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Making sense in the fiction of some Brawls with Hoffman

Da Big Baws

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Yeah it is in book 3. Dont want to spoil too much before you read the book, its the first story following on from where Hoffman was during 'the event'.

With no.2 levi works with Sonnia in the first book so he already has Guild ties. And for no.1 perhaps we will.see Hoffman become a ms&u member in the fluff at some point to show the link.

Edited by Bucket Monkey
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Yeah it is in book 3. Dont want to spoil too much before you read the book, its the first story following on from where Hoffman was during 'the event'.

With no.2 levi works with Sonnia in the first book so he already has Guild ties. And for no.1 perhaps we will.see Hoffman become a ms&u member in the fluff at some point to show the link.

Thing is, Leveticus's "work" falls into the department that Hoffman is supposed to stop. I can't see them working in the fiction. Funny thing, on the table they a good team...

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Hoffman and Levitocus probably wouldn't work together because isn't Leveticus ilegal work the thing Hoffman's guild division is fighting against.

With Ramos, there is an interesting relationship that really develops in book 3, we find out alot about how characters interact in book 3.

I'm not sure about colette, they might work together against a common foe but I don't think they would set out to work together.

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I'm not sure about colette, they might work together against a common foe but I don't think they would set out to work together.

That's an easy one.... the classic quote:

"God gave man both a brain & a penis, but only enough blood to operate one at a time."

Hoff's a cripple, but still a man damnit!

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Few of the characters in Malifaux have shown any sort of absolutist devotion to their philosophy. Hoffman showed himself willing to work with Ramos even once he knew who he was, and he knew it was against Guild policy. I don't see him (Hoffman) as having any special extra hate for someone who happens to fall under his jurisdiction. If Leveticus came to him with word of a <fill in common threat here> I expect he'd be more than willing to help out.

Possible specific ideas, w/ master/strategy pairs:

Colette/Treasure Hunt: Colette's girls were smuggling a supply of soulstones which were taken by the Resurrectionists. Keeping them out of Rezzer hands is more important than hauling the girls in at that moment, and Hoffman probably couldn't make the accusation stick anyway.

Leveticus/Contain Power: Hamelin. 'nuff said.

Ramos/Destroy the Evidence: Under contract, Viktoria has stolen a set of plans for an upgraded Peacekeeper model. Ramos, as the designer, wants them back, Hoffman knows that if the plans are out there it will reveal vulnerabilities in the current model. This could even make for a fun series of chained scenarios, with a Treasure Hunt between Ramos and Hoffman as they both try to claim the plans once they recover them.

Ideology falls to practicality in most of Malifaux.

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Remember, Ramos and Guild people aren't KILL ON SIGHT to each other. In fact, Ramo is a respected community leader in Malifaux, given that the M&SU is a beloved institution and a bastion of civilization and cooperation in a dangerous place. Leveticus is a businessman who runs Captivating Salvage and Logistics, a respected and useful business. What they do in the private lives may vex the guild, but unlike, say, the Dreamer or Seamus they're not so hostile to each other that there's no common ground. The ties between Hoffman and Ramos specifically are fairly tight because Ramos is the entire reason the Hoffmans were traveling to Malifaux in the first place, and he saved Ryle's life.

Remember, as far as most people in Malifaux are concerned, Colette is just a beautiful, famous showgirl. I'm sure if she asked Hoffman to help her take care of, say, an attack by Resurrectionists he'd hop right to it, and her use of magic wouldn't shock him since lots of people had arcane abilities unlocked by coming to Malifaux and they're not all criminals.

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That's an easy one.... the classic quote:

"God gave man both a brain & a penis, but only enough blood to operate one at a time."

Hoff's a cripple, but still a man damnit!

Hoffman is British. It would be ENTIRELY unbecoming of a fine gentleman of high standards to refuse helping out a lady in distress!

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Hoffman and Levitocus probably wouldn't work together because isn't Leveticus ilegal work the thing Hoffman's guild division is fighting against.

With Ramos, there is an interesting relationship that really develops in book 3, we find out alot about how characters interact in book 3.

I'm not sure about colette, they might work together against a common foe but I don't think they would set out to work together.

The Hoff and Lev probably wouldn't work together.... unless they were working against the tyrants or their agents. Pretty much everyone would work with everyone else if a Tyrant was involved.
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