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Rattler or Cerberus


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Depends on what your fighting against. When fighting against a ranged opponent i'd take the Rattler becasue of his 12 inch charge, giving you a chance to return the favor if your being hit, especially since the Rattler has an ability letting it charge for 1 action as long as it connects. The sabretooth will help against the melee crews and the can also companion with Marcus, which is something that the Rattler can't due because of ornery. But the Cerberus tends to be squishy and loses his +2 melee attacks when he's down to half his health so you'd have to heal him to keep his fighting trim.

This was something I had written in regards to hiring with marcus back before Rising powers:

When it comes to Marcus, the choices of using other faction’s beasts is a definite plus. With the Silurids, Marcus can take a fast pack attack unit, allowing him and the Silurids to cross the table as long as there are at least two, preferably three on the table.

The Sabertooth Cerberus also works well with Marcus, due to the number of attacks it can make (as long as it hasn’t suffered too much damage) as it’s electively fast speed courtesy of leap.

The Razorspine Rattler makes up Marcus’ single greatest ranged weapon with it’s ability to charge 12 inches for a single action, as well as being able to withdraw freely and possibly charge back in, the razorspine is deadly, however it does suffer a drawback due to it being un-companionable. But with the fangs allowing for the extra damage from poison, I think it will cope.

The Moleman with Marcus make for a bit of a damage sink that Marcus can use for his Defend Me trigger, however due to their slow speed they really don’t keep up with him very well, although their ability to tunnel under can br rather handy on heavily terrained boards. The mole men in general will severely limit Marcus’ speed as a fast attack leader.

The waldgeist also makes another fine choice for Marcus due to their armor 2 and remember when using those waldgeists to be sure to bring along one maybe two forests as it’s uproot spell and the ability it has to hide in the forest and attack is fantastic. The waldgeists can play off the Cerberus’ stalker ability by moving the forest in the way of line of sight so that the Cerberus can get that extra burst of movement.

Edited by goblyn13
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i beleive its funny to use cerberus when you are fighting against a range crew, keep him behind some buildings and keep a 7-9 mask in your hand to leap, jump right in their arms and start biting, if you kill an enemy with 1 or 2 bites, you can still charge another target.

your cerberus most likely will die. but they used almost evrything to kill him, and you can come closer and finish the job,

i love the cerberus. he can be used in a lot of different ways

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To be honest, I've never used the Rattler and don't think it's anywhere near the same league as the Cerberus.

With respect to Goblyn, the Cerberus has a longer threat range (20" via Leap, vs. 18" move/charge), and can choose any target rather than just the closest. It does more damage when it gets there, and Roar is spectacular against living crews like Nephilim or the Guild.

The Rattler does have some interesting options - it does add a ranged strike, and the potential for some nice hit-and-run. But Constrict is so hard to make work I can't imagine even bothering to try it.

IMHO, the Rattler was a backbencher even before Rising Powers. Now that it's behind the Shikome, Snowstorm, and Silent Ones, all for comparable cost, I'm glad I didn't bother to paint it.

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You're forgeting the big bonus, his charge is only a (1) action, so with the right combo of cards, you get Charge -> move away 6in -> charge again. Constrict itself in my opinion is not something i'd ever bother to use, when i can find several other uses for the actions.

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You're forgeting the big bonus, his charge is only a (1) action, so with the right combo of cards, you get Charge -> move away 6in -> charge again. Constrict itself in my opinion is not something i'd ever bother to use, when i can find several other uses for the actions.

This is offset by Three-Headed. The Rattler can charge, push out, then charge again, giving two strikes with :+fate on the damage. The Cerberus can charge and follow up with two additional strikes, giving three strikes, one of which will have :+fate on the damage.

You'll need a :masks either way, but the Cerberus has more leeway with it since Leap won't be a resisted check, and doesn't have to do damage.

And all other things being equal, I think that's a bad idea. Assuming access to either suit, Poisonous is a much better trigger. You'll get a second Strike either way - all Lightning Quick would give you is the :+fate on the damage, which AT BEST will be +3 as you go from Weak to Severe (2/3/5), and could be less after things like Armor. Poison 2 will be a guaranteed 3 Wd, even if it takes a little longer.

Ideally, I'd charge, trigger Poisonous on the strike, take a second strike to trigger Lightning Quick, and move away. It's a solid setup, but in comparison to the Cerberus it still lacks, IMHO.

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The advantage I find with the rattler is that it is still effective after being hit. Delivering an un injured cerberus is nice, but it rarely gets 3 headed attacks more than once in a game. The rattler will still be as good on its last wound as it was at full health. possibly I've played against more ranged crews with less terrain, which makes a huge difference on the effectiveness of the cerberus.

The chance for the second charge to be past the durable fighting front line, and into the weak ranged underbelly is also a nice possibility, but I guess one that is partially countered by the forced to charge nearest foe.

Personal current preference is the snake, but I often fail to have the cards for leap when I need them, or for howl. Both of which are two of the cats greatest bonuses.

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...but I often fail to have the cards for leap when I need them, or for howl. Both of which are two of the cats greatest bonuses.

This one really is a wash. You need :masks for Leap, or for Lightning Quick to push you out of range to get another charge. If anything, Leap is more forgiving - a 7 will make Leap happen, but is usually on the edge of what will manage to hit in order to get the trigger for the Rattler.

I will admit that I've been at least persuaded to give it a try some time. I still tend to think the Cerberus is better, but the Rattler has enough supporters that it's surprised me into thinking it may do better than I expect.

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