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Hello outcast players! I have decided I am bored of the Guild, and I am thinking about playing an outcast crew. I am in between two crews, Hamelin the Plauged and Ophelia and the gremlins. I don't want to play Levi because I don't know much about him and I can't play the Vicks because my dad plays them. So can you guys help me out with the two crews above? Thanks!

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Okay so I have been reading up on both of the crews and I am kinda leaning towards the gremlins because I don't want to $$$$$$$$ my friends and family off with Hamelin because they hate playing against him... So for those gremlin players out there, or those who know them, How do the Gremlins do?

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Well my friend ...

First off, welcome to the winning team. Collect your banjo and your pig at the door. Gremlins have two distinct play styles: gunline or pigs. The first will typically involve Ophelia leading your crew with either her Kin (a group of 'elite' named Gremlins) or a horde of Gremlins shooting stuff to hell. The second centres around Somer, turning Gremlins into Pigs and vice versa and pinging them around the board.

I found advise the first choice for a beginner, since Ophelia is pretty straight forward. Purchasing her boxset and a pack of Gremlins is a fine start. From there, Young LaCroix/Slop Haulers/More Gremlins are all good calls. Either way, you'll eventually need Somer to lead the crew in Brawls.

For further wisdom, check out the Pull My Finger wiki or any Gremlin posts on this here forum. Anything by Omenbringer or Lalochezia is frikkin' gold.

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Like most henchmen Ophelia has some pretty strong restrictions on troop types. In addition gremlins are cheap points wise so you'll need a lot of them. Plus against some forces they just don't stand much of a chance. Those are the bad sides.

On the plus side they're pretty hilarious, and when you win with them you feel pretty good. Against most forces you have decent chance. The things that really kill you are Wp duels. Pandora and anyone with a good amount of terrifying will eat your soul.

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For further wisdom, check out the Pull My Finger wiki or any Gremlin posts on this here forum. Anything by Omenbringer or Lalochezia is frikkin' gold.


All I have to say is in there.

Definately recommend this site for anyone looking to work a new master or crew.

Also I am in the process of adding content to the Gremlins (big project for this week).

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Her boxset is a great start. After that, about two boxes of Gremlins, one of Slop Haulers and one of the Young LaCroix would be good. Remember, she gets six more points because of her Henchmen reserve. At 40, I'd run ...

Ophelia LaCroix - 5ss Cache

3 Young LaCroix - 6ss

2 Slop Haulers - 8ss

Rami LaCroix - 6ss

Pere Ravage - 5ss

8 Bayou Gremlins - 16ss

To expand, I'd just go with Somer and a full brace of Skeeters.

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I like the Kin far more than the basic grunts, so my suggestion would along these lines:

Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Ophelia Lacroix
4 Pool

3 Young Lacroix [6ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Francois Lacroix

  • Pere Ravagé

  • Rami Lacroix

  • Raphael Lacroix

  • Slop Hauler

  • Slop Hauler

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For Some'r and the Pigs I might go with something like this:

Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
4 Pool

2 Giant Mosquitos [4ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Gremlin Taxidermist

  • Hog Whisperer

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Piglet

  • Warpig

This will give a good solid "Pig Squadron" and a few good "Air Traffic Controllers" for them. Additionally the inclusion of the Gremlin Taxidermist gives you a little bit of re-use out of your models (especially the Warpig which can provide a nice cache for late game Pig Bomb runs) and a way around those high Df models.

The Bayou Gremlins may at first seem a bit odd in a "Pig Heavy" list recommendation however they give a lot of flexibility for the crew;

  • Inconjunction with Get your Bro you can quickly replace your combat losses (skeeters or piglets).
  • They are significant models that can be launched onto objectives late game thru the use of the "pig ladders".
  • They facilitate the ability to shift focus at any point of the game and transition from a "Pig Heavy" list to the "Alpha Stank" to a "Gremlin Gunline"

I am not a big fan of the Pigapult, however if you want to include it I would probably take out the Hog Whisperer vice anything else.

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Well I will be playing this against my friend and father so I really wanna include the pigapult, and instead of the piglets I was thinking of the stuffed piglets?? so I can load them up and do +1 damage and :blast but everything else looks great and that would give me 1ss because I could get one or two more figures. What do you think??

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Well I will be playing this against my friend and father so I really wanna include the pigapult, and instead of the piglets I was thinking of the stuffed piglets?? so I can load them up and do +1 damage and :blast but everything else looks great and that would give me 1ss because I could get one or two more figures. What do you think??

The only problem I have with this is that the Stuffed Piglets are one use running like this (as either fuel for the Pigapult or on their own as "Bacon Bombs"). They do nothing to assist the rest of the crew in achieving objectives or rebuilding the crew after losses (they are insignificant, can not help with board positioning, and because they are Sacrificed when "Bacon Bombing" or fueling the Pigapult leave no counters for the Taxedermist to use).

By starting with the regular piglets you have the versatility to launch any Gremlin model via a "pig ladder", and when they die the Gremlin Taxedermist can move up field and raise Stuffed Piglets with better field position. Running it this way you net 3 "free" Soulstones with each recycled piglet (and in a 40SS game you are going to need the extra "free" models that Some'r can toss out, Skeeters/ Bayou Gremlins/ Piglets).

Also the extra Dg and :blast from sacing a Stuffed Piglet to the Pigapult is nice but a lot of the models you are going to want to target have ways to shut it down (Armor, Evasive, Object, Hard to Wound, Spirit, Bully, Damage Prevention via Soulstones on models with use Soulstone or are just completely immune to :blast/:aura/:pulse).

okay I was thinking about running the gremlins up into combat with the opponent then targeting him with the pigapult and getting severe damage with 3 blasts that do 5 damage each, if I get lucky he would be in the middle of a group.....thought?

