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New to Marcus could use some pointers :D


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Hi guys

I've been playing with 'Tina & the Viks for ages & have decided to give Marcus a whirl as I'm a bit of an underdog fan & he has access to a massive range of minis.

I've got a whole bunch of stuff but am looking at giving this a whirl this evening at 35ss;



3x Silurid

2x Waldgeist

1x Moleman

Any tips on Marcus would be greatly appreciated :D

Also what's the general opinion on the number of soulstones required for Marcus? Using 'Tina I never have less than 7 can Marcus operate well with less?

Edited by Couchmonster
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This is a very guerrilla-fight list. Stay on the move. Don't use the 2 Waldgeist unless there are forests on the board.

Use Waldgeist to move forests to cut off part of the enemy crew and to provide cover for yourself. Try to mitigate being attacked by anything - you should be deciding when the attack comes.

Don't (0) Leap into combat with Silurids unless you have to. They have a big charge, use that. Charge, get your attack, then (0) to disengage and (0) Leap - that should put you far away from any retaliation. Then choose when to attack again. If you do Leap in, activate the (0) that gives you the extra attack.

This crew is very fast - focus on completing strats and schemes first. Don't rush in. This is a list for attrition. Pick off enemies when you can but don't get stuck in.

Remember that the thing about Silurids taking damage by not being close to each other or water is at the end of the turn, not by activation.

I love the Moleman for 'Defend Me', but he will probably not be able to keep up in this list.

Since Marcus should be deciding when he will be fighting, he generally isn't a Soulstone Hog. Use them for defense and to mitigate damage and maybe for an 'Alpha' if it is juicy enough to go for. I like 5 or 6.

Good luck.

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Thanks we've got a pretty good array of scenery where I'll be playing & am hoping to use the Waldgeists if I can as I love the models.

It seems Silurids are an auto include in most lists would that be a fair assumption? To they seem to be a pretty heavy investment as I'd take for some redundancy to them having to take wounds.

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It seems Silurids are an auto include in most lists would that be a fair assumption? To they seem to be a pretty heavy investment as I'd take for some redundancy to them having to take wounds.

When taking them, I take 3 minimum. I also usually take the Waldgeist with them, but only one - and only if there are woods.

IMO, they are NOT an auto-include. It truly depends on the scenario. They are great for a lot of things, and for some things (Deliver Message, for example) they are virtually auto-win. But I don't think you always need them to win.

Marcus is one of those masters that has a ton of options and he can run a lot of fun fluffy lists. Now that we're into book 3, you're almost spoiled for choices. I've actually gone back to more of a starter box list and I add in Raptors and Night Terrors. I really love Myranda now with all of her choices.

Also, there are some great models that work well with Marcus even though they are not beasts. The Mechanical Rider is excellent due to its mobility and the SS Miner is similar with its burrowing speed - both of those models also hit pretty hard and have some staying power. With the addition of the Raptor, you can make these other models Beasts if you really want to.

The down side for me is that my Marcus stuff (just Marcus...not Arcanist), is starting to outnumber my Guild

stuff (of which I have everything).

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I wouldn't say that the waldgeists are only included with wood pieces on the board. I have used them for their durability to great effect as a solid tank. They are also great treasure carriers.

I would add that silurids are fantastic in some scenarios but not auto includes at all. They are six wound 4wp models that can go down very quickly if they don't get out of the fight at the end.

The beauty of marcus is he doesn't have many auto includes at all.

I would recommend picking up myranda also as her utility is fantastic (totally reversed my opinion on her in the past month).

Look at the lawyer for wp heavy crews also. He is also great with the waldgeist.

Also I have been very impressed with the night terrors, they are very fast and hard to put down with hard to kill and spirit.

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Can't believe nobody's mentioned Shikome yet :) She's an awesome striker, and very fast. Even if you don't use her as an assassin, you can take advantage of her mobility as an objective grabber. It's probably not something you should really work to set up (since it would limit her movement somewhat) but she actually makes a great Defend Me target as well, between Terrifying and Spirit.

I keep trying to like the Lawyer, but his speed is a real drawback. Especially given the relatively short range of his spells, the 3" move usually sees him left in the dust without any way to really influence the battle.

