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Precinct Omega's Malifaux


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I'm new to Malifaux, having picked it up partly on a whim and partly just because I love new games and can be fairly sure of finding opponents locally. But I hate playing with unpainted minis, so I'll be getting my first crew - Shamus and the Rotten Belles - painted up tout suite.


I decided to go all out on Shamus with a view to entering him in the Salute 2011 painting competition. I wanted him to look as sharp as his reputation but without any over-bright colours. The model is already very cartoony with that enormous hat and the funky zoot suit, so I chose a subdued colour scheme to drag him a little way back into the realms of conceivability.

The purple on the hat and kneepads give him a bit of flair and tie him in with his Rotten Belles, who will also be dressed in themes of purple and grey.

Other views of Shamus:

Here's a wip shot of the Rotten Belles:


Very early days, as you can see. I've actually nearly finished Sybelle, but forgot to take a picture of her. I'll get around to that in due course. The Rotten Belles (and Sybelle) have their flesh painted with Citadel Dheneb Stone and washed with Thraka Green to give a starting point of a nice, unhealthy, slightly rotten tone. That's then worked up through more Dhened Stone to a Dheneb Stone/Space Wolf Grey mix with pure SWG at the highest points.


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I'm new to Malifaux, having picked it up partly on a whim and partly just because I love new games and can be fairly sure of finding opponents locally. But I hate playing with unpainted minis, so I'll be getting my first crew - Shamus and the Rotten Belles - painted up tout suite.


I decided to go all out on Shamus with a view to entering him in the Salute 2011 painting competition. I wanted him to look as sharp as his reputation but without any over-bright colours. The model is already very cartoony with that enormous hat and the funky zoot suit, so I chose a subdued colour scheme to drag him a little way back into the realms of conceivability.

The purple on the hat and kneepads give him a bit of flair and tie him in with his Rotten Belles, who will also be dressed in themes of purple and grey.

Other views of Shamus:

Here's a wip shot of the Rotten Belles:


Very early days, as you can see. I've actually nearly finished Sybelle, but forgot to take a picture of her. I'll get around to that in due course. The Rotten Belles (and Sybelle) have their flesh painted with Citadel Dheneb Stone and washed with Thraka Green to give a starting point of a nice, unhealthy, slightly rotten tone. That's then worked up through more Dhened Stone to a Dheneb Stone/Space Wolf Grey mix with pure SWG at the highest points.


Dude the Pin Stripes! I love them!

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A toothpick to paint stripes?

I find it strange enough that people use them for eyes. With stripes, you have to have a smooth flow of paint from the instrument to the surface, which you just couldn't get with a toothpick or cocktail stick.

Anyway, I've made some good progress on Sybelle, so I must update the thread today. I don't know why I got it into my head that he was "Shamus" rather than "Seamus", but I think I'll keep calling him Shamus even though it's wrong. This is my Shamus and he's different from your Seamus. None of this doppelganger nonsense.


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