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Lady J List, yes another.. critique req'd

Shank Seamus!

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Morning all, (least it is here)

so here we go, another lady j list. I would love critique on this, altho im not a tourny player, at least not yet. so i dont want any over the top jaw dropping beardiness as the group i play with, would most likely just walk off.. :P

  • Lady J, 3ss + Cache= 7.
  • Scales of justice.
  • Judge,
  • Executioner,
  • 2 x Death Marshalls,
  • Austringer,
  • Watcher.

35 points on the nose. the intention is to eventually have 45, which would probably include another austringer and 2 guild hounds.. i just like the idea of lady J having war hounds :)

so, go for it.. lemme know what you think,


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librarian you say, any reason? im still pretty new to playing so i dont allways pick up on usefull abilities.. might just be cus im abit dense tho..


Some magic mitigation and healing. Make no mistake, the Executioner is a great choice, but Lady J doesn't often need help on the melee front. The Lawyer is also a good choice.

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I see the combo of the Watcher and Scales as being pretty good for Lady J, it really allows you to filter your deck plus the Watcher is very mobile, something that a Lady J crew isnt always great at so he can help out with objectives too plus his skylight can help your other ranged attacks too. Overall i nice package for only 3ss.

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Glad you enjoyed that. The Guardian is pretty much an auto-include in all my LadyJ lists. The utility is just too good to pass up.

The Watcher/Scales combo seems pretty awesome, but I fear it may be to much setup to pull off effectively unless done after all your opponent's models activate. One defensive duel thrown in there and you will prob not know what you are drawing with the Scales again. Now, just having two models to pull and mess with you fate deck is cool, but maybe the Scales could be dropped for something else?

Also, after today, I'm dead sold on the Guardian for Lady Justice. It can use her melee buffs, provides her with armor and a damage funnel, and can keep pace with her through Overprotective.
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  • 2 months later...

I think it depends on what you're playing against. In almost every case I would drop the Judge for Nino. Between his 16" range, possibility of a 9cb plus trigger happy and headshot you can almost guarantee he will kill something every turn. If you're playing against ressers, that plus the executioner's decapitate makes the two of them a force to be reckoned with. For overall generic abilities I think I agree that the guardian is a better choice than the executioner. The executioner is mostly effective when he's surrounded by models with 4 or fewer wounds, otherwise he dies too easy.

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