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Faction differences?


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Heh! Hi EricJ!

If you go to Malifaux.com there are Faction descriptions...


Guild - pretty straight forward play, good for fighting specific other factions

Ressers - magic with melee combat

Arcanists - Magic heavy, smoke and mirrors

Neverborn - lots of melee, strong magic

Outcast - All the other stuff wrapped into one faction... basically it's a catch all faction... Melee, Ranged, magic

Hope that helps some...

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The Fell has it. To elaborate with more one liners:

Guild specialize in the anti-faction masters along with more shooty options.

Resser are defintiely melee intensive and have more slower crews, but has a more swarm and summoning appeal.

Arcanist are casters intensive, and more elemental.

Neverborn are the scary monsters that go bump in the night and are heavy shrnnigan heavy. Also seen as best because of shennigans, but is fairly balanced.

Outcast, has the most variety and mercenaries but also the smallest crew selections for each master.

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Great info guys thanks very much. Not an easy decision....

Eric J

What are looking for in a crew? If you play other wargames try to generalize your interest we might be able to help narrow down your choice. Also it is recommend if you want to play competitively to collect one faction first before expanding but if its is just funsies then go for master you like first learn the game then build what you want from there. By the way resser are probably going to run you the most money if you want to play them well. Levi and Nico have some of the largest variety of crews.

Resser in general is a large model count and so is Somer. Levi doesn't news a lot but can have a large array to select.

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One caution I'd recommend about the outcasts is their masters tend to be quite a lot more limited in terms of troop choices. The viks can only take mercenaries, I believe Von Schill is the same (but may be remembering wrong). Ophelia can only take gremlins. Levi can only take soulless and constructs (which gives him more options than the others but still).

It's slightly frustrating although it does make sense. The outcasts are not really a faction, they're everyone who isn't in a faction, and not all of those will work together (in fact most won't). But as a starting player it may be frustrating.

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I'm really looking to change things up a bit with Malifaux. In Warmachine I play Cryxx, hoard style with almost no ranged attacks except for a couple Pistol Wraiths. So I guess I'm looking to go a little different.

I want a shooty type smaller warband. Something a little more direct. I'm thinking I may have to go with Guild...

Eric J

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Hi NOT that Eric J

The bit of hobby advice I was ever given is

Buy the models you really love and play with them, then once you have the game down rules wise have another look. but if you buy the models you love they will still see the table because you love playing with them.

Thats why I still have guard in 40k even though I can still count my victories on one hand, I just love putting them on the table.

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Gremlins will have the swarm familiarity of cryx with lots of shooting options. The Ortegas from the guild are probably the shootiest crew in the game.

Von Schills Freikorp might not be a bad choice either. They have a very nice specialist team feel going for them, and it's really easy to mix the crew up at a later date by adding other mercs.

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The Ortegas from the guild are probably the shootiest crew in the game.

I have to say I agree overall. I'm a Perdita player, usually have half the models my opponents do and pound per pound do so much more damage it's ridiculous. Just get used to being out-activated. Once you know it's going to happen it's not bad at all. The Wiki and the Tacticas here have some good information to start with.

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I'm really looking to change things up a bit with Malifaux. In Warmachine I play Cryxx, hoard style with almost no ranged attacks except for a couple Pistol Wraiths. So I guess I'm looking to go a little different.

I want a shooty type smaller warband. Something a little more direct. I'm thinking I may have to go with Guild...

Eric J

Sounds like Guild or Outcasts (specifically Gremlins of Frykorps)

Most guild models seem to carry pistols that shoot fairly well, with Perdita and her Family doing the best at this.

Most of the Gremlins and Frykorp also carry guns of some time, with Ophelia's Kin being a gremlin parody of Perdita's Family, and shooting nearly as well (and sometimes better :)

Guild are more cohesive when you choose to expand from your initial crew, but Outcasts can offer I think a more extreme variety, though their crews are more like "Minions/Mercs" in WarmaHordes, where you won't have many crossover models that you can use with multiple Masters.

After that I think you should check out the online store and/or gallery to figure out which models look coolest to you.

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