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*colapses into nest holding chest*

coughed myself into a bit of chest pain last night... came to work anyway (have to work at the mall tonight... canNOT afford to call in there) Have some tea and cold meds... and Ricola... everything helps... a little.. .but it hurts REALLY bad when I cough... XP

How's everyone else?

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*colapses into nest holding chest*

coughed myself into a bit of chest pain last night... came to work anyway (have to work at the mall tonight... canNOT afford to call in there) Have some tea and cold meds... and Ricola... everything helps... a little.. .but it hurts REALLY bad when I cough... XP

How's everyone else?

Not too bad..tired with a heavy workload but physically fine!

I always find cold meds do nothing...so I tend to just drink lots of water and sleep if i'm really ill.

@Abs: I read through the whole thread yesterday... it was interesting :)

The WHOLE thread....you are ill!

But I bet there were some classics in it..especially in the good old days...

*sits back in rocker and reminisces*


I bought some arcanists yesterday.

It was for target practice I SWEAR!

yeah yeah....

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Tis I, your illustrious leader! :)

*Chews some tobacco*

*longs around for one of those pots that make a BING sound when you spit in them*

*Finds one and spits.*

Hmmmmm that was more of a clang than a bing...

*pot moves*

Oh... that explains it... it was ABS! :D

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Tis I, your illustrious leader! :)

*Chews some tobacco*

*longs around for one of those pots that make a BING sound when you spit in them*

*Finds one and spits.*

Hmmmmm that was more of a clang than a bing...

*pot moves*

Oh... that explains it... it was ABS! :D

*wipes tobacco and gremlin spit off breastplate*

*glares at Regnak*

Not a good idea gremlin ;)

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Thanks Path!

*trips Reg into the Spitoon*

:( that wasn't very nice!

Oh.. I get it.. we are keeping up the charade.. don't want the other to know you are hanging about partying with Gremlins... no problem.. I'll play along and keep it hush hush ;):D

*Winks at Fell and smiles again*

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~Have my girls continue to follow and keep a eye on Reg~

Right, if he tries anything funny they'll give him a bath.

~The girls don Hazmat suits in preparation~

In the mean time I'm off to find something for lunch and then beat up some bad guys ;)

On second thoughts, I'll give the scum of Arkham a bit more of a rest... for a few more minutes or so, heheh.

Edited by LonelyPath
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