffet to push the hapless Executioner off the edge of the building. Two severe damage flips later, and my previously impervious Executioner was just a red spot on the ground *grin*

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Few nights back I was playing McMourning against Lady J/Lucius. Canine Remains dragged the Grave Spirit up into range of Lucius, the Spirit Dissected him - Red Joker, 15 points of damage.

McMourning was damn proud of the little guy. Unfortunately, those Chunks of Lucius were needed, so McMourning proceeded to carve the Grave Spirit up so he could claim them. That's gratitude among the insane, I suppose.

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Nicodem Vs Dreamer, and the Dreamer walks up first turn to a position where he thinks he's safe. :D

I run a dog up, and pop Killjoy, which I was trying for the first time. He has to double walk, but uses a melee expert action to... almost kill the Dreamer. I knew that LCB was going to wreck him, but I had 3 high rams for the Onslaught trigger, so if I played my cards right...

Loh and behold, one of the Daydreams popped LCB out, and proceeded to tear KJ down, despite the Hard to Wound 2... and killed him. BUT, his slow to die action of course was to attack back.

He did, and got the Onslaught trigger without a cheat, and a hit. Second attack, also the Onslaught trigger (Chompy down to 2 Health). For the last attack, I dropped the RJ, I wanted to take no chances here. I hit at a -1 flip. I needed weak damage to kill and heal to full due to KJ's (0) action.

I wouldn't be typing this story if I didn't flip the black joker for damage of course. Whelp, so much for 11 SS's. I was able to down Chompy the following turn though, so it allowed me to gain some ground.

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I played Ophelia vs McMourning.

I had Rami up on a roof with a clear shot at a Punk Zombie about 16" away. I barely win the duel but get to activate the dumb luck trigger, so I do. So with the low combat total difference and the PZ's hard to wound I have three minus flips. Naturally I flip the Red Joker, and a Severe on the second flip. So that's 12 Dg on the Zombie and 6 Dg on Rami. Both die...

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Nicodem Vs Dreamer, and the Dreamer walks up first turn to a position where he thinks he's safe. :D

I run a dog up, and pop Killjoy, which I was trying for the first time. He has to double walk, but uses a melee expert action to... almost kill the Dreamer. I knew that LCB was going to wreck him, but I had 3 high rams for the Onslaught trigger, so if I played my cards right...

Loh and behold, one of the Daydreams popped LCB out, and proceeded to tear KJ down, despite the Hard to Wound 2... and killed him. BUT, his slow to die action was of course to attack back........I needed weak damage to kill and heal to full due to KJ's (0) action.

Wouldn't have save Killjoy, as you can't use a (0) action after a slow to die action....

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I loved this thread and finally remebered a good one to necro with.

Executioner vs McMourning

McMourning is down to 3ss he has to kill my executioner for the win (slaughter), he is at full health and so is my executioner.

He dives in with scapel sling has to burn stone to hit. Does severe. Second attack he gets it cheatable so he can throw down another severe there by killing the executioner.

Slow to die, executioner decides to swing at McMourning nothing else close by. He flips a 13 of mask and 13 of books, McMourning flips a 3 putting me at an even flip for damage. he decides not to burn stone on defense since i couldn't kill him, and he would need a 12 to make me miss, plus he has two stones to prevent autokill. Now i have half a deck left no joker left so i say to my opponent "i need to cheat a ram in and hope i flip a red joker then severe to win. Odds not likely." Well only ram i have in hand is a 2 which puts me at even. Low and behold with four cards to flip for damage out comes joker. My opponent just stares at me on the verge of rage and tears, his one game he was actually going to beat me, slipping through his fingers. Well the extra damage flip the 11 :rams:. Now he has 1 ss left, he realizes and gives a hefty laugh and says he prevent some to live, flips top card and stops laughing, BLACK JOKER. McMourning dead executioner back to full health game me.

Probably my most soul crushing win.

Yes I do cheat down for joker flips in desperate situations. I see nothing wrong with that mechanic, odds were never in my favor.


That is absolutely brutal!

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You can it is a special zero killjoy has, check it again.

I thought so too, and haven't heard anything to the contrary, except rancor's post. Obviously, this was a non-optimal move, but it was my first time using the model, and I thought it would be fun to try out. By the card flips, it ended up being incredibly not fun... :D

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