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Howdy from North Texas!

Much like other folks, I'm sure, I got into gaming with the red box D&D in the mid 80's. My first miniature wargame was 40k in 1987 or so. Pretty much stuck with 40k, WFB and Blood Bowl through High School. I completely lost touch with gaming while attending college and it wasn't until around 01 or so that I got back into it. After dabbling with WFB and 40k, I found that the game really didn't excite me anymore. I love the fluff, but it didn't drive me to play the game. I still play blood bowl in a local league and BB will always be very close to my heart.

I instantly fell in love with the idea and fluff of Malifaux when I first heard about it on the D6G Gencon podcast in August 09. The world is so rich and the folks at Wyrd seem to really have a handle on what they are doing. I've lurked for a while as well and the community seems to be friendly and knowledgeable.

I have owned the first book for over a year and got book two and the manual when they were released. I currently own and am painting several crews. I'm finding it hard to stay focused. The mini's are so great, it's so hard not to grab a few new ones whenever I get a chance. I'm also finding myself taking much more time to paint them, which I really like.

I am pretty new to actually "playing" the game Malifaux.

I was able to play a quick demo at Adepticon this year, which was complete awesomesauce: Ms. Justice took me, and Lillith, out with one swing. The Henchman explained "it's ok you'll survive this turn, at least" just before my best friend flipped the red joker and a 12 for damage. :) I cant remember the henchman's name, but it was a great demo.

I have only played a few times since. Mostly just trying to get the rules down. I'd love to play more, but am finding it hard to locate and catch up with a group that plays regularly near me.

I'm the proud father of two boys (6 and 4) which keep me pretty busy. I have a few other hobbies that also keep me away from the painting/gaming table including Golf, Hunting (bow, rifle, shotgun), IDPA/USPSA (competitive pistol shooting), Competitive Brewing, and the ever popular and addictive outdoor game "Cornhole".

Looking forward to being part of the community.



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Welcome! Thanks for posting your Malifaux story, and great to hear it's been a good experience so far! Hopefully you'll be able to find other gamers to play with (the forums are actually a good place to start!), and get more games in. At least you have a great place to chat about Malifaux here :D

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