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losing my cherry tomorrow, which faction?


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Tomorrow I am going to do my first Malifaux purchase, although I have a few assorted Wyrd minis from years ago (I like proxy armies!)

1) Where do I start? I presume the new rules manual, rather than the old book, or do I need both? And a card deck, yes? What about the puppet deck?

2) Until I have chosen my faction, can I manage with any miniature figurine, with a sticky label name tag?

3) How did you choose your faction/build? Start with a boxset, or individuals? I know nothing yet, so I probably won't buy figures tomorrow, just books and cards, but once I'm there, is it safe to just choose based on liking the models and fluff? Are there any turkeys to avoid?

My background is 6 years of 40K, Renegade mixed gender Space Marine first, then Skaven-Counts-As-Tyranids, and I love both my proxy armies; my son however tried Necrons, Tau, and DA before finally realising he was a Guard! Expensive learning curve!

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could give me a link to a good 'How to choose your gang' article.

Thanks, and I hope I'm welcomed to the game!

Commander Sasha

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the thread post amused me!

welcome to malifaux you will fit in well here we welcome all new-comers ;)

as for purchases... the rules manual has all the updated rules so will be everything you need, then any deck will do, puppet or normal they do the same job just the puppet deck has a plasticy finish.

all the models come with there own cards with all the rules, updated cards can be found with a search of V2 cards on this forum.

as for choosing crews you have a master then whatever minions you want with a few restrictions of course. starter sets are the way forwards here

as for choosing a faction/master the malifaux matters section of this forum has many different threads about starting new crews

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Welcome. As Stern said, the rules manual will have all the basic rules, though the two books have stats for the models (don't have to have but it is nice to read over to get a feel, though there are some changes between the book and the current cards) and really good fluff.

As far as the deck, the advantage of the Puppet Wars deck is that it is generic to a faction and the advantage to the regular deck is that it has the damage codes on them (don't have to have them, but nice reference). The faction decks also have a stripe on the back that matches one of the factions, but you don't have to have the correct colored deck, just throwing it out there in case you are the type something like that would bother (it does me, but then I'm weird that way).

The best "general guide" I've seen is here: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Gathering+Supplies .

As far as specific recomendations, if you tell us what parts of the armies you've played previously you liked (for example you said Marines, which are tough, well rounded, and shooty; and Tyranids which are fragile, a lot of models, and close combat typically) we can give you a better feel. That being said, one thing that is going to be a big switch is that Malifaux uses less models on the board by a long shot. You can probably buy every model in the game and have a smaller count then a typical Tyranid swarm army.

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Welcome to the forum. But how dare you use Skaven for anything other than ratty goodness?

For choosing a gang narrow the choice by which you like the look of and then as Wookiee said, see which matches your playstyle.

Something else to consider is your miniature assembly skill. Some of the box sets like Lilith's or Lady Justice's really benefit from pinning the joints whereas Sonnia Creed's gang is straight forward.

They're a friendly bunch around here so feel free to ask questions.

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Welcome! Some sound advice from everyone so far

Proxies are fine but can be a little confusing in friendlies but I seriously would just go with what you like the look of best and build from there. Pull My Finger is a great resource that now has entries on all the masters so it can give you an idea for differing playstyles too if you want that to influence your decisions too.

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I chose the models I liked the most when picking my starting crew. As it turned out I chose one of the easier masters to learn – Lady J – and have moved on from there.

The boxset was a great starting point, then after a couple of games getting my head around the rules and reading several very useful posts on the forum here I bought a couple of additional models to add to the crew. Once I had a handle on that crew I started looking to masters and crews with different styles of play.

If you're anything like the rest of us you'll have several crews in no time at all – this is a very addictive game and the models are fantastic. The beauty is it doesn't need to be an expensive learning curve with Malifaux.

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Welcome to the forum. But how dare you use Skaven for anything other than ratty goodness?

For choosing a gang narrow the choice by which you like the look of and then as Wookiee said, see which matches your playstyle.

Something else to consider is your miniature assembly skill. Some of the box sets like Lilith's or Lady Justice's really benefit from pinning the joints whereas Sonnia Creed's gang is straight forward.

My Skaven ARE naughty rats in the 41st millenium! My Rat Ogre/ Tyrant Guard carries a stolen Rhino door as a shield to defend his master!

My pinning skills are sufficient to take on trickier models, I'm already leaning towards Lady J as a good beginners faction.

Right, I'm off to Heroes and Legends in Kingston right now! Shiny things await!

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As said, the Rules Manual and a Fate Deck are pretty mandatory. As for picking your faction and crew, just go for the ones you like the look and sound of best, it's the same with any tabletop game. I started with Colette since I really loved the models and the fluff for them (plus I'm a fan of burlesque which helped make it a easier decision to make, heh).

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Well, I got the rules manual, and they had no decks in stock so for now I'm going to deface a cheap pack of regular cards.

From the above advice, I was decided on either Lady J or Lilith, as they both seemed robust starter choices, and I love a woman in a corset!

In the end, fate decreed that it was Lilith, as Lady J was out of stock. I've actually had an exquisite picture of her and a tot on my computer since 2008, so it was destiny!

Thanks for all your input, now to try and learn the rules! Probably won't get far until I get a demo game! Oh, and Heroes and Legends were very helpful!

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AH, you can never go wrong with a woman in a corset, there is something very alluring about them. I take it this means you'll be a convert to the Showgirls at some points ;) heheheh.

Congratulations on your first purchases and may they bring you a lot of joy. Check the playing cards you are using now though. If they don't have noted red and black jokers you will have to make the faces to note which is which (a felt pen does the trick without damaging/marking the card).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome commander to this freaking amazing game, do not worry about a faction yet, go with the master you like, i started with Zoraida and a year and a half later she is still my favorite master, masters have totems that do nasty things for them, a totem is a good purchase with the starter box, Lady J has her scales of justice and Lilith the cherub.

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