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Getting the C. Hoffman Box up to 25SS

Da Big Baws

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2 more watchers wondnt be the worst thing in the world, they will give you good card control and as they arnt insig you can do scheames with them, or anothere hunter as the one in the box will probably be your ride so the othere one can do its actual job of stalking and harassing, even a guardian would help, but might be overkill, and wont help you hurt stuff, but as you say, a peackeeper makes hoffman better no matter what pts value

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2 more watchers wondnt be the worst thing in the world, they will give you good card control and as they arnt insig you can do scheames with them, or anothere hunter as the one in the box will probably be your ride so the othere one can do its actual job of stalking and harassing, even a guardian would help, but might be overkill, and wont help you hurt stuff, but as you say, a peackeeper makes hoffman better no matter what pts value

I meant pricy as in monetary value, not points ;).

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You should probably get a big construct as your main workhorse..

Peacekeeper and Ryle seems most popular, personally I'd go with the Peacekeeper as I think it offers more universal utility for the crew.

If you look at the Arcanist line there's also Joss who could be a rather interesting addition aswell I think - and he's fairly cheap $$-wise.

The Arcanists also have the Steamborg and Mechanical Rider in the lines (the latter of which haven't yet been released and which probably will be even more expensive than the Peacekeeper..) - I think the Peacekeeper is superior to the Steamborg in most ways though and the Rider is a bit more specialized I think.

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or another watcher and the mobile tool kit , but than your really putting all your damage output on hoffmans lap .

Well the Mobile Tool Kit isn't out yet, and it plus a Watcher, would be close to the Peacekeeper's cost anyway (around $20 vs $25). I dunno if I can get the Peacekeeper as the first upgrade to the box, but if I can I will. I just wanted a cheaper alternative in the case I can't, as I may not invest much into Malifaux on my first purchase (which includes the Hoffman box, the rules manual, a fate deck, etc.).

Lastly, I'm partial to Hoffman's own Assistant, if only because of it's fluff, as a second "Maintain Machines" bubble, and a last ditch use for Machine Puppet/Overide Edict if I need the extra gun.

But that is this newbie's personal opinion.

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One of the things I love about this game is that so much of it is situation specific.

All of the suggestions you've been given rock, under the right circumstances. As far as buying within your budget, you may want to seriously consider Ryle. It sounds like your plan is pretty workable though, and that's no small thing!

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Ryle does really work well with him as does the peacekeeper , if you want with friends you can always say the hunter is a peacekeeper til you feel like its worth investing more .

The reasoning behind the tool kit is that it keeps up with hoffman with no trouble , do to its always available rule . Giving Hoffman the book to basicly cast medic at will is nice too , and the extra healing flip from his 2 action . he is also a great target for slow . I have scratch built one for the time being and been running it as both the totems , and found the tool kit way more helpful .

Also be aware of Colloti him and his dolls are constructs so ignore open circuit and can gang up on a key piece a turn and usually kill it . I find that killing the dolls and blowing up the scrap counters slows down Collodi by a lot , and ryle is perfect for taking down the dolls and puppets .

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Well my brother thinks he is going with Ramos's Boxed set and he is going to be my only opponent for now I think it would be weird by fluff those two would fight, but it would present an interesting position as we can use some of each other's models on our crews.

Are they even in a fight?

Ramos's box has 30SS (with Cache) minimum I think and that means my Hoffman Boxed set is going to lag behind by at least 1/3 or 10SS (16SS +4 Cache) :(

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Well my brother thinks he is going with Ramos's Boxed set and he is going to be my only opponent for now I think it would be weird by fluff those two would fight, but it would present an interesting position as we can use some of each other's models on our crews.

Are they even in a fight?

Ramos's box has 30SS (with Cache) minimum I think and that means my Hoffman Boxed set is going to lag behind by at least 1/3 or 10SS (16SS +4 Cache) :(

Your brother should probably assemble the Ramos box set as:




3 x Steampunk Aracnids

This would mean that you could play 20ss matches right out of the box (him Ramos, 3ss, Steamborg, swarm, summon the extras in / split the swarm up - you Hoffman box, 8ss or buy the mechanical attendant as well and have 5ss)

As for 25 ss from the Hoffman box set, I would either go with Ryle or the PeaceKeeper (and maybe swap the Hunter eventually for a totem and another Watcher...) and add the other at 35ss.

