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In Depth Book 3 Minion Analysis


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Here we go:

Crooligans - Sepcial Force [Horror], Undead:

Undead children whose job seems to be get in and get out hitting objectives ASAP. They are deployed after all other models 12" away from enemies/objectives. The best plan I can think of so far is to walk forward with one, cast "The Mist" which allows a friendly Crooligan to use an action to warp into base contact. The Mist also boosts bast Wk, so that your Crooligans can get pretty far in turn 1 working as a team. Add in that after they use an Interact action, then can be pushed their Wk. Lastely, Return to Sender allows the Crooligan to warp to a friendly master or Henchmen if they get engaged in melee. Decently low Df and Wd.

Verdict - Objective Strike Team. Other than boosting Wk, I'm not seeing too much synergy between Crooligans and Molly. So I'm thinking that Molly and the Rogue Necro run diversions while your Crooligans go score points. They seem a solid minion who has A TON of speed.

Dead Doxy - Belle, Undead, Rare 2

YAY! New Belle! I would argue that the Dead Doxy is the Rotten Belle's more offensive sister. Meaning, whereas the rotten belle lures things towards your Alpha Strike, Dead Doxy moves towards the enemy to attack. She has a lot of debuffing that she can do to soften someone up for Seamus's gun of death, or....SHE HAS HER OWN GUN! Granted her range isn't amazing and her Cb is average.

Verdict - The harem grows. I'm a Seamus player...so....YES! These girls theoretically can get within 4" of a model, force negative twists on defense, lower defense, and then shoot it in the face! YES! MORE UNDEAD HOOKERS PLEASE!

The Drowned - Spirit, Undead, Rare 3

Hrm....these guys strike me a bit strangely. They're like Crooked Men meet The Hanged...sort of. They have a ranged attack that is not really impressive, but can cause a whole of cards to be flipped by your opponent with triggered and secondary duels. I can't really tell what the purpose of these guys are. They seem to just trigger Df duels left and right.

Verdict - On the fence...I like Crooked Men for range, so having another option is nice, but we all saw how Guild Autopsies turned out.

Jaakuna Ubume - Spirit, Unique

So she's the spirit of a crazy lady who drowned her kids and is now trying to drown everyone she meets. Rather impressive ranged attack, however, I feel her real function is to lock an enemy in melee and never let it go. She has "Siren Call" which is basically a Rotten Belle's lure, EXCEPT, instead of making a melee attack if possible, the target is paralyzed if it ends in melee range. Disengaging from her requires a Wp->Wp duel, she can force enemy models declaring actions while in base contact with her to make Df duels or suffer wounds, she can reduce a target's walk to 1 given enough time, can deny movement actions, and...is pitiful. So yes....lock someone in melee and never let go.

Verdict - BOARD CONTROL YES! Kirai has a tar pit to add to her arsenal. It's already dangerous enough to lure things towards Kirai (aka, Ikiryo nomming zone), but the added bonus of locking something in a position and making it suffer for being there is just awesome. Good thing this spirit has relatively low Df or we would be crying BROKEN!

Rafkin, the Embalmer - Graverobber, Unique

This guy is interesting. I see him as a mini McM with a relatively scary range attack (drops poison on things). He is another secondary summoner able to summon either mindless zombies or guild autopsies. However, perhaps his job is to get more use out of corpse counters. Everytime a corpse counter is discarded or sacrificed within 6" of this guy, he turns it into a body part counter. He can other use those counters to summon or to remove tokens from allies. Pretty good utility.

Verdict - Interesting, interesting. He seems to be fighting for Sebastien's job. I'd hafta get more experience with him to come up with a true verdict, but I am intrigued to say the least. He would seem to synergize well with either McM or Nico. If nothing else, spreading Poison everywhere seems a noble undertaking.

Carrion Effigy - Graverobber, Object 1, Special Forces [Doll], Unique

The art is awesome. As a Resser, I don't know why I would field this guy. The totems it would replace just seem to have better synergy with their respective masters. Certainly it is useful for eliminating resistances and immunities, but I think I can spend soulstones elsewhere that will be more effective.

Verdict - Collodi, hire this thing. Ressers....probably not.

Edited by pigi314159
spelling oopsies
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The Drowned - Spirit, Undead, Rare 3

Hrm....these guys strike me a bit strangely. They're like Crooked Men meet The Hanged...sort of. They have a ranged attack that is not really impressive, but can cause a whole of cards to be flipped by your opponent with triggered and secondary duels. I can't really tell what the purpose of these guys are. They seem to just trigger Df duels left and right.

