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Suggest my next crew


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Yeah, another one of those threads. Right now I have the dreamer, Kirai and Colette. Lots of fun, but each of them has a special playstyle, and are maybe a bit hard. I'm looking for something more basic. Some shooty, some melee action. Good abilities / spells but nothing (too) weird.

So I'm looking at Ortega or Von Schill. These look like they'd fit. Problem is: I'm in 3 factions right now. With one of those I'd be starting a fourth. Not sure if that'd be a big problem.

Any suggestions? I will probably buy the Collodi box when it comes out if that's any help ...

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I recommend Seamus heavily as a partiner for Kirai, you can share Jack Daw and Hanged between the crews and even the Onryo can be useful to him. His playstyle is much simpler and if you play tournaments they give you two diverse crews in the same faction.

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Going into another faction is fine as long as your wallet will allow it!

I would go for Von Schill at the moment. Simply because they are reasonable all rounders.

EDIT: Hang about, did i just recommend another faction over the Guild? #hangs head in shame# Munkey, punish me.

Edited by Absolution Black
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As a Guildster I'd like to suggest Perdita... but based on what you've alrady got, I agree with Abs. Von Schill and his crew are Mercenaries.. so you can combine them with any of your other crews, or run him by himself.

If you ever decide to come to the Guild, let us know. We'll set your feet on the right path ;) *smacks Abs*

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Lilith, Lady J, and the Vics are all relatively straight forward and may offer some different play choices. Lilith can be played with the dreamer and can share models, the Vics can be played with any of your crews, Lady J would give you a start into guild. Of these three, Lady J and the Vics can shoot and stab.

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I agree with the first couple of posters. Go with Seamus or Rasputina. They have what your looking for without having to expand into a new faction.

I've played against Seamus, and I've seen Rasputina played. Both are very effective on the table with some great options, but are somewhat straightforward. At least compared to some.

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