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So wait...is she meant to be a "special kid"? Not trying to be rude or mean, that's just what it looks like with the face too...

If you look in in THIS thread you can see the original sculptor's green of her model. It seems somehow in the pictures we've seen one of her arms and her head are positioned differently than originally intended. Whether or not that is due to assemblage or some other kind of change I've no idea. But, the green sculpt actually looks pretty good IMO.

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Wow, that original model is waaaay cooler! There's no way that the green to mould process changed her that much in and of itself though.



Hey there.... Thr green does look better. I do not know if you have been involved in casting or not but I worked jn the casting dept of privateer. I saw some minis be redesigned and recut to kake them easier to cast. Im not sure if the painted mini is a good represntation of the final product or not, but things can get changed between green and production for multiple reasons....

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The green does look a lot better... And really, I'm just glad they didn't go full stripper for her. I originally didn't think they would, but after Miss Demeanor I started to worry.
I was really hoping the female Convict Gunslinger would be as chunky as the male version, not his hotter daughter.
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Hey there.... Thr green does look better. I do not know if you have been involved in casting or not but I worked jn the casting dept of privateer. I saw some minis be redesigned and recut to kake them easier to cast. Im not sure if the painted mini is a good represntation of the final product or not, but things can get changed between green and production for multiple reasons....

Of course, I'm just saying that they *must* have consciously decided to change the model, rather than a casting error.



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I was really hoping the female Convict Gunslinger would be as chunky as the male version, not his hotter daughter.

That would also be welcome.

I think I was mostly hoping for.. I'm not even really sure. Something convict-ey. Like someone who's actually had to escape and get away with whatever they were wearing at the time, and then scrounge around for a different shirt or pants or a coat to protect from the sun, and try to go incognito.

Not 'Hey everybody, I'm in hiding-- but look at my abs and hiking boots!'

But of course Female = Hot in mini world.. aaand that's a rant for another thread. Sorry. D:

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