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Halloa Everyone!


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Hiya, I'm Knight, and I'm new to miniature games in general. I've only been playing Malifaux for a few months, but I'm pretty in love with the game (I'm glad it was the first mini game I played!). I play locally on Cape Cod, and venture into Wareham with friends for playing.

I'm twenty three, female, and I'm kind of an all purpose nerd, otherwise. I like to dabble in most things, video gaming, table top gaming, reading, screwing around on the internet, though, most of my time is spent working.

Hum, in terms of teamage, I started out playing Lilith, and just started playing me some Pandora. I also own Dreamer, Collodi, Sonnia (with alt sculpt), Dead Justice (with Lady J alt sculpt), and my favorite piece right now is Teddy. 'cause he's a giant, adorable, mini eating murder machine.

I just played in my first tournament yesterday, and had a great time, and look forward to some more gameage.

So yeah, I guess that's it I think. 8D I'm kind of bad at these say hi things.


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Hey Knight!!! I'm Fell!

Glad to see another Lady on the boards (I think there are more of us than I think there are... I just confused my self) :)

Great crew picks! Malifaux was my first (and so far, only) minis game. I feel like the folks at Wyrd were trying to make a girl friendly game. The fluff and models are what drew me in, and I've been playing ever since!

Congrats on your firsty Tourney! Hope you had fun :)

Welcome to Malifaux! May Fate always flip in your favor. :)

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Thanks for the welcome, guys!

Woo hoo, New England! I have some buddies up in NH, maybe I can convince them to play... *does a dance*

And I can see what you mean, Fell. I got drawn into Lilith first like any girl might. "Oooh, killer lady with a corset and vampires." So, I was sold.

And I did have a great time! I played Pandora for the tournament and grabbed second place. But really, thanks for the welcoming, and may the flip be with you.

/gunned down

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