I know it's not out yet, but the Arcane Effigy is likely to be very, VERY good with Marcus. Conduct Aether can essentially turn Alpha into a (1) spell, letting us do all the nasty things we've always wanted - all those combos that you never had the AP for before, throwing in Howl or Stare Down, etc - are now viable. I've never found the Jackalope to be much more than fun with Marcus - it's minimal damage, and the only spell he can Extension needs a very high ram for him to cast. As much as I like the little guy, the Effigy should prove far, FAR more useful.

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Well I got my 1st game in with Marcus & despite me completely forgetting my missions & just seeing what I could do with the crew, I have to say I'm really impressed.

I ended up running;



2x Hoarcat Pride

3x Silurid

3x Moleman

Cache; 4 stones

This went up against a Lucius crew containing;





3x Guild Gaurd

Drill Sarge

I think that was it anyway.

Ryle became a threat really early so I thought I'd test the offensive capabilities of the silurids & they left ryle with only a couple of wounds. He killed later in the turn by the Jackalope.....who is amazing! Love it!

Hoarcats managed to get devour off on 3 seperate targets :D

This crew is so fast & so different from my usual outings I can't wait to try out some of the other stuff I've got in the arsenal for this crew :D

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Wow, Devour x3 is extremely impressive. I don't use them often, and I haven't gotten it off yet.

Touch match-up with Ryle and the Austringer. Guild Guard aren't fantastic, but with Lucius and the Drill Sarge buffing them, they can be brutal shooters. The Austringer ignoring cover and LOS (except on silurids) and the bonus against Silurids is rough.

And you still had a good game. That's really good.

BTW....Jackalope FTW!! I'm going to miss him a lot when I start trying the Arcane Effigy.

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The trick with Marcus is swap in and out models depending on the scenery. Waldgeist for forests, Silurid for bogs and bayou, Cerberus for built up areas where the leap can get him over walls and buildings. I think this is what people miss a lot with him. You choose your crew after setting up the terrain so you can make a crew for anything you face. Shikome work well indoors as they can fly through walls.

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Not a huge fan of the Shikome model myself. With my new found Myranda love, I generally turn her into one if I don't need something else more. Then I'm only using the shikome for part of the game :P this also lifts the Prey restriction on it which, personally, I would only really want sometimes anyway.

Only a couple mercs really jump out at me. Gunslinger obviously, but I like the Gunsmith. the new McTavish seems cool - gives a beast-only 'Obey'. The Freik Trapper adds long range fire support and gets a bonus shooting at beasts (IIRC) - so he's really good at a 'Feraled' target - he can also give Scout.

Finally, Killjoy seems like loads of fun with the Raptor or Night Terror delivery systems.

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I am currently enjoying the night terrors with Marcus, for 6 stone I get two signifigant spirits that are hard to kill and can move 18 inches a turn.

They are less good in a fight, but one of the best objective grabbers I've seen that are also reasonable defend me targets.

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Not a huge fan of the Shikome model myself. With my new found Myranda love, I generally turn her into one if I don't need something else more. Then I'm only using the shikome for part of the game :P this also lifts the Prey restriction on it which, personally, I would only really want sometimes anyway.

Only a couple mercs really jump out at me. Gunslinger obviously, but I like the Gunsmith. the new McTavish seems cool - gives a beast-only 'Obey'. The Freik Trapper adds long range fire support and gets a bonus shooting at beasts (IIRC) - so he's really good at a 'Feraled' target - he can also give Scout.

Finally, Killjoy seems like loads of fun with the Raptor or Night Terror delivery systems.

Wait, Myranda as a Shikome doesn't need to use Prey? I wasn't aware of that.

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Got a couple more games in with Marcus & holy crap were they painful!

1st was against the Dreamer & first time I've faced him...ouch.....just ouch! But I think the next match against crew will prove to be a much closer game. 6-4 to Dreamer.

2nd (& 3rd ever game with Marcus) I ran into Lady J. Ok not bad I can keep out of her way fairly easi....NO...I flipped deliver a message! I can't think of anytime I'd willingly walk something up to her :( Managed to pull it off though, cost me 2 rattlers & a seriously dinged up Marcus! 8-6 to Lady J.

Despite the savaging from these two crews & my now super-important need for reconstructive surgery on my back passage I have to say I'm totally in love with this new crew :D

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