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Malifaux Fanzine?

Absolution Black

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Just wondered if anyone knows of any Malifaux fanzines around..or if anyone plans on doing one?

I love the fanzines for other things..and have collected several over the years, so as I am getting heavily into Malifaux i wondered if there was such a thing out there?

And if anyone was planning on starting one...and wants some fan fiction contributions..I'm more than happy to contribute!

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I've been contemplating starting one but I don't wanna step on Wyrd's toes with regards to what they do with the chronicles.

I seriously doubt they would care.

And if you ask, you can find out for sure.

I'm just starting to play around with Adobe Acrobat, myself. (that's what I would use, right? Right? $$$$$$$$...)

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There is something to be said of the written medium still though. Consider we are using one right now. :)

if i had more podcasts of just roundtable malifaux discussion I probably wouldnt be much of a forumite. Same thing happened with me on the Privateer forums. I was a prolific poster, and then when i started to find podcasts I liked, I went on less and less. Its nice to be able to be able to go out and do your day to day stuff and bring a bit of the hobbyshop chit chat with you.

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That's just a matter of personal opinion.

I usually skip round table discussions in podcasts. I generally listen to them for interviews. With the exception of the aethervox, I like their fluff as well.

But articles I'll read. I like that the author had time to think about what s/he wanted to say, and that they have a specific purpose.

Edited by Justin
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This was sort of the lines i was thinking.....strategies, battle reports, painting tips, modelling ideas, fan fic, fan art etc...

Basically elements from this forum but in a compact form.

And full of fun stuff too....

Kinda hoping someone will come along and go..I'll try it!

I would but with a newborn to contend with (and exams) my time is extremely limited.

But as i said, if anyone wants to give it a go..I'm more than happy to have my fan fic in it....(see sig) and write some more!

Plus as has been mentioned, there doesn't have to be any printing costs, posting etc as hopefully it can be done by a skilled individual in Pdf form and then simply emailed or posted!

Hopefully it wouldn't be stepping on Wyrds toes regarding the chronicles as the fiction in that is canon...and everything in the fanzine would simply be unofficial.

Edited by Absolution Black
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I was involved with a 40k fanzine for a year or so - Firebase, over on Warseer. It was a very well-produced fanzine, and it was an enormous amount of work. A real labour of love by the editors.

Blogs and podcasts have largely replaced fanzines these days. Blogs take effort to set up, but after that the maintenance time involved in adding content is not so high. Usually it just consists of taking pictures of what you have modeled/ painted/ played and commenting on them ;) Sometimes a bit more than that. I have never been involved in a podcast, but the time investment looks pretty high, possibly comparable to a fanzine itself.

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This was sort of the lines i was thinking.....strategies, battle reports, painting tips, modelling ideas, fan fic, fan art etc...

Basically elements from this forum but in a compact form.

And full of fun stuff too....

Kinda hoping someone will come along and go..I'll try it!

I would but with a newborn to contend with (and exams) my time is extremely limited.

But as i said, if anyone wants to give it a go..I'm more than happy to have my fan fic in it....(see sig) and write some more!

Plus as has been mentioned, there doesn't have to be any printing costs, posting etc as hopefully it can be done by a skilled individual in Pdf form and then simply emailed or posted!

Hopefully it wouldn't be stepping on Wyrds toes regarding the chronicles as the fiction in that is canon...and everything in the fanzine would simply be unofficial.

Maybe also include a pullout poster in the middle of your fave Gremlin pinup! :D

I know Abs already has a poster of me on his wall, I meant for everyone else! :D

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This sounds like a wonderful Idea! I am a graphic designer by trade and this is something I could do! I have all the programs a designer needs for photo editing (photshop) text layout (illustrator) and page layouts (Indesign) and am skilled in all of them! This is right up my alley for a fun project. But first some info.

Any form of magazine is a BIG project that takes multiple writers, artists, and designers. Something small wouldn't be too bad but you need content. I'm not a writer, im a designer. This would take a lot of input from lots of fans!

@Lalochezia yes it is much more difficult to set up a printed document. A wiki can at least have some sort of template. From scratch is much more time consuming.

Some things to think about here first... official malifaux artwork could not be used unless we got specific rights from wyrd. (could be difficult even though it would be free) Everything else would have to be fan drawn. Still need lots of artwork.

Articles would be a bit easier to come by as this forum is full of tactica, battle reports, ect. We would need permission from the poster for the usage of that post. This could also be difficult if someone is not an active member...or if a mod could give us permission? Idk what the rules are for this.

Lastly I would be willing to have some fun with this but I NEED HELP! for realz yo I need input I need writing I need artwork all the stuff it would take to make it! I would love to work on this!

Private message me about this to get the ball rolling. We could use this thread for content maybe? but then again surprises are much more fun for everyone.

Oh and if I were to do this I WILL NOT USE the malifaux fonts. They are the most terrible thing on the planet and make designers cringe... sloppy, hard to read, "grunge"...enough said. I like clean fonts and design.

First lets try to get a team. Then lets try to get in better contact other than a forum like skype for some video chat or something to that effect.

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Hey lamNoob,

I also have a degree in Graphic Design and do freelance work as design jobs are hard to come by in the rural sticks, but am more of an illustrator really. Have had drawings and articles published so I have somewhat of an idea of what you're talking about. I've no website right now but I'll load some stuff up later.

As I'm on a major Malifaux vibe right now I could do some artwork up for you and I actually have been working on my "Guild of the Living Dead" fluff so yeah, I'd be up for contributing. Keep me abreast of developments.

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sweeet sweet we need some more content though. I really like the fanfic ya got! Didnt get to read it all but seems pretty interesting. Since I didnt get to read it all I was wondering is black part of a faction? Im tryin to peice together some sort of theme right now for the first one.

If people see this hopefully we can get some fan art + put in a section for that.

Is there anything specific you would like to see?

Btw ive only gotten 2 replies for help from Absolution black + Lalochezia.

some more input would be greatly appreciated

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