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Getting my cards up to date


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It looks like I've missed the boat on the V2 stat card redemption (right?).

Haven't been checking this board that often, but getting more into Malifaux now so I'd at least like to get my cards up to date.

What's my best bet for getting my cards updated one way or the other?

1) Hope that there is a forgotten stash of cards somewhere that I can get my hands on.

2) Find cards online that I can print off (same size as the actual cards I possess) cut out the bits that have changed and paste onto my V1 cards. Then laminate.

3) Carry around printouts of the pdf V2 cards.

4) Something else?

Any advice on which road to take?

I don't have that many figures so it won't be a big job.

Here's what I have:

Seamus box set, CCK, bete noir, 2 Nurses, Somer box set, Hog Whisperer, piggies, Ophelia box set.

I take it that when I buy any of the old stuff from now on they come with V2 cards? What if I get stuck with V1 cards (tough luck?).

In the little experience I have of Malifaux gaming, I realised quickly how essesntial having the cards to hand. Just want to make sure I'm up to date for myself and my opponents.

Apologies for any noobish oversights, any advice will be appreciated.



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They can all be bought in Wyrds webstore :)

Shipping cost can be a little stiff though, but if you order along with some friends and split it it won't be so bad.

There's also Gencon coming up soon, so if you want the new rules/stuff and/or this years LE figures you'd have to order from them anyway, so now's actually a good opportunity to update the cards. I intend to do the same :)

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There's also Gencon coming up soon, so if you want the new rules/stuff and/or this years LE figures you'd have to order from them anyway, so now's actually a good opportunity to update the cards. I intend to do the same :)


Can you elaborate on this? Do you mean that the new/LE stuff available at Gencon will be available to order from the Wyrd webstore at the same time?

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Watch out with that question or EricJ might give you a punishment avatar :P

But yes, it's a policy of Wyrds to allow everyone not able to go to Gencon to order everything available at Gencon during Gencon.

But only during those four days mind you.

LE editions probably won't be available at any other times and most other Book3 releases are probably set as September-October releases, so you'd have to wait some months for those.

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I need to say first that I really enjoy the world of Malifaux, and in many respects, Wyrd is doing things absolutely right.

However, the stat card issue is completely BOGUS. $10 to ship to Canada... PAPER mind you...

Idea: Stick it in a conventional envelope, throw a stamp on it, and overcharge $3!

Why the heck would I pay $11.50 for 3 dreamer stat cards, when I can BUY the whole box for $2 more on ebay, or a couple more at a local shop.

Also, if a separate shipping method is too much to handle, why not make these available to distributors? My local hobby shop has multiple Malifaux distributors, and despite his best efforts cannot get ahold of stat cards for me.

I understand business operations, yada yada yada... but let's get reasonable here. You want to ENCOURAGE hobbyists not DISCOURAGE them as you are right now. Malifaux still allows scratch built models in tournament play, but does not provide reasonable methods of Stat Card purchase. This IS a flaw, and needs to be addressed, as it flies in the face of everything I had thought Malifaux stood for.

I want to be able to:

-Support my local gaming store (and by extension Wyrd)

-Convert/Sculpt my own models where I find the sold product missing/lacking, or find an abundance of creativity

-and, omg omg omg PLAY with the crew I worked so hard on.

Dear Wyrd: Please change this horrible policy of flat shipping including the stat cards, and/or make them available to distributors to sell to us.

I will send you a self addressed stamped envelope if that's what it takes. ANY reasonable policy, please.


Edited by CalmPlains
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A fixed rate postage policy is always going to have winners and losers - mainly winners. Never going to complain when my orders come to the UK for only $10!

If you are exchanging v1 cards for v2 then I think the postage is different and you just need to provide a stamped envelope.

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I will send you a self addressed stamped envelope if that's what it takes. ANY reasonable policy, please.


I don't work for the company, and I'm not going to directly address most of what you've said.

