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Through the breach - A tale of three gamers


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I'll try and post a close-up later today.

Can write the process step by step.

1) paint the eyeball with almost white color. I used Dheneb stone from GW.

2) Apply a rich amount of watered down dark red (I used Baal red)

3) Paint the eyeball once again with the color from step 1.

4) Add some white to the mix and highlight.

5) Take dark version of color of the iris (I used Dark angel green), and paint a cirle where you want the iris to be.

6) add some white to the color and make thin lines across the iris. Add more white and add to the lines.

7) pure black for the pupil. put two small dots of pure white. One on the edge of the pupil and one on the edge of the iris.

8) The blood is a color called Tamya clear red, mixed with a little bit of black. Apply to your hearts content :P

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Wow, it's really been a while now. Haven't really had time or the inspiration to paint until just recently. Have to disappoint though, since my next model is not the Insidious madness :/ I figured that there are too few players here where I live, so time to start demoing the game. I have started painting my first demo crew: Lilith's brood. And I got my inspiration from Rathnards Neverdita.

Unfortunately, you will have to wait till later today until I can post the pictures though.

But I hope it will be worth the wait :)

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It's alive It's alive, not human but it's alive :1_Happy_Puppet1:

Heh. More or less.

So here's the picture of my first master (that I bought almost two years ago). Finally painted (although not fully). Noticed that I forgot to paint the straps on the back of the coat. I would like to thank Rathnard for inspiring me with the superbly painted Neverdita. Thanks mate.


And I also noticed something strange. After applying varnish, parts of the model looks like there's a layer of dust on it :Sad_Puppet1: Have anyone of you encountered this? and any ideas on how to fix it? I can just paint over it, but if there's an easier way I wouldn't mind.

C & C is welcome as usual.

Edited by Balefirestorm
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The "dusty" effect that you describe is a problem that some sealers/varnishes can generate (often called "frosting"). One common solution to to apply another coat of the varnish. You might also want to browse some of the dedicated painting forums for other remedies.

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

Here are some links:



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Thanks a lot.

I guess there's a fever of pink haired models spreading through the Malifaux community :P

The effects were created using a color called Tamya clear read, a drop of black color and some glue to create the nice and gooey texture. When it starts drying, add some pure tamya clear red for the extra red tint.

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Heh. More or less.

So here's the picture of my first master (that I bought almost two years ago). Finally painted (although not fully). Noticed that I forgot to paint the straps on the back of the coat. I would like to thank Rathnard for inspiring me with the superbly painted Neverdita. Thanks mate.


And I also noticed something strange. After applying varnish, parts of the model looks like there's a layer of dust on it :Sad_Puppet1: Have anyone of you encountered this? and any ideas on how to fix it? I can just paint over it, but if there's an easier way I wouldn't mind.

C & C is welcome as usual.

nice work, I like the coat!

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And I'm finally back with some more painting done :D This time I'm continuing on Lilith's Brood with some truly dastardly Terror Tots. Hope you all like them:




Next up is the Mature Nephilim, and then finally I have my first demo crew done. One step closer to spreading the glory of Malifaux :1_Happy_Puppet2:

C & C is welcome as usual

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