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Mako's Crew(s)


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I will reiterate previous comments from myself....

I hate you! :-P

Seriously though, this is great work as always. And the best part for me is I was already triying to figure out how to do something like this. Now I have directions to "try" to emulate. I say try because to date, none of my efforts have matched your, but I keep trying.

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Heh, cheers Brugly!

It's all about the practice, I dread to think how many hours I've spent painting in the last ten years.

The trick with the UHU glue was a fun one to work out, I guessed that it would probably work but getting the shape and such took a bit of fiddling at first.

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Izamu might get some work soon, but the girl's are occupying what little free painting time I have at the moment!

Speaking of which, they're now at the point where all they need is OSL. Which will be a lot of layers, but may well be done in time for Salute (in two weeks).



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Oh, this is just a random one. Nice models, so I decided to have a bit of fun with them.

Malifaux stuff tends to be on gaming bases in case I ever use it, so I doubt I'll do a diorama of it. Would have to be a specific scene that really inspired me for me to go through the enormous amount of work dioramas take!

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Nah I will pass. After finishing up the second gremlin I am now done with 30% of my models. 123 left to go! Woop woop! 14 more gremlins to go and another planned 10 are going to be ordered shortly before I finish the 14.

Do you have any experience cutting plasticard? I planned to make some cool bases for my Colette crew. Purchase some pre-made tiled bases with really cool designs and wanted to cut up some 'thick' plasticard (about 2mm thick) into wooden planks in various forms to glue on the bases with some nifty gears and clock materials I have laying around.

I ordered a compass cutter thing online, hoping that will help me out somehow, in case I need circular items...

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Well, with Salute this weekend I've finished working on the sniper girls. When I get back, I'll hopefully be refreshed, slightly less exhausted than I am now (hah! No chance...), and I'll be back to working on the showgirls and such.

Got to try and clear more of my pile before this year's gencon!

Anyway, last look at the sniper girls before I return this thread to its usual Wyrd focus:


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