The only real problem with this is how telegraphed it will be, when you plunk down a Pigapult and multiple Stuffed Piglets your opponent is going to spread his forces out (150mm isn't actually that far) and "weather the storm".

Additionally with this plan you are losing a lot of resources to consistantly pull it off; 5 SS worth of models for the potential to hit the enemy for 3-5 Dg, you have to actually get moderate or severe Dg on your own model and with a CB of 4 on the Pigapult you are more then likely going to have to cheat both the Df of your Gremlin down and the CB of your Pigapult up to get to moderate. This is assuming that you are able to get the sacrificial Gremlin (probably a Bayou) into :blast :blast (100mm) or :blast :blast :blast (150mm) Rg of your real intended target. Also the Sacrificial Gremlin will more then likely be killed in the first attack meaning you wont be able to repeat it (since your easy cheatable target wont be there anymore). Also keep in mind that if the Sacrifical Gremlin is within :melee Rg of an opponents model then the whole thing can be shut down by a low flip by your opponent forcing you to target them instead of your sacrificial Gremlin (and negating the tactic completely).

Not trying to disuade you from running it just trying to assist with achieving repeatable results (Some'r can be a difficult master). If you are serious about running it then I might suggest this list:

Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones
3 Pool

2 Giant Mosquitos [4ss]

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Bayou Gremlin

  • Gremlin Taxidermist

  • Pere Ravagé

  • Pigapult

  • Stuffed Piglet

  • Stuffed Piglet

  • Stuffed Piglet

  • Stuffed Piglet

With this you have a few objective grabbers (Bayou Gremlins), fodder for the Taxdermist to use for more Stuffed Piglets (damaged Bayou Gremlins from "Get your bro" that can be killed in one hit dropping a Corpse counter), and the beginings of a decent "Gremlin Gunline" (should you want/ need to transition in game). Additionally you have a pretty nifty method of delivering Pere Ravage up field so he can position himself for the Pigapults "Pork Barrage" attacks from the Sac'ed Stuff Piglets (which on Severe Damage kills him in the process netting you both the :blast :blast :blast at 5 Dg and a :pulse 3 Dg 4 from Pere's "KA-BLOOEY!" ability). Do remember that if Pere lives thru this (from only suffering Moderate Dg) that he wont he wont be able to use his "Oopsie!" spell unless he can heal up somehow).

Though it might be fun to run occasionally I definately think it is to expensive for something this telegraphed, iffy and easily countered (5 SS for Pere, 4SS for the Pigapult, 6SS for a Gremlin Taxidermist, 3SS for the Stuffed Piglet, 18SS total in addition to the number of control cards you are more then likely going to have to cheat to actually pull it off and hoping that your opponent obligingly positions a lot of his crew really close together).

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wow that was a lot of information. Okay so I think I got it. I shouldnt run the whole squad just to throw pigs down the line, I should run regular piglets, and gremlins. So the taxedermist can do something to get piglets??? I am assuming since you said that he can use a corpse counters? I may have misread the stats, but I don't have my stuff for the next two days, due to not being home, but I think I will not run all stuffed pigs, and do what you said and run something more for objectives, and just play the squad I thought of against my friends. Thank you so much for all that information, I have already printed it out and its going into my binder of Malifaux!

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Yes the Gremlin Taxidermist has a Spell called "Taxidermin" that allows him to either discard a Corpse counter within 6 inches or Sacrifice a friendly Piglet to summon a Stuffed Piglet.

You may also have some luck using the Stuffed Piglets as a mobile minefield for high priority targets. Though resource intensive, having 5 Stuffed Piglets using Bacon Bomb in close proximity (preferably no more then 1") can deal some amazing if very random Dg (between 5-20 points) to a target regardless of Df since it does not have a resist. If done late in the game (turn 6, during the End Closing Phase) it can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat (if you have a scheme that supports the death of a particular model) since the Taxidermist can use "Purdy Fireworks" in that stage thanks to his Dud? ability as long as he is within 12 :pulse of the Stuffed Piglets. If he is out of the 12 :pulse range then he cant detonate the Piglets via "Purdy Fireworks", however he can use the Stuffed Piglets Critical Mass ability to initiate the Bacon Bomb! detonations regardless of range (though the 6th stuffed piglet will need to be created with in 6" of the Gremlin Taxidermist so there is a chance of friendly models being damaged). The downside to this is that you will lose all your Stuffed Piglets in the process and that it will have to be done during the normal part of the turn (instead of the end closing phase).

Thinking about this has me convinced it could be used to permanently kill Hamelin the Plagued (and possibly Leveticus) since the Dg (if enough to kill them) would occur outside the "turn" and after the portion of the End Closing Phase in which they would be re-spawned normally (For Hamelin at least you would have to be certain of the Stolen he was going to be placed in base contact with and have a Taxidermist within 12 :pulse of the Stuffed Piglets to make this work but if done early in the game before he has a ton of them could be promising).

Look at that, you may have actually stumbled upon a way for Gremlin's to potentially beat Hamelin, congratulations. Going to be testing this against some of my Hamelin players this week.

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Awesome I can't wait to actually get these guys and run them! I think they will be a fun crew! Thank you I never thought that I would actually find a to do anything in this game haha but you proved me wrong! thank you for showing me that there is a way to beat Hamelin with the Gremlins!

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