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sue shrug off



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Not sure why you're not considering the possibility of both being correct.

Family models have it as a (0), McTavish and Sue as a (1).

If your assumption is right however and one of them is in fact listed wrongly then I'd say it's almost certainly Sue and Tavish that should instead have them as (0) actions.

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Not sure why you're not considering the possibility of both being correct.

Family models have it as a (0), McTavish and Sue as a (1).

If your assumption is right however and one of them is in fact listed wrongly then I'd say it's almost certainly Sue and Tavish that should instead have them as (0) actions.

consistency in rules..... generally a rule that uses a similar mechanic but has different requirements has a different name (like headshot and the other kill or discard abilities)

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I'm sure that when you all had the Search feature return a set of responses to your inquiry on known Twisting Fates errors, or "Sue" and "Shrug Off", for that matter, you must have overlooked this thread:

edit: because now *I'm* being dumb.. ugh!

It's been known since the very first day the book was released. Found by the Dev team. Sometimes you guys should really look up at the sky and realize that it's not always falling simply because we make a pretty basic error.

Rules lawyer types among us should now strike up the Imperial March before pointing out that: 1) they are not rules lawyers, and 2) they're not rules lawyers because errors like this are: a) an indication of our poor craftsmanship and attention to detail, and B) the crux of all things wrong with the game and of course players cannot play the game if they do not know the proper AP cost of Shrug Off.

I will agree with the latter point. This Shrug Off concern has ground the game to a horrible stop and if, like me, you simply cannot play it until all things related to Shrug Off are resolved...well then....maybe a good game of Anything Else is in order!

In the meantime, we were working diligently upon the next book and providing fun and interesting new models with beautiful artwork and fabulous fluff, but now we're going to do nothing except ponder the myriad and intricate problems of Shrug Off since so many games hinge upon not only understanding how it works, but how game changing each casting of this oft misunderstood spell really is. I certainly know that for the eight months prior to Book I all the way to now it's come into play in one of my games....oh....uh....well - judging by all the recent hubbub....I sort of expected it to be genuinely relevant.

edit: ugh! See! You get me riled up over STUPID issues and I start getting stupid, too! I linked to a Rules Marshal discussion, sorry.

here's the answer:

It's a typeaux. Shrug Off is a (0) Ap.

Edited by nerdelemental
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Calm version: It's merely human error for a typo. We're unsure how this one got through. The editing was fierce. And mistakes still happened.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and continued support.

Here's a fun emoticon:


you're going to need more than that bro. since you said rules lawyer more than twice in a thread i'm going to have to give you this


and this


and one for drew :teddy

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