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I need change


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Enjoy Hoffman he is a very fun master. Lots of cool things to do and tricks that I swear never end.

Picked up his box and the Lucius box as well.

Because it came with Ryle and...and...yeah, I wasn't very justified in buying that box. It looked pretty!

Looking forward to it. :D

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Picked up his box and the Lucius box as well.

Because it came with Ryle and...and...yeah, I wasn't very justified in buying that box. It looked pretty!

Looking forward to it. :D

I did the same. I wanted the Lawyer to try out with Marcus so I just got Lucius' starter instead. Experience has taught me that it's cheaper that way - sooner or later I'll be wanting the rest of that crew anyway. :rolleyes:

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I did the same. I wanted the Lawyer to try out with Marcus so I just got Lucius' starter instead. Experience has taught me that it's cheaper that way - sooner or later I'll be wanting the rest of that crew anyway. :rolleyes:

But now I need some austringers...

...and a Peacekeeper.


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Peacekeeper is a must. Honestly I think the steamborg ranks very high up there tho. I never liked the steamborg with ramos but being as hoffman can put up the cloud for him to give him cover I like the borg. Machine puppet has a min damage 5 as well when he copys due to crit strike.

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Peacekeeper is a must. Honestly I think the steamborg ranks very high up there tho. I never liked the steamborg with ramos but being as hoffman can put up the cloud for him to give him cover I like the borg. Machine puppet has a min damage 5 as well when he copys due to crit strike.

Clearly I need both.

I hate you.


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LOL this thread is awesome.

I too jumped on the Construct train long ago (choo choo, Ramos!) so when Hoffman got revealed I was like "Doh! Crap! Now I have to buy stupid Guild!"

Oh yeah, and add a Peacekeeper. <3

Ooh, and I probably do need an Austringer or two at some point.

Oh, and then I bought Levi...YAY more Constructs! LOL

And I've been really tempted by Lucius' Sword Cane, but I just can't see myself ever playing Lucius, so for now, at least, I've resisted. ;)

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