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Hamelin: How many Rats/Children?


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I generally play at about 35 SS. I was wondering how many rats should I shoot to have? I know that 3 come in each box. Is 9 too many? or too little?

I've never played with or against him, but his abilities seem to indicate that I'll need a bajillion rats and half a bajillion lost children.

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If you are up to 20 rats and your opponent hasn't conceded yet they must be a serious masochist.

This is the game that I had ran out at 15 rats against Gremlins. The game was alot closer than you might think, by this point Hamelin and Nix were both dead, the mission was recconoiter and my opponent had managed to complete assasinate and kill prodige.

Get 20 rats just incase you play the gremlin farm.

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Why so many Kids on the table? You can summon only one per turn, so until you start with them you never need more than 6.

They are easy to kill for your opponent and dead more useful than alive (somehow) for you, so less than 6 sounds reasonable.

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Why so many Kids on the table? You can summon only one per turn, so until you start with them you never need more than 6.

They are easy to kill for your opponent and dead more useful than alive (somehow) for you, so less than 6 sounds reasonable.

An idea me and Drake had. I want to keep it up my sleeve until a tourny next weekend - after that I'll share and let you know how well it went. But yes, generally 3 should be plenty - especially with the changes to Hamelin's dying mechanic.

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