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Let me know what hasn't sold next Monday and I'll see how rich I feel. But between this morning, ebay and adding some miniatures to a paint order, I've spent quite a lot on minis in the last 7 days.

No sooner than I paint something then two (or five) take its place.

---------- Post added at 04:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

P.S. I HATE Nekima's horns. That model is never leaving the house. Only sword Viktoria even gets close to being that annoyingly fragile. Actually, Viks wins. Her hands have fallen off before I've even started painting her.

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Let me know what hasn't sold next Monday and I'll see how rich I feel. But between this morning, ebay and adding some miniatures to a paint order, I've spent quite a lot on minis in the last 7 days.

No sooner than I paint something then two (or five) take its place.

Fair enough....as I said I'll move the remaining lot to the trading threads possibly tomorrow or wednesday...Just want to give the regulars first dibs!

But if I have anything left on monday...you're first on the mailing list!

And if it came down to a choice....Raven Guard or Space Wolves?

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------

P.S. I HATE Nekima's horns. That model is never leaving the house. Only sword Viktoria even gets close to being that annoyingly fragile. Actually, Viks wins. Her hands have fallen off before I've even started painting her.

Lol...I have purchased a lilith crew already built, so the horns thankfully were someone elses problem! But considering all the lists i've drawn up have not contained Nekima, i guess she'll be on the shelf for evermore!

And as for the Viks..I want them, to build a female outcast crew, but will wait for the alts!

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Hmm, tough choice. Raven Guard never existed (outside of fluff) when I last played, but Space Wolves were a bunch of over-powered Mary Sues. I say go with the Ravens.

I'm glad you said that...they have always been my favourite chapter, but the wolves have some sweet minis... But I am only considering a small force to start with (1000pts) so I think i'll get more bang for my buck with the Ravens..plus easier to paint!

I quite like the Wolves fluff though...well, the new stuff anyway!

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One day I'll let my Lilith crew have a game but they were mostly just got for something for me to paint very slowly in the background.

My Outcasts are still waiting in the painting queue. Viks, ronins and Miss D are assembled but not even undercoated. But there is now only Kaeris in line before them.

---------- Post added at 04:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

I quite like the Wolves fluff though...well, the new stuff anyway!

I've not ready any of the new stuff (or any 40k in the last 10-15 years) so all I've read was the old codex and White Dwarf stories. Usually just retelling the same old Leman Russ stories over and over again.

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One day I'll let my Lilith crew have a game but they were mostly just got for something for me to paint very slowly in the background.

My Outcasts are still waiting in the painting queue. Viks, ronins and Miss D are assembled but not even undercoated. But there is now only Kaeris in line before them.

And that Kaeris model is sweet.....almost listed her, but decided to keep her.

It looks like i'm selling a lot and I am, but I have kept a lot more:

ALL the Guild models to date, including extras for rare models etc...

Seamus and Molly crews

Colette showgirls crew

Lilith crew (all neph plus waldgeist)

Kaeris box


And plan to use some of the proceeds to fund the Viks..

So still lots to work with!

Now just need the time to build the damn things!

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The painting thread did at least keep me painting in the months when I wasn't getting any games in. Now that I'm playing more often I have a bit more motivation. From memory I have:


Colette's crew

Coryphee x 2

Mechanical doves x3

Rasputina's crew

Essence of power

Hoarcat pride

Silent One

December Acolyte

Lady J crew

Sonnia's crew




Santiago and Francisco Ortega

Lilith's crew

avatar Zoriada

BB Shaman



Miss Pack

Bought off a friend but nicely painted:

Pandora's crew


Waldgeist x 2



Perdita, Nino and Papa Loco

avatar Justice

avatar Sonnia

puke worm totem

alt Zoriada

Viks crew

Von Schill's crew

Miss D

Ronin x3

Seamus' crew

Plus all that stuff I got off you earlier.

