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So Zoraida is HOT now...


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A lesson in life: That's how it works. :P

I agree, but probably not for the same reason. I'm guessing that as malifaux is much more successful and publicly known. I'm not a part of the company, but i'm guessing if terror tots were not models until the third book, they would most likely not have like baby wenises.

It is odd that rasputina and lilith seem to have shed all clothing, down to covering themselves with hands, but the model that was nude, granted hideously nude, has covered up.

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It is odd that rasputina and lilith seem to have shed all clothing, down to covering themselves with hands, but the model that was nude, granted hideously nude, has covered up.

I disagree. Rasputina and Lilith both become more elemental - as they resemble the force of nature they represent, they lose their humanity (or semblance of humanity in Lilith's case) and clothes are very closely tied in to that.

Zoraida is another thing altogether. It's the old and well known mechanism, that as the beauty fades, the prudery goes away with it. :D

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The saying might go that way, but the real world does not. Old chicks wear pant suits and dresses down to their ankles. At Mardi Gras last year the young ones got naked on balconies and went at each other. College in the US is also a similiar arguement. Wild and young brother, wild and young.

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The saying might go that way, but the real world does not. Old chicks wear pant suits and dresses down to their ankles. At Mardi Gras last year the young ones got naked on balconies and went at each other. College in the US is also a similiar arguement. Wild and young brother, wild and young.

Ah, but you're speaking of modern days, post-sexual revolution and all that. And in a relatively prudish country on the top of that (with older ladies leaning on the religious side).

In traditional societies the young girls are those who dress with modesty, in general. As you grow older, you are allowed to wear more flashy and more sexy clothes. And in fact the psychology works that way too - there's little need to for a young girl to advertise her beauty, but as the men around grow thinner she starts to worry about her age.

That is the old stereotype anyway. They fit little modern societies, but Malifaux is not a modern society, is it? And there's nobody more conservative in entire Malifaux than Zoraida herself - you should see all the puppets at her tea parties! ;)

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I would say malifaux would probably be in the 1900s, the guns and trains and mechanical constructs. Early to mid 1900s. So I do infact think its modern society.

Huh? We're speaking about public morality here, and not the emergence of working class and decline of medieval aristocracy. Or to put it differently, the machines, constructs and above all guns don't make society modern.

Either way, the comment was only half-serious, related to the fact that sexual imagination of fantasy game players runs against the practicals of life most of the time - no need to dig in.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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I agree, but probably not for the same reason. I'm guessing that as malifaux is much more successful and publicly known. I'm not a part of the company, but i'm guessing if terror tots were not models until the third book, they would most likely not have like baby wenises.

It is odd that rasputina and lilith seem to have shed all clothing, down to covering themselves with hands, but the model that was nude, granted hideously nude, has covered up.

She wears different clothes on different days. Here, you see her on a cold day in Malifaux where she needed a bit more protection against the elements.


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All 3 of the masters I use that are getting Avatars (Lilith, Pandora, and Zoraida) are scantly clad to pretty much naked (looking at Lilith). People are going to see others using the Sonia Criid and Rasputina avatars and look at me and say: "You just had to play the naked women, huh?"

All kidding aside, we (Neverborn) already have two scantly clad to naked master Avatars. Why did Zoraida need to be made younger and provocative? The only thing that happened to her during "The Event" in Rising Powers was all of the animals coming to her (which I think is aptly represented by the Juju and the crows). I would have loved to have seen her become more swamp-like, maybe growing in size and sprouting branches from her that the crows come and land on (looking a little bit like Juju). She's always doing divination, so maybe have a table with her cards, or a table with her scrying mirror. My point is, I feel they could have done much more with her than another scantly clad master. Not to mention they're breaking the whole Maiden-Mother-Crone concept they used in book 1.


I guess Rasputina is technically naked too :P

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All kidding aside, we (Neverborn) already have two scantly clad to naked master Avatars. Why did Zoraida need to be made younger and provocative? The only thing that happened to her during "The Event" in Rising Powers was all of the animals coming to her (which I think is aptly represented by the Juju and the crows). I would have loved to have seen her become more swamp-like, maybe growing in size and sprouting branches from her that the crows come and land on (looking a little bit like Juju). She's always doing divination, so maybe have a table with her cards, or a table with her scrying mirror. My point is, I feel they could have done much more with her than another scantly clad master. Not to mention they're breaking the whole Maiden-Mother-Crone concept they used in book 1.

The Avatars take a part of the Masters being and skew towards it, I would wait to see which way Zoraida goes in the Background and Rules before deciding if the model is right or not.

I really like Zoraida, knowing what I do. :)

Though I did also like "My pet is a dinosaur so I need the temperature in my house hot. This is why I'm wandering around in just my pants and a flimsy shirt" as an excuse. You got to love Primeval, I do like it when shows and companies think about why their cute females should be semi-clad.

Edited by Ratty
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Though I did also like "My pet is a dinosaur so I need the temperature in my house hot. This is why I'm wandering around in just my pants and a flimsy shirt" as an excuse. You got to love Primevalm I do like it when shows and companies think about why their cute females should be semi-clad.

Best excuse for scantily clad girl ever. That show went from hilarious to epic in five seconds at that moment!

I liked Zoraida's hag look, but then as Ratty says, the background will make or break the avatar form. Roll on whenever the book appears in my hands...

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Best excuse for scantily clad girl ever. That show went from hilarious to epic in five seconds at that moment!

Watch Barberella sometime... Other than it being an amazing film with a villain called Duran Duran, you will notice they manage to find a way of getting her out of her clothes and into new ones practically every scene.

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I think the point was that the model lacks continuity, and while i understand why thats the case, I also understand peoples desire to bust balls over it.

Kirai in the art drops to the ground, same clothes

Rasputina gets swallowed up into a mega golem, her clothes get shredded.

Lilith may or may not become a treant, her clothes get shredded.

Pandora wears the same clothes, but reaching to the sky shows off more of her belly.

Seamus turns into mr. hyde, and his clothes rip.

Marcus looks stupid, no one cares about him.

Zoraida turns young and hot, cuts her skirt down to mini size, and sews herself a top.

Which of those seems out of place (well, which other then marcus, because marcus's sculpt is so bad it does not count)

Assuming avatar forms work as people have discussed and the change is something that is triggered in game and occurs instantly that is.

Of course, wyrd can just thank you for smoking it.

Jeff Megall: Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they're looking to make.

Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space?

Jeff Megall: It's the final frontier, Nick.

Nick Naylor: But wouldn't they blow up in an all oxygen environment?

Jeff Megall: Probably. But it's an easy fix. One line of dialogue. 'Thank God we invented the... you know, whatever device.'


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Kirai in the art drops to the ground, same clothes

Rasputina gets swallowed up into a mega golem, her clothes get shredded.

Lilith may or may not become a treant, her clothes get shredded.

Pandora wears the same clothes, but reaching to the sky shows off more of her belly.

Seamus turns into mr. hyde, and his clothes rip.

Marcus looks stupid, no one cares about him.

Zoraida turns young and hot, cuts her skirt down to mini size, and sews herself a top.

Which of those seems out of place (well, which other then marcus, because marcus's sculpt is so bad it does not count)

Well said!

no love for marcus :violin: ... I see nothings changed :D

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Watch Barberella sometime... Other than it being an amazing film with a villain called Duran Duran, you will notice they manage to find a way of getting her out of her clothes and into new ones practically every scene.

Very true! Tho watching it at 3am because you're bored and can't sleep isn't wise. Dodgy dodgy film in so many ways!

See, now I want to see Zoraida's alt...

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