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Hey a few questions for ya



1. I thought I saw when i did a search a couple days agao that if you fail the casting cost of a spell you still have those AP? Is this correct or was I seeing things?

2. When doing a casting cost can u still use a soulstone even if your already beating the CC needed ( to say make sure your opponent cant beat the duel total) ?

3. Finally what cant you do to kill your own model?

a. Can wounds kill your own

b. Does damage kill your own

This one is hard to explain so hope you get what Im trying to put out there, mainly referencing Dumb Luck ( Cause double dmg to enemy this model takes half) so if this would kill my own model he cannot do it?

Just had these few issues come up in last nights game any help would be appreciated all thanks much

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1. I thought I saw when i did a search a couple days agao that if you fail the casting cost of a spell you still have those AP? Is this correct or was I seeing things?

Pardon? This question reads like you would have infinite AP to cast until you do finally succeed in casting? If you fail to cast the spell you have still spent the AP. Or am I just mis-reading... Edited by ukrocky
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1 no, you don't get the action points back if you attempt to cast a spell but fail. It doesn't count as cast if you can only cast it once an activation.

2 yes, after you have flipped your card for casting you get to cheat and soulstone (in that order).

3 Models can not activate an ability that would definetly kill them.

For your dumb luck trigger, since there is a chance you will flip the black joker, you are allowed to activate it even if you are on 1 wound.

If you are on 1 wound, you couldn't reckless the model as this is garenteed to kill them.

Hope that is clear

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In question 1 are you asking that if you fail to cast a spell that you don't lose the AP that it cost to cast it? If that is what you are asking then you do lose the AP. All failing does is allow you to attempt another (Once per turn/model) if you have the AP left after the failed attempt. I believe you also don't consume anything on a failed casting (body part, corpse counter, soul stone.)

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1. No, the action is wasted, otherwise you could keep trying to cast a spell over and over with no drawback. Whenever you attempt to cast a spell, that's it, the action is used whether it succeeds or not.

2. You certainly can. But keep in mind that you cast it BEFORE they try to resist. So you have to spend the soul-stone for the extra flip before the opponent does his resists.

3. You can attack your own models, kill them off with dumb luck etc.

I'm not sure about what people are saying for actions that are guaranteed to kill them though, I thought that only applied to models you cast Obey on. But still, the situation you brought up works fine.

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