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~Has the girls sneak in, fill the thread with pancakes and then they sneak back out again~

Oh, and I finally have Angelica for my girls, woohoo! Taken ages to find a UK stockist that actually had her in stock and stumbled on one in a semi-local shop when I went to p[lay Warmachine on Sunday! Also picked up a Doppelganger (to paint) and some Bile Thralls for my Cryx, heheh.

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~Has the girls sneak in, fill the thread with pancakes and then they sneak back out again~

Oh, and I finally have Angelica for my girls, woohoo! Taken ages to find a UK stockist that actually had her in stock and stumbled on one in a semi-local shop when I went to p[lay Warmachine on Sunday! Also picked up a Doppelganger (to paint) and some Bile Thralls for my Cryx, heheh.

Stop buying and get painting!!!!

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Got beat by a high school kid playing me in a demo Saturday. His 2nd game ever and he beat me 6-3. Not so bad, but I have to be all like "yeah, I wasn't trying that hard- I just wanted to show you more game mechanics..." when in reality it was a bit more :facepalm:

Two games in and the kid's all but got the Ortegas inside and out. Granted, Perdita's starter plus one Death Marshal > Seamus' starter plus Grave Spirit and Dead Doxy, but still... Had he been a regular I would've been pretty happy with my performance. He's a solid 40k player but that doesn't take the sting out of it.

That said, I've decided Seamus is my demo crew now. I'm terrible with him so it means a near-guaranteed win for my opponent if they work for it a little.

One of these days it's all going to click, and there won't be the usual reasons for my opponent losing: first time with a new crew, first or second game ever, crazy random experimental list....and that poor sap is going to get a beating.

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Man, it's been quiet in here. Nary a peep out of most of the regulars.

Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell there, Reg. That can't be any fun.

Hope people are doing well. Myself, I got a new PC for the birthday, along with the Old Republic, so that's where I've disappeared to...lol.

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It's not morning, its practically evening! You crazy americans and your time zones...

Hey y'all!!! I'm back... for now.... :)

How was the move? I'm facing one myself soon, not looking forward to it after the chaos it caused last time!

Edited by Mako
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Stop buying and get painting!!!!

I did some painting last night. I finished that Constance Blaize I'd been commissioned to paint. Only took nearly 60 hours to paint in the end. I never want to see anther copy of that model ever again! Then again, the paint scheme he'd chosen was not easy and he'd already given it a white undercoat when a dark grey or black would have worked much better for that scheme...

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WB 'Fell!

You happen to be going to JordanCon in April by chance? It's right there by y'all.

As of this moment the only April Con I'm looking at is AdeptiCon... and that's a maybe, depending on Work... 0_0

We'll see about the others :)

The move wasn't bad... but the drive was super long... 1350 miles.... It was beautiful... but I'm glad it's done... for now :)

---------- Post added at 08:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------

I painted last yesterday too!! My little sister wants her Viktoria box set painted in pinks and purples... It sounds really bad, but it's come out okay so far... moving on to pastels for the guys :)

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The move wasn't bad... but the drive was super long... 1350 miles.... It was beautiful... but I'm glad it's done... for now :)

:Paralyzed_Puppet: you could get all the way up the UK and back again in that distance!

Wait, people are painting stuff? I didn't think that happened! I guess I should get something done then. And the pink and purple Viks sound... interesting! But of course, pics or it didn't happen, as my mates claim.

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I don't own a camera :(

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

I will see if the guy can get a few pics done of her once he's based her though.

I am glad i was sitting down about a hour ago though, I saw that GW are releasing Nid models next month! Well, it's not like those models haven't been ready and waiting for release since the Summer of 2010... oh wait, they have been waiting that long! Still, they could have added the Parasite, Doom and Harpy to the wave, which have also been ready to over a year.

Still, thanks to the March releases, SW now have a complete range (Thunderwlves and Fenrisian Wolves are being released).

Linky here for those interested http://imgur.com/a/FZqc3

~Ducks anything incoming from Fell since she seems to dislike all GW talk~

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