Verdict - On the fence...I like Crooked Men for range, so having another option is nice, but we all saw how Guild Autopsies turned out.

I agree with the rest of what you said, so I'll just comment on this one. Gonna throw this out there: 6 wd spirit with slow to die for 4 points.... yeah...

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I'm a big fan on the drowned, for 6wds and spirit they seem mighty good and can get some serious movement going despite their low Wk4.

Crooligans look like they work well in a pair but i can't see what i'd drop to bring them into a McM or Seamus list. Nico/Molly might find use for distant objectives.

A single Dead Doxy seems ideal in a Seamus list given the debuffs but i'm thinking it may be a better summon? The automatic trigger of a melee/ranged strike following a successful seduction cast means she could achieve a lot in her activation with the right cards.

Rafkin definitely competes with Seb. At 7SS he's reasonable at melee and has a nice poison/blast 6" ranged attack. I'm thinking he's better used as a backup damage dealer while healing you guys and/or handing out hard to wound. If he's in the right spot having hard to wound on a lot of low cost minions can really burn an opponents activations if they are trying to table you.

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Carrion Effigy - Graverobber, Object 1, Special Forces [Doll], Unique

The art is awesome. As a Resser, I don't know why I would field this guy. The totems it would replace just seem to have better synergy with their respective masters. Certainly it is useful for eliminating resistances and immunities, but I think I can spend soulstones elsewhere that will be more effective.

Verdict - Collodi, hire this thing. Ressers....probably not.

Remember your totem is removed when you manifest an Avatar, if your wanting to manifest really early... Nicodem, I'm looking at you.... Your not going to want to take totems. Effigies are not removed when your Master goes Avatar.

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Could I hope for some more details about dead doxies? I tried my hand with Seamus today, rolled shared slaughter and noticed a significant lack of punch (I know, my bad for going with hanged, 2 belles, bete, copycat and seamus at 30 stones for slaughter) and I was thinking from what I'm reading a doxy could come in to take the place of a belle to give me some more punch.

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I've done very well with Seamus in Slaughters, remember it's not just about killing your opponent, but also about minimising casualties. Seamus crews are tough, so you can normally react to attacks and get wounded model either out of the way or kill them yourself.

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I've done very well with Seamus in Slaughters, remember it's not just about killing your opponent, but also about minimising casualties. Seamus crews are tough, so you can normally react to attacks and get wounded model either out of the way or kill them yourself.

Well, it was more about Lady Justice being on the other side and me not being too clever using the bete noir (she got jibbed 5 times). I started strong luring and hangman's knot the closest activated marshals and nuking them, when things got close, I tried to do a Terror bomb with Seamus which kept lady and judge in check since I drained a lot of his hand with that but it blew all my activation doing it since I had to get outside pronto unless I wanted a LAdy J stabbing my face without needing to take another terror test. I sent the hanged who had 3 life left on a suicide mission to get bete out, but lady just slapped her down with ease after nuking the hanged. The belles were mostly just passive till I didn't have any more options and sent them out. I did notice I could have played more with luring my own stuff and how me not reducing a hit from the judge cost me a lot (though he drew 3 cards and still got moderate killing my hard to kill...)

Basically, I know I lack experience, but I would really appreciate a "combat belle" in the mix. I didn't raise a belle a single time either though, only turn it seemed like a good idea was when I didn't have any decent crows in my hand.

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Could I hope for some more details about dead doxies? I tried my hand with Seamus today, rolled shared slaughter and noticed a significant lack of punch (I know, my bad for going with hanged, 2 belles, bete, copycat and seamus at 30 stones for slaughter) and I was thinking from what I'm reading a doxy could come in to take the place of a belle to give me some more punch.

One thing somebody brought up at the show and haven't really been discussed here is the Doxy's ability to swap with another belle nearby when they're about to die and heal themself (sort of a mini-Colette trick.) I don't have the book handy so I may be getting the details wrong, but it seemed that two Doxy's sticking together and flipping when they should be dying instead, you could have a pretty darn tough to take down pair of models on the board.

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I've done very well with Seamus in Slaughters, remember it's not just about killing your opponent, but also about minimising casualties. Seamus crews are tough, so you can normally react to attacks and get wounded model either out of the way or kill them yourself.

Would that be with or without Jack Daw and 2 Hanged?

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