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I blame Rathnard for this one. I had happily been buying guild models and playing my nice slow moving and shooting games and then I listened to the Aethervox podcast where he talks about her virtues. After that it was only a matter of time until I bought her, the flexibility to take minions from all of the different factions has it's appeal so I bought her box to get me started.



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How'd you paint those stitched? They look great!

Umm started with a grey/brown basecoat then washed all over with devlan mud to darken all the recesses.

From there it was consecutive highlights with knarloc green and then mixing in some white to give lighter tones. Once that got light enough I took some scorpion green and added a dab of knarlock just to take some of the brightness out of it and applied to the top highlights to give a bit brighter green to the colour and then added some white to that for a final highlight.

to add some depth to some of the recesses I then went into them with asuramen blue to deepen them but being quite careful to keep it to the deepest areas only.

All paints were GW other than the original brown/grey colour which was C'DA but I can't remember the name.

Stomach was basecoated the same way and then the exposed intestines were painted with dark flesh then a brighter red with an extreme highlight mixing in some white. I then went over the lot with Tamiya clear red to get the gribby wet look. Adding in a little black for the deepest recesses.

Metals are just bolt gun with a blue wash and then silver highlights on the edges.

Edited by dafruk
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