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Contemplating Starting Kirai - What to Buy?


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I was flipping through some of the (many other) Kirai threads but most of it was just talking about playing her, but no one seemed to have like a list of things to buy for her. Her ability to summon/evolve stuff seems like you'd need more than just one or two models of each Spirit, but how many should I go for?

A list of things worth purchasing for her (and how many of each) would be great, thanks!

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A tiered approach maybe? :)

* Tier 1: MUST HAVE (don't leave home without):

5 seishim

Lost Love

* Tier 2: Used all the time:


1 Shikome

* Tier 3: Useful models, frequently used:


+1 Shikome

2 Gaki (they pop up sometimes due to side effects of spells)

Jack Daw

* Tier 4: good to have/situational models:

+2-4 Gaki (in case you go for gaki swarms)

2 Onryo (I really don't like them, but some times you can use them)

Dead Rider (I still have to use mine, but looks awesome on paper)

* Tier 5: if you are in the mood:

All other spirits, including the Hanged, Insidious Madness, Night terrors, etc

Freikorps Librarian (some people like)

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I've found that you definitely want at least 1 Shikome. I've never found myself in a situation where I personally have needed the extra. If I had the funds to just not care about buying the extra I probably would just for options.

Minimum in my experience:

Kirai Box

2 clamshells of Gaki

2 clamshells of Seishin

1 Lost Love

1 Shikome

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Here's what I own:

2x Kirai (one painted 'solid', one painted 'spirit')

1x Lost Love

6x Seishin

1x Ikiryo

1x Datsuie-Ba

6x Gaki (Good against other ressers as they eat corpse counters. Since it's easy to summon lots, then having lots is a good idea)

4x Onryo (good against guild due to terrifying and immediate revenge)

2x Shikome

2x Insidious Madness (Awesome. A must-have due to crazy movement and switching plays, WP debuffs and key initiative flips)

1x Jack Daw (Anti-Pandorra)

4x Hanged (You only need 2, but I got the others for a brawl)

1x Desperate Mercenary (You can get a Seishin,a Gaki, a Corpse counter for that Gaki and a healing flip out of this 2 stone model. What more do you want?)

I still need to get:

1x Dead Rider

3x Night Terrors

And I still don't think I have enough Gaki (once had 7 on the field)...and need more Seishin for brawls.

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