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Reb's Malifaux Blog *Pic Heavy*

Irish Rebel

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Thought I may start a blog of my progress to keep me motivated, I have to get every model I currently own painted before Gencon. Otherwise I will get all flustered and overhwelmed when I buy all the sweet new releases :)

Here is what I have so far:












And what I still have to finish before Gencon:



And whats still to come:

  • Dead Justice box set
  • Justice Avatar
  • Justice Alt
  • Nightmare Teddy
  • Pandora Avatar (Original - in the mail :) )
  • Pandora Avatar - New
  • Pandora Alt
  • Miss Demeanor
  • Convict Gunslinger

Let me know what you guys think so far! C&C Weclome!


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Damn nice bases on the Lady J crew I haven't seen those yet. What is that one death marshal standing on, a piece of sheet metal? That's awesome! I've gotta check those out tomorrow.

Yessir, just a peice of sheet metal from the bits box. I think I'm going to add skulls and such as well.

@FoeRender - I've been painting on and off for about 8 years, but I'm still attempting to improve on smooth transitions. It seems a lot of my highlights and the skin tones have too obvious highlights that stand out a bit - mostly because I hardly ever water down my paints much and paint over black primer vs white or grey. I started the blog to keep myself motivated, but also to see how things improve after I learn new techniques. In the past I would paint just to get things looking good for games, now I think I am painting more for the joy of painting and having a good looking model than just to have everything painted.

If anyone has a tutorial with pictures on shadowing and highlighting light skin tones using GW paints, I'd really appreciate it. My transitions aren't very smooth at all and don't look natural.

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I really like Victoria and the Desperate Mercenary.

Thanks man, ended up giving all my minis with skin showing a wash of Gryphonne Sepia and some Elf Flesh highlights, look a bit better, but I think with my Justice box I'm going to look for a different technique.

The Desperate Merc is probobly my favorite mini I've done so far :)

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I love the shadowing/highlights on the red you've done, that is some splendid work! I myself have a large bit of stuff left to do for Gen Con, here's to the painting crunch!

I fell ya! I don't think I will be able to finish by Gencon, but thats the goal I have to work towards haha.

Tutorials for skin, faces and eyes here http://massivevoodoo.blogspot.com/2009/10/tutorial-overview.html under special topics.

Sometimes you have to translate the colors from Vallejo to gw, but the principles are to the point.

Well done so far.

I will have to check that out, thanks I appreicate it - I needed some help with eyes as well so thats perfect

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