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Viktoria tactica request


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Von schill costs 9,Taelor costs 8

Ah. I stand corrected. Then let me amend my last post by saying 'virtually the same cost' :lol:

I played two games recently. Lost both. Big time.

The first was against Seamus. I managed to kill his flesh construct and get my sword Vic in past his hookers. But I took a pounding. He just healed up all the damage I did to him. It was horrible. My plan from the start was to get in and hit his Master hard. What if I changed my tactics and tried taking out his zombie girls first? That seems counter intuitive for me, but I'm always open to new ideas...

The second game was against Perdita. The game was close... until we got near the end. Then Nino killed the two guys I had in base contact with the objective. I'm not sure what I could have done differently that game. He killed one Vic, then got the red joker on his damage flip against the ronin next to her. It was just bad luck I think.

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Used to have the same issues with the Viks, hopefully this helps

The first was against Seamus. I managed to kill his flesh construct and get my sword Vic in past his hookers. But I took a pounding. He just healed up all the damage I did to him. It was horrible. My plan from the start was to get in and hit his Master hard. What if I changed my tactics and tried taking out his zombie girls first? That seems counter intuitive for me, but I'm always open to new ideas...

Against any of the Resser master I highly recommend casting Sisters in Battle: Fury. This way you bypass their Hard to Wound and healing abilities a bit. The moment you go for these Masters is the moment they have to drop, so if you don't think you can take them out go for their minions instead. Minimum damage 5 is really the best thing to do about the undead since they usually have low defense.

The second game was against Perdita. The game was close... until we got near the end. Then Nino killed the two guys I had in base contact with the objective. I'm not sure what I could have done differently that game. He killed one Vic, then got the red joker on his damage flip against the ronin next to her. It was just bad luck I think.

Leapfrogging onto Nino or having someone like Von Schill or even Hamelin the Rat Catcher, with enough range to get Nino has been the only way to mitigate him. If you can find something that blocks line of sight even better. When fighting guild I noticed that it is far better to use up resources to deal with Nino or he will wreck your plans near end game.

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The other thing to note when running the Viks with Von Schill is that you have 2 sets of models that are equivalent to a master. Sometimes it's necessary to cut your loses and let the Viks die to allow Von Schill the necessary resources to win you the game. Sometimes the opposite is true.

I can remember one 25ss game against Sonnia, where the Viks sprinted forward and wiped out Nino and the Austringer, only to get wiped out by Sonnia, I totally expected this but, in turn due to the fact they were in cover she ended up putting herself into Von Schills range and using a lot of SS to get rid of them. Then I switched to Von Schill and dispatched her. From then on the game was mine.

So my tip for the day. If your playing the Viks and Von Schill don't get it into your mind that the Viks are your master and Von Schill is just a minion.

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So my tip for the day. If your playing the Viks and Von Schill don't get it into your mind that the Viks are your master and Von Schill is just a minion.

Yep, as far as my gaming group and I are concerned, Von Schill is the Master and the Viks the Henchwomen. He supports the crew so much more than just by killing.

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This is a good piece of advice, and would be true every time you field a Henchman along with a Master ;)

To be perfectly honest Lucius has been lacking in that department. So far in my group we just haven't found many uses for him. In fact the one thing that Lucius is great at is as a Delivery System.

At first I thought he would be harder to kill than Von Schill but apparently Freikorp Armor is that damn good.

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Thanks DarcXON. Those are the kind of tips I'm looking for. Now all I have to do is learn how to put them into practice...

My main concern with bring Von Shill to the table is his cost. If I bring him, then I'm almost forced to leave Taelor behind. But from what I'm hearing Von Shill is the better choice in most situations.

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Thanks DarcXON. Those are the kind of tips I'm looking for. Now all I have to do is learn how to put them into practice...

My main concern with bring Von Shill to the table is his cost. If I bring him, then I'm almost forced to leave Taelor behind. But from what I'm hearing Von Shill is the better choice in most situations.

If you are that worried why not bring both. Try this:


Von Schill



Convict Gunslinger

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I had a game like that against Seamus.. Von Schill bounced forward gunned down a belle.. bounced back.. got lured forward. Next turn he got hit by Seamus for 6Wd, and the Copy Cat for 12Wd (Red Jokered a Flintlock Strike.) Spent a single Soulstone healing up with slow to die. Activated. Shot and killed another belle, Last Rites all the corpse counters from the belles and then bounced back to the Librarian and got healed back up to full. While they were trying to take out Von Schill, the two Viks moved into position, so they raced forward and chopped Seamus to pieces.

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Von Schill



Convict Gunslinger

Thats a good list, tight and very efficient. However, as already mentioned I would only run it at the 35ss level. Von Shill and Taelor are too much to fit both in a 30ss list...

Fortunately the next game I have coming up is a 35ss game. Unfortunately none of my Freikorp guys are painted!

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I'm watching this thread closely as although Guild runs through my veins, I am thinking of expanding my Outcasts selection (after all mercenaries are always handy to have around). I currently have a load of Freikorps, but I am considering purchasing the Viks box, ronin and convict gunslinger on payday.

Nice to see these will mesh well with the Korps i already have!

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assisst doesnt affect both viks because it is not a spell, you can only make 1 of them fast a turn and since it is an all action he tends to get left behind quite alot unless you take someone like hans or the trapper

Actually you can take Hamelin and use obey to move him closer to the Viks.

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So you are using,13 points worth of models,to give Viktoria fast? She doesn't need it. She really doesnt. I could see giving the gun vik fast the first turn for the move,move and switch leading to the charge and ginsu from the sword vik,but beyond that..

I think the Student of Conflict would do wonders as a running around the back edge and making your trapper or Hans shoot three times. Or if you absolutely needed to get an objective claimed,making Von Schill fast would mean he could move 20 inchs in a turn.

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I played a 35ss game last night against Collett. I managed a solid win. I think the main reason was that he used the speed of his guys to get in quick, while I kept my guys mostly together. So when he made it in with a guy or two, several of my guys could pound on one of his.

Another interesting point is that for the first time I actually liked using Misaki. She was on one side of a building with Taelor and the Gunslinger. His Coryphee were out of reach behind the building and I couldn't reach them. So I cast air extending Misaki's reach to 6 inches, then moved her up just a little. She struck at them missing both times (I think). But she was in a great place. If he moved in against Misaki then I could activate Taelor and move her in. Essentially I was baiting him. However, he didn't take the bait. He went around the other side of the building. But on that side he had to deal with the two Victorias. So I was happy either way!

Long story short, using Misaki's range increase let me lead my advance with her and use her as bait to draw my target out.

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I have found that the extra stone cost for taelor compared to misaki is alot more useful.

This is the main reason why you don't see Misaki in many lists. When you think about it, a lot of the Outcasts from book one do the same job, so people usually pick the best ones for each job.

Kinda sad really, Misaki is a great looking model.

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