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Synthetic Brushes


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Hi Folks,

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good quality synthetic brushes, preferably available in the UK?

I know we could get into a debate about natural vs synthetic brushes, but I genuinely prefer the feel of the synthetic one I've used, just not keen on the tip curling, although even that has it's uses.

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First thing i'll do is offer a word of warning. I tried some nylon brushes and they sucked, real bad.

They suck paint up like nothing else, so paint drying around the base of the bristles is almost inevitable.

I have seen some art stores sell off paint brushes on the cheap if they're slightly damaged. If you manage to find a synthetic brush in a bargain bin might be worth a try... At least you'll get an idea of how well it suits your needs.

I do have some synthetic brushes that lasted a wee while before curling; i'll get back to you with a brand name when I get home.

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I like the synthetics. They don't last long but they are cheap, easy to replace and they're great while you have them. I usually get mine at either Michael's or Hobby Lobby. I'm not sure if you guys have those across the pond, but I'm sure you have something similar.

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Probably our biggest is Hobbycraft, it is pretty shocking. I bought a Winsor Newton Galleria (I think) synthetic there. It was quite expensive so I was a little disappointed when it curled in a couple of weeks, but then I found out that was normal.

On the plus side it is now awesome for those hard to reach spots!

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There really is no such thing as a good sythetic. They are great when you first start painting because they are cheap. That helps when you do dumb things like not rinse a brush out or dunk your brush to far into the paint pot. They also always make great dry brushes.

Once you start getting better at painting I HIGHLY reccomend switching to better brushes made of 100% Kolinsky sable hair. They just behave much better, hold a point, and if you treat them well will last you years and years. I have a Windsor & Newton Series 7 size 1 brush that has base coated, highlighted, and detailed over 120 Ork Boyz and 80 Skaven Clanrats. The handle is a little beat up, but the brush its self holds a point just like the day I bought it.

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My pals got me a couple of Series7 for my birthday last year. Fantastic brushes!

They're what allow me to do my mad freehand on everything.

A note about the Series 7s:

They come in 2 sizes Miniture Round and Pointed Round. If you are going to buy some make sure you get a size 0, a 1, and maybe a 2 in the Pointed Round. With those 3 brushes you can paint almost anything you want. The Miniture Rounds have the bristles recessed and are a bit smaller then the Pointed.

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Get 'em cheap cuz they ain't gonna last long. I've used a few of Blick's house-brand 'student' white nylons over the years - mostly for painting terrain - but they were dirt cheap so could be tossed once they inevitably curled.

Whats the big art chain store over there? Get the store brand wink.gif


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You go ahead and use dozens of cheap synthetics for a year, I'll use my 3 moderately priced natural brushes. And then we can see how much cheaper the synthetics are.

I do a lot of painting and I have an assortment of both synthetics and natural bristle brushes. The naturals are fantastic for oil and water color painting, on a canvas, but I've found that they don't hold their tip and tend to get stray bristles far too often to be practical for miniatures.

I buy my synthetics in bulk at hobby lobby for around $6us for pack of 6 assorted sizes. The brands change often and they usually have a 50% off sale every few months. I'll usually pick up 3-4 packs at a time and I'm set for a few months.

Also, somebody mentioned how the synthetics suck up the color and it dries at the base. This is true of any brush if they are not properly cleaned. I recommend a cleaning jar with a furry sponge in the bottom, like this one; http://shop.hobbylobby.com/products/brush-cleaning-jar-and-pad-318451/

This will help extend the life of your brushes as well.

Edited by Frank
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The key to abusing sable brushes is The Masters Brush Soap. That stuff is a block of pure miracle.

100% this.

The guys worried about treating sable brushes like they are a delicate flower have it wrong. You CAN beat on them, you CAN shove them into small areas, etc. And as long as you take care of them by not dunking them all the way to the metal in paint, rinse them out regularly as you paint (a good swirl in a water cup every min or 2), form the tip back, and use Masters Brush Soap from time to time the brushes will outlast 100 cheap ass synthetic brushes. which saves you money.

I still use the 3 Series 7's I bought 3 years ago. Cost me 25 for them + a puck of Masters. During that time I have never had to fight with the brush to keep a point, had a brush go from new to unusable in a single night of base coating, or been in the middle of a project late at night only to find that the brush I need is no longer usable because it's can't keep a tip.

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