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I'm a comic reader myself. Personally I love The Walking Dead (got into it since a friend of mine draws it then fell in love with it), The Avengers/New Avengers, Spider-man, X-men and many others, though except for TWD and The Avengers (both I buy direct from the States), I'm far behind on the others being forced to rely on UK reprints (which are much cheaper, it over a year behind).

I have been tempted to pick up DC to see what they've done with the reboot, but the money's not been there to pick up a few issues. I did read Supergirl for a while a few years ago though and quite enjoyed that.

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*nods* Ed's right Path... not to mention that EVERYone knows Batman's the best ;)
Which is intensely boring. Were there ever a case of a Canon Sue, Batman would be it. Personally, I've lost interest in a lot of comics.

I still read Hellboy, Atomic Robo, Empowered, and Tiny Titans, but the rest of it is only mediocre at best. When Grant Morrison is considered to be a wizard amongst comic writers and I'd only consider his work to be average, if pretentious, then obviously Marvel and DC are really not for me.

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Walking Dead and Morning Glories comes top of my list, along with pretty much anything Radical has published. I've actually started a few DC books since the reboot. I stopped reading them for a few years when they killed off Blue Beetle (I know that's sad - but just remember that every crappy z-list character is someone's favourite). ;)

The new Morrison Action comics is okay without being stellar, but Morrison has a habit of his stories disappearing up their own backsides after around 6 months, so time will tell. JLA, JLI, Batman and Green Lantern Corps have all been pretty average.

The better ones I've read have been (in no particular order): Detective comics, Animal Man, All star western, and Green Lantern (yeah, I'm in the spambot camp).

Look forward to hearing your suggestions for good reads!

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@ BlueStar86 - I like Empowered myself, so funny!

@ mistercactus - 2 of my favourite Marvel characters are Cloak & Dagger, so I've been very happy that they've had more page time over the last few years. Another is Machineman so I've been enjoying the Marvel Zombies runs featuring him.

Not that I didn't like MZ already, hell, Kirkman wrote the first mini-series and Sean Phillips produced that glorious (goreyous?) artwork! The runs of it in Ultimate FF were also well done (in fact those are the only UFF stories I enjoyed).

It really is a good thing I don't go off a comic when they "kill off" my favourite characters though, otherwise I'd have stopped reading X-men eons ago since Kitty Pryde and Psylocke are my favourites there, hahahaha.

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I started reading comics aged about 8 from some uk reprints of stories just after the crisis on infinite earths reboot. Justice League was the backup strip in the Superman comic at the time, and I loved Beetle because he was the funny one. I know it's stupid, but 20 years later when they shot him in the head the 8 year-old in me wanted to cry. :(

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Look forward to hearing your suggestions for good reads!

You should definitly check out the new Venom. I was sceptical but now i am super excited to read it each month. Might be worth checking out the first graphic novel.

Also everytime they kill spider man i get really sad. Recently they killed ultimate spider man peter parker and a new guy is taking his place. I stopped reading i had been following that comic since issue 20 :(

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I used to be a big DC fanboy but over the last ten years my interest waned and now I wouldn't have a clue what was going on in the universes! At one point I was reading all the Superman books, Supergirl, Superboy, Young Justice, JLA, Green Lantern and the Batman books!

Now however, my comic fix comes in the form of the Walking Dead Hardcover collections..Just got book 2, yet to read it though.

And also have 2000ad and Judge Dredd The Megazine on subscription. Have loved these for many years and own all the Megazines and virtually a whole collection of 2000ads!

My favourite characters have to be Judge Dredd (can't wait for the new movie..hope its better than the previous crudfest), Strontium Dog, Durham Red and ABC Warriors.

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Yay a spam bot actually made a usefull thread! Love the dc reboot, especially aquaman (ya you heard me) teen titans jla and action comics. Venom and ultimate hawkeye are another two I keep up on.

Indy wise it's gotta be fables ( ok it's dark horse) usagi yojimbo, and mouse guard :)

I am enjoying the reboot as well aquaman is awesome as well as new guardians and red lanturn

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