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Wyrd in the Top Five!

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Well cruising through some forums and found this. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/20744.html

Malifaux is in the top five miniatures games sold for the second quarter of 2011. And the others ahead are GW and PP, both of which are more established and larger companies. The Wyrd Gents should hold their heads high to be in the company of those heavy hitters.

Congratulations Wyrd!

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Not of fan of the list because I think Warmachine and Hordes should be tracked separately. They are fully compatible games but they are marketed as separate games with there own core rules.

Wonder if tracked Separately Malifaux may be number 4 or 3

Do you mean tracked together? Because they already are tracked separately.

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Well like GW with 40K and Fantasy Hordes is listed as a separate entity from Warmachine for a business structure though it is completely compatible. The list is looking at miniatures sold as listed company entities, but yes you are right that if you look at it from the view of PP as an entity and GW as an entity Wyrd is number 3!

Not to bad for a game that is only two years old. We'll see Wyrd booting Fantasy down the list if GW doesn't get its act together and fixes its game mechanics. (This whole the latest Codex decides which army is the most powerful in game balance and only releasing new books when the star ailments are just right is bad for their Business. But Good for Wyrd's, so let them keep going their direction.)

Now PP is not going to be easy to beat no matter what. Especially since the number of models needed to play Malifaux is much smaller so Malifaux's popularity is going to be hard to judge by sales alone. And they need more exposure and time just like PP took ten years to get to where they are at.

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That's AWESOME! I know it definitely showed at GenCon. Thursday morning, the line was wrapped all the way around the booth, more than once, for about 4 solid hours, LOL. I know the Wyrd staff told us last night while we were helping tear down that they've already put in their request for booth space next year, and they've asked for 50% MORE space.

Malifaux was a HUGE hit this year. I was running demos a couple days in the booth, and several times I gave people a 5-10 minute quick walk-through, and then 10 minutes later I glanced to one side and saw them in line with a Boxset. :D

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