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Models you Never Cheat on.


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So I don't know if its just me but I definitely have models that well I don't care if all I needed to do was drop a 6 to send it back to you to cheat I wouldn't.

In that list are



-Mechanical doves

-Primordial Magic

-Ice Gamin(Except to go low and throw a :tomes)


-Terror Tots(Other then to grow them)


I am sure I will have more of these as I continue to expand my crews but are there just models you don't care if they get hit and die they aren't worth a decent card in your hand.

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No models fit this for me.

From the crews I own and all the ones I proxy and play, I've never had a model that I can say I would not bother cheating with. It's far to situational IMO. I've had many games where a single Terror Tot is being more useful (and thus worht more to me) then A Young Nephilim. I've often found that the "throw away models" can make all the difference when you give them a little extra oomph. I've killed more Masters with Terror Tots then I have with Mature Nephilim :)

Though I do admit I find myself rarely cheating anything for a Sorrow offensively, though I'll cheat like crazy when their attacked.

Basically for me, if whatever its trying to do or it's presence is worth cheating... I'll cheat. It really has little to do with what model it is for me and more of how it fits into the game at the moment in time.

Edited by karn987
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So I don't know if its just me but I definitely have models that well I don't care if all I needed to do was drop a 6 to send it back to you to cheat I wouldn't.

In that list are



-Mechanical doves

-Primordial Magic

-Ice Gamin(Except to go low and throw a :tomes)


-Terror Tots(Other then to grow them)


I am sure I will have more of these as I continue to expand my crews but are there just models you don't care if they get hit and die they aren't worth a decent card in your hand.

The current state of the game and my hand dictates whether or not I cheat.

Every model in the list is worth cheating in theory or it shouldn't be there in the first place :)

I agree with both of the above. most non-uniques 6SS and under I don't worry about, but if I see it as a stepping stone to further damage I cheat it, If my opponent needs corpse tokens to fuel his engine, or a trigger that gets a free attack pops up I cheat.

It usually peeves my opponent when I cheat to keep a Bayou gremlin alive vs LCBs last Melee expert attack, and he want to trigger all done to use the dreamer.

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Every model in the list is worth cheating in theory or it shouldn't be there in the first place :)

This is a bit of an overstatement.

Plenty of models can take punishment, or aren't worth cheating because it won't matter. The Ice Golem isn't going to make a huge difference on Df, especially if you've Touched him. I rarely cheat Df with Seamus - with Hard to Wound 2 it's nearly impossible to get to an even flip, and the difference between :-fate and :-fate:-fate is relatively minor.

Many models are either expendable - if not outright advantageous when they die - so fragile cheating with them doesn't help anything, or tough enough that not cheating doesn't hurt you any. Some models can certainly change that condition during the course of a game, but they're definitely out there.

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So I don't know if its just me but I definitely have models that well I don't care if all I needed to do was drop a 6 to send it back to you to cheat I wouldn't.

I only played in one Tourney, but I noticed the people who played this way lost. Now I understand it was mostly to get your point across, but that is the whole value of mid range cards (I guess if not suited right). Making an opponent have to use his hand to beat a 6 wins games in my opinion. You are most likely not going to risk a valuable card with a 6, so unless you are holding it to cast something, what else do you do with them?

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This is a bit of an overstatement.

Plenty of models can take punishment, or aren't worth cheating because it won't matter. The Ice Golem isn't going to make a huge difference on Df, especially if you've Touched him. I rarely cheat Df with Seamus - with Hard to Wound 2 it's nearly impossible to get to an even flip, and the difference between :-fate and :-fate:-fate is relatively minor.

Many models are either expendable - if not outright advantageous when they die - so fragile cheating with them doesn't help anything, or tough enough that not cheating doesn't hurt you any. Some models can certainly change that condition during the course of a game, but they're definitely out there.

Disagree, a -- flip is just as likely as a ++ flip to get an unlucky red joker and ruin your day. If I can use a 6, which I wont use for anything important, to make my opponent ditch a six or hopefully higher card to still hit. I'll do it. I wont waste a 13 on a gamin unless I really need him to live, but low to mid range cards are fair game to get my opponent to use his hand up.

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