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Future Speculation: Masters changing sides?


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I can't remember who said it (Wierd? One of the writers?), but there's been a few hints in the past that future books might have masters switching sides. If it even happens it'd be a very cool idea, so I thought it'd fun for a bit of wild speculation as to which models might switch and why. So here it goes;


Master: Sonnia Cridd

Allied with: Arcanists

Background Reason: On the run from the Guild and with her obsession with decipering Phillip Tombers Journal, Sonnia has no choice but to ally herself with the very forces she'd originally been employed to destroy - the Arcanists.


Master: Seamus

Now Allied with: Guild!

Background: With Sonnia on the run, the Guild need a replacement for her Department. A recently captured Seamus is offered the job. After all, no-one can deny his abilities and honestly, since when has the Guild cared about morality?


Master: Rasputina

Now Allied with: Neverborn

Background: With December attempting to exert more and more influence over it's chosen vessel, Rasputina is desperate to find a way to remain independent. Her chance comes in the form of an unlikely source - Decembers arch enemies the Neverborn.


Master: Zoraida

Now Allied with: Outcasts

Background: Severely shaken by her inability to predict The Event, Zoraida reconsiders her interpretation of the Past, Present and Future of Malifaux and comes to a conclusion she never thought possible - The Neverborn will not play a part in righting the wrongs in Malifaux. Severing ties with her Sisters, Zoraida sets out on her own to unravel the strands of fate and find the keys to determining the true fate of Malifaux.


Master: Leveticus

Now Allied with: Resurrectionists

Background: His true nature revealed and his reputation destroyed, Leveticus has no choice but to retreat into the quarantine zone and enact his Master Plan - the conquring and conversion of Malifaux into a necrotic, steampunk hell.

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Holy smoot, we were just talking about the same thing, and had the same idea for Sonnia and Rasputina!

Anyway, with the future of the Death Marshals in doubt, the Guild offers McMourning a deal - they look the other way about his past (and no doubt future) crimes if he relents to heading up the new Undead Countermeasures division.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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T.T I hope this is the case, but I think it was my hysterical ravings about this very topic that might of inspired the idea. I hope this is just an echo from my past that decided to poke at me some more. Oh... the day Sonnia Criid leaves the guild is possibly the day I give up on Malifaux.

Yes it's an interesting Story Development and going in circles with already developed characters is boring for the writers but you have Tons of fun stuff you can do with the characters that doesn't involve switching their alignments :[ I'm too proud to play without Guild Guard...

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I can't remember who said it (Wierd? One of the writers?), but there's been a few hints in the past that future books might have masters switching sides. If it even happens it'd be a very cool idea, so I thought it'd fun for a bit of wild speculation as to which models might switch and why. So here it goes;


Master: Sonnia Cridd

Allied with: Arcanists

Background Reason: On the run from the Guild and with her obsession with decipering Phillip Tombers Journal, Sonnia has no choice but to ally herself with the very forces she'd originally been employed to destroy - the Arcanists.


Master: Seamus

Now Allied with: Guild!

Background: With Sonnia on the run, the Guild need a replacement for her Department. A recently captured Seamus is offered the job. After all, no-one can deny his abilities and honestly, since when has the Guild cared about morality?


Master: Rasputina

Now Allied with: Neverborn

Background: With December attempting to exert more and more influence over it's chosen vessel, Rasputina is desperate to find a way to remain independent. Her chance comes in the form of an unlikely source - Decembers arch enemies the Neverborn.


Master: Zoraida

Now Allied with: Outcasts

Background: Severely shaken by her inability to predict The Event, Zoraida reconsiders her interpretation of the Past, Present and Future of Malifaux and comes to a conclusion she never thought possible - The Neverborn will not play a part in righting the wrongs in Malifaux. Severing ties with her Sisters, Zoraida sets out on her own to unravel the strands of fate and find the keys to determining the true fate of Malifaux.


Master: Leveticus

Now Allied with: Resurrectionists

Background: His true nature revealed and his reputation destroyed, Leveticus has no choice but to retreat into the quarantine zone and enact his Master Plan - the conquring and conversion of Malifaux into a necrotic, steampunk hell.

I think you're forgetting someone in the Guild:

Master: Lady J

Alied With: Resurectionists

Background reason: In the fluff of book 2 a building collapses on her head (also on the judge's head) and a lot of her minions are already a little bit of Ressers (The Death Marchals and the Judge)

And there are already some thoughts and some speculations that maybe she will become a resser



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I think McMourning is more likely to return to the Guild employ than Seamus to be recruited.

In case of McMourning the Guild does know the man and should they capture him, they may have plenty of leverage to reassure his ongoing loyalty.

From practical point of view, a specialist understanding the ways of Ressurectionists and someone potentially capable of making this knowledge useful for the Guild itself would be valuable (even if Guild wouldn't use the undead, it could use the knowledge to destroy them more easily).

McMourning himself would probably be happy with the arrangements as long as they allowed him to continue with his morbid experiments.

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Master: Rasputina

Now Allied with: Neverborn

Background: With December attempting to exert more and more influence over it's chosen vessel, Rasputina is desperate to find a way to remain independent. Her chance comes in the form of an unlikely source - Decembers arch enemies the Neverborn.

i had the feeling that rasputina could retain her selfconscious with the soulstones she got from the arcanists? i could be very wrong tough ^^

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lol wut? nekima with cult of december, extra power to kill her sister and rasputina has a new neverborn ally to keep december away?

I could see this working.

I could also see lady J as a resurectionist. The death marshals are all necromancers anyway, she is possibly dead, the judge always conceal his face to hide his real identity as an undead, Lady J herself is a death marshal so she is by extension a necromancer herself.

I am wondering what faction Peredita would go to if she left the guild for any reason. Say Lucius betrayed her for his personal gain or mission, where would she turn?

I could see the Vics or Von Schill being hired on retainer by the guild or arcanists, though I doubt they would do this.

I could also see the Vics going Neverborn as one of them is a neverborn anyway. I could see the doppleganger version convincing the other to help hunt December and the other neverborn enemies.

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I am wondering what faction Peredita would go to if she left the guild for any reason. Say Lucius betrayed her for his personal gain or mission, where would she turn?

Definitely Outcasts. The Ortegas are already more like mercenaries than loyal followers of the Governor General, they are with the Guild for the money, not for personal beliefs (like LadyJ for example).

But I think its unlikely that they will switch sides.

On the other hand, it would be awesome if the Guild would be able to take McM, he is my favourite master in the fluff (though only because Lucius is not a real master), while as a faction I like the Guild the most. Also, McM with Reinforcements and Scalpel Slingin' would be SICK :D

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well some master could change sides, but i think thiss would be fluff wise, i don't believe that they will acctualy change them.

i play with rasputina, and i don't want to imagine the problems it will get if i have to change some things because she changed to neverborn,

I agree, you cant stuff around with the games mechanic. All those punters that have invested time and money in their crews only to have factional changes made will be somewhat annoyed.

The fluff on the other hand is fair game!

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