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The good: I'm apparently getting good at running demos. My last demo person gave me a $40 store credit just for running one for him!

I'm not sure if I should chip in a bit more and run a tournament with 25/15/10 prizes, split it 50/50 (half for me and half to get him something good to go with whatever starter he picks), or buy a crew and paint it up for the store so there's always one ready for demos. I could just keep it and use it to go towards the Viks (was going to play 'em anyway, but they seem like they'd be a good demo crew too).

The bad: cannot get motivated to work on minis unless I'm at the store and no games are available. I need to clean my workspace but I'm too lazy to do that, too. Luckily said laziness only happens after work, eh?

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Indeed! Always wondered how vehicles managed to move on such a crowded battlefield! I can imagine an irate land raider driver constantly pressing the horn!

Now I imagine a fat cabby in a stained undershirt, yelling out his Land Raider in a NY accent.

"Hey yous guys, Would ya move that giant mutated Hive creature? I'm try'n to drive heres"

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And as its the start of a new day I'll repost whats left, and then post a proper thread tomorrow in the sales forum….I

All minis are unassembled, and therefore unpainted too, and come with relevant card(s)

If I still have their original packaging I will indicate so!

So, here goes: (all prices include postage to the UK)

3 x Alps £6.50

Dreamer & LCB £9.25

Doppelganger (NIB) £3.25

Alternate Pandora (NIB) £3.75

Zoraida, Avatar of fate (NIB) £13.00 Under offer

Teddy (original version) £6.50

2 x Stitched together £5.40

Insidious Madness £3.75

Convict Gunslinger £3.25

Male Desperate Mercenary £3.25

Pandora Box (NIB) £15.00

Zoraida Box (NIB) £16.50

Kirai Box (NIB) £22.00

Miss Pack £20.00

There we go, PM me if you’re interested, first come first served..will update this list as and when things happen!

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 AM ----------

*waves at Mako*


Are you enjoying a fine morning wherever you are? Sunny here in North Wales..makes a refreshing change!

---------- Post added at 10:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

Now I imagine a fat cabby in a stained undershirt, yelling out his Land Raider in a NY accent.

"Hey yous guys, Would ya move that giant mutated Hive creature? I'm try'n to drive heres"

At least your NY cabbie would ask the thing to move...over here, he'd probably just mow it down whilst discussing the weather.

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Not for long. Almost lunch time.

Why is it so quiet? Is it circular where a few people are off so it's quieter than usual which makes the others not show up, or have they all got real world problems interfering.

possibly real world stuff going on, though i know regnak works shifts, path has his health problems that limits his time on here, and there are also a lot of US posters that probably haven't got on here yet!

I've been painting my trappers... just finished and took a bad camera shot...


shot isn't the best, but those trappers look sweet! And micro art bases?

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shot isn't the best, but those trappers look sweet! And micro art bases?

Well I could get the light down and I also was using my phone so hopefully that can explain the shot...

The Bases are from Fenris Games... arnd are their Egyptian Ruins bases that you can find here http://www.ebay.com/itm/380186092097?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649

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*waves at Mako*


Are you enjoying a fine morning wherever you are? Sunny here in North Wales..makes a refreshing change!

*Waves back*

I think the weather's ok here in Leeds, but it's hard to tell! There's something cruel about having a glass walled building, and working in a glass walled lab inside it. I can see the real world, but it's so far away through two sets of heavy duty glass...

I want to go home and find out if the mould i poured yesterday has worked or not!

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~Drops out of the sky and lands in my chair~

Well it's been a busy few days of painting models. Finished Raspy's crew, started on Pandora's, got 10 Bile Thralls out of the way and somehow managed to finish all those models in time for the 40th anniversary that was on Saturday. I ended up staying up all night to finish painting them, lol!

Yet, amongst all of that I have still found time to play FFXIII-2... and dear Square, I hate you for how that game ended! Just got 1 more fragment to get on it now, heheheh.

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