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A discussion of Book 3's Big Big Spoiler

Jonas Albrecht

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I guess it all depends how you view the Malifaux universe and how you interpret the bits of fluff. I personally don't really see everyone in faux being dark and twisted. I think there are already enough games out there with "Grim 'N' Dark" being the base line of everything and everyone.

Until something is written which in my mind explicitly shows Marcus being twisted or evil etc I will continue to see his character as an animal lover.

But as always this is only my opinion.....

;) Denial!

But still, that's the fun stuff about characters. We bring our own perspectives to what's going on with them.

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The thing that upset me the most about that story was the way Seamus kept using "ye" incorrectly. In Irish English ye is you plural, no way would he have used ye when addressing Samael and you when addressing a group.

I had a flashback to that insulting scene at the beginning of the second Season of Heroes, in the Cork docks... :P

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Also, that they'll all be struggling to survive in a war that is way above the faction level. Factions seem so unimportant in real game terms (cross hiring being rife etc), nice to see the same in the story.

This is one of my issues with the place Book 3 takes the story. I've zero interest in watching the story abandon the interpersonal conflicts of the characters to have them all go fight Galactus. We've got 20 different masters, and almost all have been underused and underdeveloped. There's no need for a world devourer foe when the source of conflict between characters is completely undertapped. Epic is a scale, not the benchmark of quality.

The thing that upset me the most about that story was the way Seamus kept using "ye" incorrectly. In Irish English ye is you plural, no way would he have used ye when addressing Samael and you when addressing a group.

I had a flashback to that insulting scene at the beginning of the second Season of Heroes, in the Cork docks... :P

Why, after two books, did they feel the need to start writing him in accent? It was distracting and necessary.

Denial is bliss...or was that something else?

At least your chosen Master is going all Dances with Neverborn in an ill thought out attempt to add pathos.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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I really enjoyed the book 3 fluff, and how it really fleshed out a multitude of situations. For ones not already mentioned...

-The great Arcanist caper made me grin like an idiot after getting over the fact that there wasn't any main characters really in it (besides Lucius). English Ivan is hilarious.

-The Misaki fight with Kaeris was really interesting, and feel like its hinting at new plot hooks for the next story arc. I can't wait to see where that goes.

-I want more Von Schill story!

-The teddy story was really, really well written, and creepy as hell... but, it isn't what I want, personally. As mentioned by someone else here, we already have a lot of 'grim and dark and dark and grim' games out there... I would love a game world that keeps the plot dire in many ways, but also allows for there to be moments where 'hey, things really aren't that bad all the time'. Its why I like Colette so much.

-The Neverborn fluff this time around I found really engaging. Finding out Zoraida was a human convert from the first breach was awesome and totally fits, and Pandora's trippy dream experience with Nytmare had me fully engrossed. I also liked the fact that Pandora seems to now be showing that there is dissension in the ranks even in the Neverborn faction. Which brings me to stuff already mentioned...

I don't think we have to worry about all the different factions coming together and singing around a campfire to banish the big bad evils... but I do expect a lot of cross-faction interplay. Book one, for example, had four factions coming together to banish both December and the Grave Spirit, but how it came about was very piecemeal - none working together, so to speak, but simply dealing with their issues through the struggle. There is going to be some obvious team ups despite the announced factions, but there are just some people that aren't going to play nice - the governor general and Lucius, for example, are going to cause a Guild rift of who is on whose side. Rasputina is obviously divided from Ramos' machinations, and while Marcus plays nice, he is very much his own character, and seems to be gearing up for his own plot. The Outcasts don't bear much mention, as they are obviously split apart, while the Neverborn show issues, with The Dreamer being his own force, and Pandora's madness and anger distracting from Zoraida and Lilith's hopes. Oddly (to me), the resurectionists seem the most united in some ways, with Kirai (who was absent in this book) still somewhat distant due to her different sort of magic. I love the interplay between factions, and that it isn't static or all encompassing. Keeping that going will keep me engaged with the fluff and the game for a long time.

-About Sonnia, I really do have no idea how they are going to get themselves out of that one. She is one of my favorite characters to play as, and now the fluff and her decisions justify that for me... but I don't know how she's going to live. Not only is she the big bad, she WANTS to sacrifice herself to keep Cherufe away. Not to mention that I fully expect the awakened Witch Stalker to become a model in a future book and be hunting for revenge on top of it... I can't wait to see how it plays out.

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That's exactly my point - there was no coming together, but yet everyone still came together into the same place, realizing there were bigger things that needed killing. You had many factions in the same place, and things were mixed together, temporary alliances, and then seperation. The Neverborn used Viktoria, while the Guild was sticking its nose into trying to deal with this anomaly in the landscape. Ramos was aiding the Guild while working to purge the Grave Spirit again.

