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Questions "Starter" Boxed sets

Da Big Baws

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I'm considering getting a second boxed set in the foreseeable future (unless some other more attractive thing pops up for my other games) to have a second list to play.

It needs to meet the following:

1. No Guild: I have C. Hoffman and my brother has Lady Justice.

2. Needs to be self-contained: I just want to get a box for now.

3. Reach 25SS: I play at that level at the moment.

Which boxes fall with-in those limits and which do you recommend?

I have Book 1 and 2 (no 3 yet), so I'm only aware of stats of models in those.

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Basically, Fire Gamin are faster, more aggressive Ice Gamin that hand out Burning Tokens all over the place. Complete with Armor, an explosive ranged attack, fiery "black blood," and a death burst that lights people on fire -- all for 4 points. A real steal in general, and a great engine for Kaeris. They can even be used in Sonnia crews, if you feel like expanding back to Guild.

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Basically, Fire Gamin are faster, more aggressive Ice Gamin that hand out Burning Tokens all over the place. Complete with Armor, an explosive ranged attack, fiery "black blood," and a death burst that lights people on fire -- all for 4 points. A real steal in general, and a great engine for Kaeris. They can even be used in Sonnia crews, if you feel like expanding back to Guild.

Hmm..*reads Sonia's entry in the Book*

I like her and (while I don't know it's rules) her Avatar looks cool...I wonder...can she make good use of the Guild Book 1 & 2 Constructs? My C. Hoffman list is basically his Boxed set plus a Peacekeeper.

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Pandora, Von Schill, Ophelia, Ramos, Rasputina and believe it or not even Nicodem all run pretty well out of the box at 25ss. If you are wanting the most flexiblity without expanding I would go with either of the Outcast henchmen boxes plus if you went with Schill you can hire him into your Guild crew as a merc.

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Ramos doesn't exactly fit into the stated limitations, with only the box set Ramos doesn't have an Electrical Creation. However, he can hire some of Hoffman's constructs so he isn't as much of a one trick pony as he would be with just himself, the Steamborg Executioner, and a stream of Steampunk Arachnids.

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Pandora, Von Schill, Ophelia, Ramos, Rasputina and believe it or not even Nicodem all run pretty well out of the box at 25ss. If you are wanting the most flexiblity without expanding I would go with either of the Outcast henchmen boxes plus if you went with Schill you can hire him into your Guild crew as a merc.

How does Nicodem run well out of the box? He needs models to summon no?

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I would definitely advise against McMourning or Leveticus if you don't want to buy anything outside the boxed set. Molly needs Belles or Horrors if she wants to summon, and Nicodem won't get good use out of some of his abilities and spells if you don't buy Mindless Dead and some Vultures.

Most Masters can get some good mileage out of their totem in addition to the boxed set, so you may want to consider that if nothing else.

I think Kaeris and Ophelia would be best for playing out of the box.

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Seamus is really the only Rezzer that plays "well" out of the box. Nico needs a metric ton of stuff beyond the contents, Kirai needs Seishin, Gaki, Shikome, etc., Doug certainly doesn't need two Nurses and can profit from Canine Remains and other toys. I can't speak to Molly, really. No experience with her, but Belles would certainly be high on the list. Seamus is relatively self-contained and doesn't really need a totem.

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Seamus is really the only Rezzer that plays "well" out of the box. Nico needs a metric ton of stuff beyond the contents, Kirai needs Seishin, Gaki, Shikome, etc., Doug certainly doesn't need two Nurses and can profit from Canine Remains and other toys. I can't speak to Molly, really. No experience with her, but Belles would certainly be high on the list. Seamus is relatively self-contained and doesn't really need a totem.
No kidding. I still need to get more Seishin. :sad2:
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Seamus is really the only Rezzer that plays "well" out of the box. Nico needs a metric ton of stuff beyond the contents, Kirai needs Seishin, Gaki, Shikome, etc., Doug certainly doesn't need two Nurses and can profit from Canine Remains and other toys. I can't speak to Molly, really. No experience with her, but Belles would certainly be high on the list. Seamus is relatively self-contained and doesn't really need a totem.

I read his fluff in Book 1 which was cool, love the Avatar sculpt, but I hate the Sybelle sculpt so much. It is so ugly in an uncool way that it puts me off. I read her rules and a few topics here, I realize she is very useful, which is a shame as Seamus himself as a character and in the rules look very appealing to me.

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What's not to like? Bald. Overweight. Butter-face. Lacerated butt cheeks, pure cottage cheese. Pigeon toed. An expression like she's having a grand mal seizure. Sign me up.

I think Bald is the most disturbing. Don't get me wrong, I have seen very sexy bald women, but Bald female zombie with ugly face = gag machine. Wait that sounds so wrong considering what Sybelle was supposed to be in the past...

Edit: Getting back to one of the first suggestions, how does Kaeris work at 25SS (again, I don't have book 3, but I've read Fire Gamin are 4SS each...putting her crew at 24SS not counting her Henchmen SS rule).

I read a few topic saying she has synergies with Rasputina. Does she work well with Avatar Rasputina (the Rasputina resculpt, her Avatar, an Ice Gamin blister, and Book 3 could make a nice Xmas gift to ask from someone ;)).

Edit2: How good are Snowstorm (Sculpt is awesome) and Rasputina's Avatar? I could go with the Rasputina Box soon and in the Holidays get them both.

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Haven't played with the Avatar yet.

The Rasputina box is a little slow, giving it problems with several scenaros, but the addition of Snowstorm will drastically increase its speed.

He is pretty tough, and can be easily boosted by the rest of the crew to be survivable and deal decent damage.

My personal opinion is that if you have a mission involving moving, then Snowstorm is pretty vital for her crew. And it is a pretty model.

From the rules I reckon Kaeris would go well with Tina and Avatar Tina, you can connect an essence of power to Kaeris allowing it to survive manifesting, and it gives its bonus to a linked model, not a connected model so it can still increase Rasputinas spell damage (and if you try hard actually boost both of them every turn after the first if you keep them close and alternate which one activates.

But waiting for the actual models before I get toplay the,

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