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The Executioner, ready to do some killin'


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I can't express my love for this sculpt enough. The Executioner is fully badass. I'm also pretty pleased with my paintjob of him. Feel free to comment, criticize, discuss, etc!

I'm especially proud of the corpse-like hands and the rust on his scissorhands.

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Was thinking the same thing, might I suggest a wash of GW Gryphonne Sepia (to define the skin) and GW Badab Black (for the 5 o'clock shadow and chest pubes/ ball fro).


Yeah, the belly definitely needs love. I didn't want to make it hairy, because I just don't like how that looks, but I definitely need to do something with it.

You dont need to take it out on a date, just make it look like a rough, ex-convict male... otherwise, it looks like a simpleton/baby

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rust effect on the claws/fingers is bit off. as those edges that have the rust should actually be the spots wheres no rust at all,and those parts that now are shine should be rusty. Other that that, very solid painting. and yeah.. the belly needs something :D

I realized after I painted him that I didn't think too hard about where the rust should go, so you're definitely right. Still, I think it looks good on the table and gets the "rusty" look across, so I'm happy with it more or less.

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I went the other way on my exec. He's smooth as a newborn baby. Instead of furrying him up I put a fair amount of time into blending up the skin to give it some real depth and reckon it looks pretty sweet.

But I do like what you've done with him too.

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