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Your brother should probably assemble the Ramos box set as:




3 x Steampunk Aracnids

This would mean that you could play 20ss matches right out of the box (him Ramos, 3ss, Steamborg, swarm, summon the extras in / split the swarm up - you Hoffman box, 8ss or buy the mechanical attendant as well and have 5ss)

As for 25 ss from the Hoffman box set, I would either go with Ryle or the PeaceKeeper (and maybe swap the Hunter eventually for a totem and another Watcher...) and add the other at 35ss.

We have a plan for magnetizing the Spider Swarms. Basically sculpting small rocks out of Green Stuff and sticking a magnet in the underside while it is soft, then glue the spiders to each rock. After that, just put magnets on bases.

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We have a plan for magnetizing the Spider Swarms. Basically sculpting small rocks out of Green Stuff and sticking a magnet in the underside while it is soft, then glue the spiders to each rock. After that, just put magnets on bases.

Even better - as to whether they're balanced against each other, its all relative I guess... Depends on Strategy and Schemes chosen - Ramos has a spell that Ignores armour, so can be counted on to deal damage to Hoff's guys...

None of the Arcanist constructs have Immune to Influence however, which makes the Steamborg a bit of a double edged sword against Hoffman, because he'd be able to turn it against Ramos with Override edict...

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Well reading up, one of Hoffman's spells, will be useless against Ramos (Open Circuit). But three skills gain great power against construct based crews, namely Assimilate, Override Edict, and Machine Puppet. His melee trigger is decent too.

All of those got me thinking of getting another Master's box, as my brother likes Ramos and he well be my only opponent for some time. I don't intend to get a big advantage.

EDIT: Those 3 skills are still very short in range so it may not be a big issue.

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Well reading up, one of Hoffman's spells, will be useless against Ramos (Open Circuit). But three skills gain great power against construct based crews, namely Assimilate, Override Edict, and Machine Puppet. His melee trigger is decent too.

All of those got me thinking of getting another Master's box, as my brother likes Ramos and he well be my only opponent for some time. I don't intend to get a big advantage.

EDIT: Those 3 skills are still very short in range so it may not be a big issue.

Anyone care to comment? I ordered a Peacekeeper so I am going Hoffman either way but I'm going a bit paranoid.

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Ramos does not have to go heavy construct, so if you are finding that Hoffman is too great an advantage, there are plenty of good choices for a Ramos crew that he can pick up. Joss would be ideal, counting as a construct only when he wants to.

Having said that, I don't think that the starting crews are too unbalenced. They both have handy counters to the others strengths and work in quite different ways, but I've not yet played them against each other.

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Ramos does not have to go heavy construct, so if you are finding that Hoffman is too great an advantage, there are plenty of good choices for a Ramos crew that he can pick up. Joss would be ideal, counting as a construct only when he wants to.

Having said that, I don't think that the starting crews are too unbalenced. They both have handy counters to the others strengths and work in quite different ways, but I've not yet played them against each other.

We are planning on just playing with the boxes (plus my Peacekeeper and his Electrical Creation), hence a little concern. Probably go 28-29SS with 7-8 Cache for the Hoff and 2-3 for Ramos.

The abilities are very close ranged though, so perhaps I'm just worrying too much...

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You should be pretty good to go. You'll have a small advantage in having some control over his Constructs. But Ramos' Electrical Fire spell ignores armor, making it easier for him to kill your guys. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Get some games under your belt, and then add other things to the mix as necessary. ;)

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You should be pretty good to go. You'll have a small advantage in having some control over his Constructs. But Ramos' Electrical Fire spell ignores armor, making it easier for him to kill your guys. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Get some games under your belt, and then add other things to the mix as necessary. ;)

Well that much is true. Forgot Ramos can ignore Armor, which is pretty big against Hoffman. I guess that may even it out.

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Well that much is true. Forgot Rps can ignore Armor, which is pretty big against Hoffman. I guess that may even it out.

I did mention Electrical fire ignoring Armour before... :)

Also keep in mind that the game is about scoring points from strategies and schemes, not beating up the other crew, so you have to factor in this element...

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