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Fire Gamin - Wheee!


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Here are some not so great shots of my newly painted Fire Gamin. I plan to take them out for a spin tonight (Tueday) with aSonnia.


I really should name the little buggers, they are just begging for names.


Sparky maybe?


this guy is clearly trouble.... maybe name him Dennis?


And this one, I mean come on. What the hell is he doing with that little tiny ball of fire?

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It looks like Sonnia has some new friends~

I enjoy them. ^_^

It looks like that last one is coddling his Precious.

I like this... precious....

You mean skill-less?

Very nice Nix!

Maybe the last one could be called Brian...

This made me literally laugh out loud however.

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meh... I like how the reds have come out... but the blue flame without some kinda reflection on the Gamin themselves seems.... flat...

if you applied some of that as OSL to the figure (causing purple highlights around the flame) it might pop a little more.

Not a bad idea. I am not great with OSL, definitely an area of painting I need to improve.

My driving reason for the blue flame was to mix them in with my aSonnia and Alt-Sonnia models. I should get some pictures up with all of them together. I plan to grab some pictures of the crew on the table tonight.

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Not a bad idea. I am not great with OSL, definitely an area of painting I need to improve.

Try just lightly dry brushing GW Hawk Turqoius and GW Ice Blue in the direction the light is coming from. If you build it up slowly you should be able to get a pretty good effect. It is what I did on my Bete Noir model seen Here

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