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Random Malifaux minis for the boyfriend


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Thanks Sybarite! It's one of the things I've worked on improving the most as I remember my early attempts a little too vividly. I'm currently trying to diversify the skin colours I paint so I don't get stuck using the same recipe all the time.

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  • 1 month later...

I've finally created a base for Viktoria so here she is:


With the arrival of our Reaper kickstarter mountain of minis I've decreed that only painted minis are allowed in our cabinet. (I'm also scheming to move my boyfriend's Kings of War stuff somewhere else, but I need to come up with another way of storing that.) One of the results is that I've finally painted an awesome Blood Bowl mini that's been sitting around for a couple of years staring at me accusingly. I couldn't be bothered to completely reclean and reprime it so some aspects aren't great, but I'm pretty pleased with the paint job. I now want my boyfriend to get back into Blood Bowl so I have an excuse to paint up the rest of the team...


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I really like the Victoria but I think that the hair is in a bit too much of a contrast to the rest of the miniature. It could have used more highlights and some darker shades in the recesses. And don't get me wrong - the mini looks great and it's just a small thing that I personally think could have been better.

The big gator looks absolutely amazing - love the paintjob there.

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Thanks Viruk - I'm not too happy about the hair either. Maybe I'll revisit it when painting up Sword Vik. I don't get on with painting white at the best of times and attempting to do it on hair (without it being grey) just didn't work this time. So thanks for the prompt!

The more I like at the Leviathan the more I'm happy with him. :) And the baby crocs are so cute and tempting...


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  • 4 weeks later...

This isn't an actual painting update from me as I've been on holiday, but here's some possible inspiration for anyone vaguely interested in 16th century painting techniques. The National Portrait Gallery in London has been running a research project for the last few years examining some of their collection and posting some of the results on line. So they've got close ups of some of the techniques, the underdrawing etc.


I kept on thinking about whether I could apply some of these ideas to my own painting and if I should confess to my minis in my internship interview next week... Any idea how well it goes down in that kind of environment? :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a more or less finished Sword Vik:


And the two of them together:


Sword Vik got a bit rushed at the end and so should be revisited if I get the time - please tell me if there's anything that screams at you to be corrected. Now that my boyfriend's decided he's probably not going to play Malifaux any more I'm trying to quickly paint up all our unpainted Malifaux minis so they're not lying around in their boxes in several years time. My life is sad. :(

As soon as I came up with that resolution though the community freehand-along thread popped up and I instead started painting the first of my Reaper kickstarter minis up for that. I'm planning to start off with freehand on the scroll and then I'll see about covering his robe in it too.


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  • 1 month later...

I've been busy working on my Rotten Harvest entry for the last few weeks so this has been a bit dead, but I have done some other stuff too finally. :D I've started painting up the Yan Lo crew (although he's not being touched for a while - I managed to lose his beard IN MY EYE when assembling him. After that I lost all desire to look at him for a while) and will take photos when I've got a bit more done. For some masochistic reason I decided the main colour should be white.

Anyway, here's the wizard I've been painting in the freehand-along thread. He's not great but I enjoyed learning to paint freehand. Now I need to remember to add it to other projects.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Joining the bandwagon of those posting up their Rotten Harvest entries, here's mine. I managed to get third place in the category I entered. :) Here are much better photos of Nicodem, both in and out of his stupidly large base that I can't fit in my cabinet.




Edit: these came out quite small so feel free to take a poke around in my photobucket account to get a better idea of what they look like. As ever feedback would be great!

Edited by Wings
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  • 1 month later...

Since I had the two weeks off work and painted up Nicodem's Avatar I've had very little painting time, although now that I'm only doing one job (for the first time ever!) my weekends are supposedly more free than they were. Anyway, here are the Malifaux minis I've been slowly working on. The colours aren't quite right as my camera decided to overexpose things but it's not too bad.



I've also eventually started work on Sedition Wars and have painted a couple of Deadzone minis (very badly) for my boyfriend. I've refused to take photos of those.


Here's hoping to a bit more painting time this year!

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