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To combat boredom I am seeing how big a chain of paper clips i can make whilst playing solitaire, and keeping an eye out for my boss...

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

*goes to grab a shortbread*

What? Where? How?


Who keeps taking the baked goods.....

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I knew those bear-shaped snowshoes would come in handy someday.

The starchy goodness is, well....(chomp, gulp) was all mine. Working with the living impaired works up an appetite, and food really doesn't keep well in the crypt or morgue, y'know...

I hope the startings of my Viks crew arrive on Thursday. I'm trying to do right by my LGS instead of being smart and paying much less by going to Miniature Market and/or FRP Games.

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:08 PM ----------

Damn it, Tim Tebow...even miniatures aren't immune!


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Hey All, just figured I'd post here to test out my new Avatar. Saw other people using my last one and I couldn't have that. Started confusing myself

Lol, and one thing we don't want are more confused Guild officials!

Hope you all had a better Valentine's Day than me. I was supposed to have a date but was stood up :(

Well that sucks, Valentines day was cool for me but then it always is when you're married I guess! At least I'm guaranteed a card...

*Staggers in looking like a Zombie*

"somebodt get me some coffee. Don't worry about a Mug I have an IV drip."

Oh my god I am struggling sooooooo much. I cannot keep these hours up at work or I think I will actually die.

Munkey, you need to get a more sensible job lol before it kills you!

*hands attachment nozzle to coffee monolith*

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Indoor this time of year otherwise there would be no target. Chaos shooting! Let the elements decide who or what gets hit.

heh, that sounds like fun...maybe we should campaign for it to be included at the olympics?

---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

Well, just posted part 2 of the new Black story arc...apologies for the long time in it coming! i shall try and write at a faster pace from now on!

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