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Malifaux Fanzine?

Absolution Black

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Hey DV help me out with the cover soon.

@Diehard...hopefully you see this soon. Give it a shot at a drawing to see what kind of "Through the Breach" you can come up with dude. If we like it we will use it

@Mako I would like to see one model from start to finish but that is just me. I dont know about much about writing articles though.

Krymsonsythe is right. Let's get crackin after the holidays. I am still going to make a list of who has said they are willing to contribute and assign jobs. I want to try and organize what we have got so far in this thread.

Also i started a forum on my own website so we can have a little more privacy once things get rolling

and if there is any job someone wants to put their name in for go ahead and do so

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@Diehard...hopefully you see this soon. Give it a shot at a drawing to see what kind of "Through the Breach" you can come up with dude. If we like it we will use it

Fair enough. I'm going to want to know what the final size is intended to be, key factor in determining the level of detail is correct (you know what I mean.) I see that Rules Manual size was brought up, but I don't remember seeing any confirmation.

The locomotive is an iconic image but I'm not really into copying stuff. Maybe if I can put a different spin on it. Dunno, have to think on it a little. (Hopefully while I dedicate the next three days off to finishing Dead Justice.)

Edit: Just noticed this was post 333. A good omen.

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5.5 x8.5 is the rules manual size and yes we are going to use that size for sure.

Do whatever you want really someone walking through it maybe. People on the train feeling the energy of the breach as they go through it. Maybe a guild member finding a breach?

remember the theme for the first issue is about the guild

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So far main contributers are

Myself as Lead Designer

Shadowkatt as Design Editor

Krymsonsythe as Lead Editor

Lalochezia as Editor/writer

Tarragon as a Writer

Mako as a model artist

Diehard as an artist

Absolutionblack as a writer

osoi as a writer (need confirmation)

nix as a writer (need confirmation)

If it says need confirmation just means I havent heard from you in awhile.

If I am missing anyone please add your name to the list.

This is a list of people who are working on the fanzine and have had many replies and have been involved in the thread...if any changes are need please let me know

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Hmmm, no guild in my painting pile as yet, though I have a Guardian lying about I haven't opened. Somewhere in a cupboard!

If people want to see a single model each time rather than the technique focus, then I could try and fish him out and paint him up if I can find him...

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its really up to you how you want to do it. Remember the pages are pretty small (rules manual size) so I think one finished model would be awesome. BUT if you want your own painting article each issue we can do that 2. Its really up to you and how long it takes to paint and all.

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Either way works for me, it comes down to doing parts of several pieces or all of one. Though if we have an 'ask' section, that should cover anything that people want to see specifically. Which means I can take single pieces and play with various things on them, see how they work, and just give a general idea of how to do it.

Can always change how I do it as we go along if we want something slightly different!

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5.5 x8.5 is the rules manual size and yes we are going to use that size for sure.

Do whatever you want really someone walking through it maybe. People on the train feeling the energy of the breach as they go through it. Maybe a guild member finding a breach?

remember the theme for the first issue is about the guild

Yo man, the rules manual is 5.5x7.5 - not 8.5 Not sure if it really mattered that much, but since we're getting some custom artwork from people, we might want to finalized this for sure. If we're doing 5.5x8.5, that's fine. But you keep referencing the rules manual, so I just wanted to make sure you had the correct measurements.

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I know this is early days for the fanzine idea (and I know first hand just how much work they can be), but I had an idea for an article that I thought worth sharing (though I won't be offended if you reject it).

The Puppet Wars Pattern Book has a series of training scenarios for that game and, as a newbie to Malifaux myself, I thought that a similar series of Malifaux scenarios could be a great way to introduce new players to the game - and would be an ideal article for an introductory issue of a fanzine. We published a similar article in the first issue of Dark Magenta for new Inquisitor players where two new acolytes are put through their paces. Maybe for Malifaux it could be done as a Guild training program with generic guard models that new players could easily proxy.

Just a thought...

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Bump and update. Kaled brings up a very good point. Malifaux is on the rise unlike alot of other wargames out there and we need to cater to the new people. Have some strategy things like he was talking about.

Also since it is finally after the holidays i'm getting ready to get this underway.

First I have my own website (dropkick.co) with its own forum on it so we can use that as our own private forum for magazine talk to keep away from public eyes until release.

Second my website is no way near complete and is going to take some time...Right now this is my priority so I can start career hunting.

Third we need more writers and articles. badly. very badly. Looking at my list we have posted and with people doing multiple articles we still only have enough articles for like a quarter of the magazine.

Yes there are huge feature articles that will take many pages but look at other magazines. They have many small-somewhat related articles on one page. so just putting it out there we need more writers.

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Maybe we need to start out smaller than planned, see how much we can fill for now and then as it gets rolling people will hopefully jump on board, or start sending in short tournament writeups and such (an international malifaux events page or two in the future perhaps). I know there's a limit to how short it can be to make it work, but we might need to get near it at least for an issue or two while we get things worked out!

Also, I found my guardian model (not strictly true, while I was looking for something else he fell off a shelf and hit me on the head. The corner of a clam pack to the forehead hurts!) so he's been cleaned up and primed. My first article will be on him, lots of metals and some bits of weathering too perhaps.

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I know of a couple people in my local meta that I'm sure I can coerce into contributing. One is an incredible artist so maybe along those lines (even a recurring how to article).

Another may be right for tactics etc...

I'll be doing an editorial and an article "Malifaux-lent Meanderings" each issue as well.

If you get a chance surf over to The Ogre Kingdoms site and give the bellower issue 2 or 3 a quick look see. Its small but very popular...

We'll talk more on your forums.... getting cramps typing on the phone...

Eric J

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