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The Avatar Naming Game

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So we have been given the names of some of the Avatars I want to hear guesses on what they others are going to be called. Oh and Pardon my spelling.

The Law

  • Sonnia, Avatar of Conflagration - $40.00 (Sep) IMAGE
  • Justice, Avatar of Balance - $35.00 (Nov)
  • Perdita, Avatar of Aggression
  • Hoffmen, Avatar of Assembly

The Dead

  • Kirai, Avatar of Vengeance - TBD (Feb 2012)
  • Seamus, Avatar of Dread - $35.00 (Oct)
  • McMorning, Avatar of Pain
  • Nicadiem, Avatar of Resurection

The Wizards

  • Marcus, Avatar of Instinct - $30.00 (Feb 2012)
  • Rasputina, Avatar of Frost/December
  • Ramos, Avatar of the Machine
  • Colette, Avatar of Lust

The Home Team

  • Pandora, Avatar of Insanity (includes Candy) - $40.00 (Nov)
  • Zoraida, Avatar of Fate - $35.00 (Jan 2012)
  • Lilith, Avatar of Destruction
  • The Dreamer, Avatar of Innocence

The Other guys

  • Victoria's, Avatars of Slaughter(Known)(Edited for Dyslexia)
  • Leveticus, Avatar of Necessity
  • Hamlen, Avatar of the Plague
  • Mr. Teeth Jones, Avatar of Bayou

Rate what I have and give what you think works better all the ones with prices are known for sure.

Edited by Mentat_Canis
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Colette's got to be Avatar of Illusion! She's the Master Magician, after all. EDIT: Or Deception, that would be awesome.

For some reason, last night (half asleep) I also convinced myself that Perdita would be Avatar of Sight. She's got that See the Unseen that gets alluded to, and if I remember correctly in the fluff, after the event something strange was going on with her eyes.

I like Rasputina being Avatar of December, and Hamelin and Hoffman's titles also sound good.

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