They're working out the logistics behind doing faction style decks (or something along those lines) for distributors and LGS's to carry. As it stands now most distributors or shops wouldn't carry single cards, not at the MSRP's margin anyway.

Have patience, and until they're out in a physical format, use the printed .pdfs.

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I don't work for the company, and I'm not going to directly address most of what you've said.

They're working out the logistics behind doing faction style decks (or something along those lines) for distributors and LGS's to carry. As it stands now most distributors or shops wouldn't carry single cards, not at the MSRP's margin anyway.

Have patience, and until they're out in a physical format, use the printed .pdfs.

Yes, I have read this, and I looked for it in their release schedule for the next few months. It is a superb idea! I just hope it soon becomes a higher priority. I am just frustrated, but I do feel a lot better having vented. I think the company as a whole is fantastic, and I still want to (and will) support the hobby.

I appreciate the even-tempered replies guys :)

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Why the heck would I pay $11.50 for 3 dreamer stat cards, when I can BUY the whole box for $2 more on ebay, or a couple more at a local shop.

But didn't your dreamer box set already come with the cards? Why would you need them separately?

The only cards with significant changes are the V2 Main rule book cards and they are free to download. There are a few book 2 changes but there is a really good thread around here by Ratty that gives everyone the run down of the changes.

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I'm known for flipping the Wyrd people some crap from time to time, but Nathan is spot on.

Rulebook needed: Malifaux Rules Manual. $15.00 That's it. It's the only 'Rule' book you actually 'need'.

You want the fluff and other pretties? Buy the first Book and Rising Powers.

V2 Cards: The ones that have changed are available FOR FREE on the left side of the screen you are looking at as a download. If it's not in the PDF you don't need another card.

You want a 'crazy amount of outdated books? Go play WH or WM....

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V2 Cards: The ones that have changed are available FOR FREE on the left side of the screen you are looking at as a download. If it's not in the PDF you don't need another card.

From my understanding (which may not be accurate) some models had corrections made to their cards after the book was released and before the actual model came out, so the cards that come with them don't need V2 updates, but their cards don't match book 1.

So even though I have the rulebook and the PDFs, I'm still missing information.

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From my understanding (which may not be accurate) some models had corrections made to their cards after the book was released and before the actual model came out, so the cards that come with them don't need V2 updates, but their cards don't match book 1.

So even though I have the rulebook and the PDFs, I'm still missing information.

Only if you're not buying Wyrd models with their cards.

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You guys all do know the cards for models that have changed are downloadable right to the left of this post.

Under the heading V2 Statcards

But we can't use them in tournies right?

I was hoping to hear about the faction decks being at gencon but doesn't look like it.

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But we can't use them in tournies right?

I was hoping to hear about the faction decks being at gencon but doesn't look like it.

This is up to your tourney organizer/henchman. I don't know any of us who have expressed that we would now allow someone into an event if all they had was the printout - our last tourney here I took 3 copies of all the PDFs, which I had printed myself, in case anyone needed them.

@Closseau: I believe bbb's point is that there is some information he doesn't have directly, if he doesn't buy the model (i.e. if you don't play rezzers you might not know that Shikome's card is different from the book). I think the cases where this happens are minor, and if you're enough of a completionist to care you can usually track it down on the site... But even then I can't really disagree with him - I don't really like that errata like card changes is not well published by Wyrd, and I hope they get a bit more aggressive about it in the future. Until they do, Ratty's v2 card thread is probably the best resource.

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Only if you're not buying Wyrd models with their cards.

But if I am buying their rulebooks I shouldn't have to buy something else to get the correct rules. I've already paid to have the rules and there are models that I won't have the correct rules for even if I download the V2 cards pdfs.

I think it's phenominal that Wyrd released the full game rules in pdf form. I think it's wonderful that they released the V2 card pdfs. I think it's extremely frustrating that there are models whose rules differ from the rulebook, but who didn't receive V2 cards since their cards were corrected before the models were released.

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