I am confident that Wyrd can manage the accumulating storyline effectively, and hope that some inter-faction play does happen. There seems to be a blending of Lady J/Hoffman/Ramos, or at least an ambiguous movement to a sort of mutual understanding, even as Sonnia has been eaten by a Tyrant and Rasputina has effectively separated herself from the other arcanists to deal with her own issues.

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I remember in one thread way back they said the term faction is loosely used. You could easily say they are cliques more so than factions, just because of how it seems that each character is closely related to another in another faction and each character in the factions have their own agendas.

(sorry for the painful run on sentence lol)

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I remember in one thread way back they said the term faction is loosely used. You could easily say they are cliques more so than factions, just because of how it seems that each character is closely related to another in another faction and each character in the factions have their own agendas.

(sorry for the painful run on sentence lol)

Yeah, four of the five seem more like loose coalitions than anything. It's the Guild that is an organization.

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- The Seamus/Sonnia puzzle solving of the Tyrants and how to prolong their road to ascension.

- The Marcus and McMourning angle. It was unexpected and nice to see them expand on their characters.

- Zoraida not being a true Neverborn.

- Ramos learns that you don't hassle the Hoff!!


- The stupid accent they gave to Seamus' dialogue. I always read it with an accent before, now his whole voice has changed in my mind, grrrrr!!

- The Seamus dialogue in his Avatar page. Last time I checked he is Seamus, not Jack Sparrow.

- Lady J and Perdita get shafted again. One can only hope that they will play bigger roles (at least Perdita) in the next book. Dita was comatose all the way through and Justice is emo about being a construct, I need more on who they are, especially Justice.

I really could go on, and on with things I like and dislike. Overall I thought it was awesome and like all the interactions between characters/factions. I like that it's not so separated between Ressers and Arcanists, as they are really pursuing similar goals (well maybe not Nicodem).

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Yeah, four of the five seem more like loose coalitions than anything. It's the Guild that is an organization.

The Guild is an organization, but it is an immense organization with a lot of strong personalities that are pursuing their own agendas. None of the four Masters are going to blindly follow orders if they have qualms regarding what their told to do. Currently, they are all part of the Guild because it fits their agenda.

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-The great Arcanist caper made me grin like an idiot after getting over the fact that there wasn't any main characters really in it (besides Lucius). English Ivan is hilarious.
It was only after I had written that one that I realised I had done a story without any recognisable Masters or Minions in it! Ah, well, I suppose not everything in Malifaux centres around them :)

-The Misaki fight with Kaeris was really interesting, and feel like its hinting at new plot hooks for the next story arc. I can't wait to see where that goes.
It goes up! (or is that a line from Ghostbusters?)

-The teddy story was really, really well written, and creepy as hell... but, it isn't what I want, personally.
Hopefully there was something in Book 3 for everyone. As you say, there are characters (like Colette) who can keep things light and there are others who lend themselves to darker storytelling.

Not to mention that I fully expect the awakened Witch Stalker to become a model in a future book and be hunting for revenge on top of it... I can't wait to see how it plays out
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I did like all the cross factional character interactions and relatonships and how a few loose ends were tidied up as far as connections go but more have started now.

How far back do Leve & Z go exactly? Did the two of them create Jack Daw?

Ovearall both the main story and the faction stories were all very well written and made for an enjoyable read

Edited by osoi
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Marcus seems to be the very embodiment of "Nature red in tooth and claw" and the idea of evolution being powered by the survival of the fittest, as opposed to a hippy nature lover.

There doesn't seem to be a single Galactus to fight either, and I'm sure there will continue to be conflicts of interest, even if that interest eventually boils down to "who survives?"

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See, I don't really think Som'er is important. He is one of the masters I play, I just don't feel he has a place in the better part of the story. Even last book, he ran away, shot Dita in the chest and well...ran away some more!! I would like them to expand on the Gremlins, explain where they come from and all that good stuff, that'd be rad.

Lady J has been the same in all three books now. She chopped up undead in the first book, she chopped up undead/rats in the third book and got a building dropped on her head. Book 3, well she wakes up and the first thing she wants to do is go chop something. They need to expand on who she is. I understand she is vulnerable without her sword, sounds like penis envy to me...

Dita was becoming cool by the end of book 2. Book 3, she sleeps and sleeps some more. The ending however, has built her up to be/play a huge role in the story to come.

Where are the Viks? They haven't really been mentioned at all since book 1, I miss them.

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See, I don't really think Som'er is important. He is one of the masters I play, I just don't feel he has a place in the better part of the story. Even last book, he ran away, shot Dita in the chest and well...ran away some more!! I would like them to expand on the Gremlins, explain where they come from and all that good stuff, that'd be rad.

I'll pretend you didn't say that first bit. *pouts*

But yes, that second bit totally agree with. With Book 4 being Special Forces, I would not be shocked to see some of that.

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